/* * viking -- GPS Data and Topo Analyzer, Explorer, and Manager * * Copyright (C) 2003-2005, Evan Battaglia * Copyright (C) 2012, Rob Norris * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_MATH_H #include #endif #include "viking.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #include /* strtod */ typedef struct { FILE *f; gboolean is_route; } TP_write_info_type; static void a_gpspoint_write_track ( const gpointer id, const VikTrack *t, FILE *f ); static void a_gpspoint_write_trackpoint ( VikTrackpoint *tp, TP_write_info_type *write_info ); static void a_gpspoint_write_waypoint ( const gpointer id, const VikWaypoint *wp, FILE *f ); /* outline for file gpspoint.c reading file: take a line. get first tag, if not type, skip it. if type, record type. if waypoint list, etc move on. if track, make a new track, make it current track, add it, etc. if waypoint, read on and store to the waypoint. if trackpoint, make trackpoint, store to current track (error / skip if none) */ /* Thanks to etrex-cache's gpsbabel's gpspoint.c for starting me off! */ static char line_buffer[2048]; #define GPSPOINT_TYPE_NONE 0 #define GPSPOINT_TYPE_WAYPOINT 1 #define GPSPOINT_TYPE_TRACKPOINT 2 #define GPSPOINT_TYPE_ROUTEPOINT 3 #define GPSPOINT_TYPE_TRACK 4 #define GPSPOINT_TYPE_ROUTE 5 static VikTrack *current_track; /* pointer to pointer to first GList */ static gint line_type = GPSPOINT_TYPE_NONE; static struct LatLon line_latlon; static gchar *line_name; static gchar *line_comment; static gchar *line_description; static gchar *line_image; static gchar *line_symbol; static gboolean line_newsegment = FALSE; static gboolean line_has_timestamp = FALSE; static time_t line_timestamp = 0; static gdouble line_altitude = VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE; static gboolean line_visible = TRUE; static gboolean line_extended = FALSE; static gdouble line_speed = NAN; static gdouble line_course = NAN; static gint line_sat = 0; static gint line_fix = 0; /* other possible properties go here */ static void gpspoint_process_tag ( const gchar *tag, gint len ); static void gpspoint_process_key_and_value ( const gchar *key, gint key_len, const gchar *value, gint value_len ); static gchar *slashdup(const gchar *str) { guint16 len = strlen(str); guint16 need_bs_count, i, j; gchar *rv; for ( i = 0, need_bs_count = 0; i < len; i++ ) if ( str[i] == '\\' || str[i] == '"' ) need_bs_count++; rv = g_malloc ( (len+need_bs_count+1) * sizeof(gchar) ); for ( i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++, j++ ) { if ( str[i] == '\\' || str[i] == '"' ) rv[j++] = '\\'; rv[j] = str[i]; } rv[j] = '\0'; return rv; } static gchar *deslashndup ( const gchar *str, guint16 len ) { guint16 i,j, bs_count, new_len; gboolean backslash = FALSE; gchar *rv; if ( len < 1 ) return NULL; for ( i = 0, bs_count = 0; i < len; i++ ) if ( str[i] == '\\' ) { bs_count++; i++; } if ( str[i-1] == '\\' && (len == 1 || str[i-2] != '\\') ) bs_count--; new_len = len - bs_count; rv = g_malloc ( (new_len+1) * sizeof(gchar) ); for ( i = 0, j = 0; i < len && j < new_len; i++ ) if ( str[i] == '\\' && !backslash ) backslash = TRUE; else { rv[j++] = str[i]; backslash = FALSE; } rv[new_len] = '\0'; return rv; } /* * Returns whether file read was a success * No obvious way to test for a 'gpspoint' file, * thus set a flag if any actual tag found during processing of the file */ gboolean a_gpspoint_read_file(VikTrwLayer *trw, FILE *f ) { VikCoordMode coord_mode = vik_trw_layer_get_coord_mode ( trw ); gchar *tag_start, *tag_end; g_assert ( f != NULL && trw != NULL ); line_type = 0; line_timestamp = 0; line_newsegment = FALSE; line_image = NULL; line_symbol = NULL; current_track = NULL; gboolean have_read_something = FALSE; while (fgets(line_buffer, 2048, f)) { gboolean inside_quote = 0; gboolean backslash = 0; line_buffer[strlen(line_buffer)-1] = '\0'; /* chop off newline */ /* for gpspoint files wrapped inside */ if ( strlen(line_buffer) >= 13 && strncmp ( line_buffer, "~EndLayerData", 13 ) == 0 ) { // Even just a blank TRW is ok when in a .vik file have_read_something = TRUE; break; } /* each line: nullify stuff, make thing if nes, free name if ness */ tag_start = line_buffer; for (;;) { /* my addition: find first non-whitespace character. if the null, skip line. */ while (*tag_start != '\0' && isspace(*tag_start)) tag_start++; if (tag_start == '\0') break; if (*tag_start == '#') break; tag_end = tag_start; if (*tag_end == '"') inside_quote = !inside_quote; while (*tag_end != '\0' && (!isspace(*tag_end) || inside_quote)) { tag_end++; if (*tag_end == '\\' && !backslash) backslash = TRUE; else if (backslash) backslash = FALSE; else if (*tag_end == '"') inside_quote = !inside_quote; } gpspoint_process_tag ( tag_start, tag_end - tag_start ); if (*tag_end == '\0' ) break; else tag_start = tag_end+1; } if (line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_WAYPOINT && line_name) { have_read_something = TRUE; VikWaypoint *wp = vik_waypoint_new(); wp->visible = line_visible; wp->altitude = line_altitude; vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(wp->coord), coord_mode, &line_latlon ); vik_trw_layer_filein_add_waypoint ( trw, line_name, wp ); g_free ( line_name ); line_name = NULL; if ( line_comment ) { vik_waypoint_set_comment ( wp, line_comment ); line_comment = NULL; } if ( line_description ) { vik_waypoint_set_description ( wp, line_description ); line_description = NULL; } if ( line_image ) { vik_waypoint_set_image ( wp, line_image ); line_image = NULL; } if ( line_symbol ) { vik_waypoint_set_symbol ( wp, line_symbol ); line_symbol = NULL; } } else if ((line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_TRACK || line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_ROUTE) && line_name) { have_read_something = TRUE; VikTrack *pl = vik_track_new(); /* Thanks to Peter Jones for this Fix */ if (!line_name) line_name = g_strdup("UNK"); pl->visible = line_visible; pl->is_route = (line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_ROUTE); if ( line_comment ) { vik_track_set_comment ( pl, line_comment ); line_comment = NULL; } if ( line_description ) { vik_track_set_description ( pl, line_description ); line_description = NULL; } pl->trackpoints = NULL; vik_trw_layer_filein_add_track ( trw, line_name, pl ); g_free ( line_name ); line_name = NULL; current_track = pl; } else if ((line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_TRACKPOINT || line_type == GPSPOINT_TYPE_ROUTEPOINT) && current_track) { have_read_something = TRUE; VikTrackpoint *tp = vik_trackpoint_new(); vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(tp->coord), coord_mode, &line_latlon ); tp->newsegment = line_newsegment; tp->has_timestamp = line_has_timestamp; tp->timestamp = line_timestamp; tp->altitude = line_altitude; if (line_extended) { tp->speed = line_speed; tp->course = line_course; tp->nsats = line_sat; tp->fix_mode = line_fix; } current_track->trackpoints = g_list_append ( current_track->trackpoints, tp ); } if (line_name) g_free ( line_name ); line_name = NULL; if (line_comment) g_free ( line_comment ); if (line_description) g_free ( line_description ); if (line_image) g_free ( line_image ); if (line_symbol) g_free ( line_symbol ); line_comment = NULL; line_description = NULL; line_image = NULL; line_symbol = NULL; line_type = GPSPOINT_TYPE_NONE; line_newsegment = FALSE; line_has_timestamp = FALSE; line_timestamp = 0; line_altitude = VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE; line_visible = TRUE; line_symbol = NULL; line_extended = FALSE; line_speed = NAN; line_course = NAN; line_sat = 0; line_fix = 0; } return have_read_something; } /* Tag will be of a few defined forms: ^[:alpha:]*=".*"$ ^[:alpha:]*=.*$ So we must determine end of tag name, start of value, end of value. */ static void gpspoint_process_tag ( const gchar *tag, gint len ) { const gchar *key_end, *value_start, *value_end; /* Searching for key end */ key_end = tag; while (++key_end - tag < len) if (*key_end == '=') break; if (key_end - tag == len) return; /* no good */ if (key_end - tag == len + 1) value_start = value_end = 0; /* size = 0 */ else { value_start = key_end + 1; /* equal_sign plus one */ if (*value_start == '"') { value_start++; if (*value_start == '"') value_start = value_end = 0; /* size = 0 */ else { if (*(tag+len-1) == '"') value_end = tag + len - 1; else return; /* bogus */ } } else value_end = tag + len; /* value start really IS value start. */ gpspoint_process_key_and_value(tag, key_end - tag, value_start, value_end - value_start); } } /* value = NULL for none */ static void gpspoint_process_key_and_value ( const gchar *key, gint key_len, const gchar *value, gint value_len ) { if (key_len == 4 && strncasecmp( key, "type", key_len ) == 0 ) { if (value == NULL) line_type = GPSPOINT_TYPE_NONE; else if (value_len == 5 && strncasecmp( value, "track", value_len ) == 0 ) line_type = GPSPOINT_TYPE_TRACK; else if (value_len == 10 && strncasecmp( value, "trackpoint", value_len ) == 0 ) line_type = GPSPOINT_TYPE_TRACKPOINT; else if (value_len == 8 && strncasecmp( value, "waypoint", value_len ) == 0 ) line_type = GPSPOINT_TYPE_WAYPOINT; else if (value_len == 5 && strncasecmp( value, "route", value_len ) == 0 ) line_type = GPSPOINT_TYPE_ROUTE; else if (value_len == 10 && strncasecmp( value, "routepoint", value_len ) == 0 ) line_type = GPSPOINT_TYPE_ROUTEPOINT; else /* all others are ignored */ line_type = GPSPOINT_TYPE_NONE; } else if (key_len == 4 && strncasecmp( key, "name", key_len ) == 0 && value != NULL) { if (line_name == NULL) { line_name = g_strndup ( value, value_len ); } } else if (key_len == 7 && strncasecmp( key, "comment", key_len ) == 0 && value != NULL) { if (line_comment == NULL) line_comment = deslashndup ( value, value_len ); } else if (key_len == 11 && strncasecmp( key, "description", key_len ) == 0 && value != NULL) { if (line_description == NULL) line_description = deslashndup ( value, value_len ); } else if (key_len == 5 && strncasecmp( key, "image", key_len ) == 0 && value != NULL) { if (line_image == NULL) line_image = deslashndup ( value, value_len ); } else if (key_len == 8 && strncasecmp( key, "latitude", key_len ) == 0 && value != NULL) { line_latlon.lat = g_ascii_strtod(value, NULL); } else if (key_len == 9 && strncasecmp( key, "longitude", key_len ) == 0 && value != NULL) { line_latlon.lon = g_ascii_strtod(value, NULL); } else if (key_len == 8 && strncasecmp( key, "altitude", key_len ) == 0 && value != NULL) { line_altitude = g_ascii_strtod(value, NULL); } else if (key_len == 7 && strncasecmp( key, "visible", key_len ) == 0 && value[0] != 'y' && value[0] != 'Y' && value[0] != 't' && value[0] != 'T') { line_visible = FALSE; } else if (key_len == 6 && strncasecmp( key, "symbol", key_len ) == 0 && value != NULL) { line_symbol = g_strndup ( value, value_len ); } else if (key_len == 8 && strncasecmp( key, "unixtime", key_len ) == 0 && value != NULL) { line_timestamp = g_ascii_strtod(value, NULL); if ( line_timestamp != 0x80000000 ) line_has_timestamp = TRUE; } else if (key_len == 10 && strncasecmp( key, "newsegment", key_len ) == 0 && value != NULL) { line_newsegment = TRUE; } else if (key_len == 8 && strncasecmp( key, "extended", key_len ) == 0 && value != NULL) { line_extended = TRUE; } else if (key_len == 5 && strncasecmp( key, "speed", key_len ) == 0 && value != NULL) { line_speed = g_ascii_strtod(value, NULL); } else if (key_len == 6 && strncasecmp( key, "course", key_len ) == 0 && value != NULL) { line_course = g_ascii_strtod(value, NULL); } else if (key_len == 3 && strncasecmp( key, "sat", key_len ) == 0 && value != NULL) { line_sat = atoi(value); } else if (key_len == 3 && strncasecmp( key, "fix", key_len ) == 0 && value != NULL) { line_fix = atoi(value); } } static void a_gpspoint_write_waypoint ( const gpointer id, const VikWaypoint *wp, FILE *f ) { static struct LatLon ll; gchar *s_lat, *s_lon; // Sanity clause if ( wp && !(wp->name) ) { return; } vik_coord_to_latlon ( &(wp->coord), &ll ); s_lat = a_coords_dtostr(ll.lat); s_lon = a_coords_dtostr(ll.lon); fprintf ( f, "type=\"waypoint\" latitude=\"%s\" longitude=\"%s\" name=\"%s\"", s_lat, s_lon, wp->name ); g_free ( s_lat ); g_free ( s_lon ); if ( wp->altitude != VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE ) { gchar *s_alt = a_coords_dtostr(wp->altitude); fprintf ( f, " altitude=\"%s\"", s_alt ); g_free(s_alt); } if ( wp->comment ) { gchar *tmp_comment = slashdup(wp->comment); fprintf ( f, " comment=\"%s\"", tmp_comment ); g_free ( tmp_comment ); } if ( wp->description ) { gchar *tmp_description = slashdup(wp->description); fprintf ( f, " description=\"%s\"", tmp_description ); g_free ( tmp_description ); } if ( wp->image ) { gchar *tmp_image = slashdup(wp->image); fprintf ( f, " image=\"%s\"", tmp_image ); g_free ( tmp_image ); } if ( wp->symbol ) { fprintf ( f, " symbol=\"%s\"", wp->symbol ); } if ( ! wp->visible ) fprintf ( f, " visible=\"n\"" ); fprintf ( f, "\n" ); } static void a_gpspoint_write_trackpoint ( VikTrackpoint *tp, TP_write_info_type *write_info ) { static struct LatLon ll; gchar *s_lat, *s_lon; vik_coord_to_latlon ( &(tp->coord), &ll ); FILE *f = write_info->f; /* TODO: modify a_coords_dtostr() to accept (optional) buffer * instead of doing malloc/free everytime */ s_lat = a_coords_dtostr(ll.lat); s_lon = a_coords_dtostr(ll.lon); fprintf ( f, "type=\"%spoint\" latitude=\"%s\" longitude=\"%s\"", write_info->is_route ? "route" : "track", s_lat, s_lon ); g_free ( s_lat ); g_free ( s_lon ); if ( tp->altitude != VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE ) { gchar *s_alt = a_coords_dtostr(tp->altitude); fprintf ( f, " altitude=\"%s\"", s_alt ); g_free(s_alt); } if ( tp->has_timestamp ) fprintf ( f, " unixtime=\"%ld\"", tp->timestamp ); if ( tp->newsegment ) fprintf ( f, " newsegment=\"yes\"" ); if (!isnan(tp->speed) || !isnan(tp->course) || tp->nsats > 0) { fprintf ( f, " extended=\"yes\"" ); if (!isnan(tp->speed)) { gchar *s_speed = a_coords_dtostr(tp->speed); fprintf ( f, " speed=\"%s\"", s_speed ); g_free(s_speed); } if (!isnan(tp->course)) { gchar *s_course = a_coords_dtostr(tp->course); fprintf ( f, " course=\"%s\"", s_course ); g_free(s_course); } if (tp->nsats > 0) fprintf ( f, " sat=\"%d\"", tp->nsats ); if (tp->fix_mode > 0) fprintf ( f, " fix=\"%d\"", tp->fix_mode ); } fprintf ( f, "\n" ); } static void a_gpspoint_write_track ( const gpointer id, const VikTrack *trk, FILE *f ) { // Sanity clauses if ( !trk ) return; if ( !(trk->name) ) return; fprintf ( f, "type=\"%s\" name=\"%s\"", trk->is_route ? "route" : "track", trk->name); if ( trk->comment ) { gchar *tmp = slashdup(trk->comment); fprintf ( f, " comment=\"%s\"", tmp ); g_free ( tmp ); } if ( trk->description ) { gchar *tmp = slashdup(trk->description); fprintf ( f, " description=\"%s\"", tmp ); g_free ( tmp ); } if ( ! trk->visible ) { fprintf ( f, " visible=\"n\"" ); } fprintf ( f, "\n" ); TP_write_info_type tp_write_info = { f, trk->is_route }; g_list_foreach ( trk->trackpoints, (GFunc) a_gpspoint_write_trackpoint, &tp_write_info ); fprintf ( f, "type=\"%send\"\n", trk->is_route ? "route" : "track" ); } void a_gpspoint_write_file ( VikTrwLayer *trw, FILE *f ) { GHashTable *tracks = vik_trw_layer_get_tracks ( trw ); GHashTable *routes = vik_trw_layer_get_routes ( trw ); GHashTable *waypoints = vik_trw_layer_get_waypoints ( trw ); fprintf ( f, "type=\"waypointlist\"\n" ); g_hash_table_foreach ( waypoints, (GHFunc) a_gpspoint_write_waypoint, f ); fprintf ( f, "type=\"waypointlistend\"\n" ); g_hash_table_foreach ( tracks, (GHFunc) a_gpspoint_write_track, f ); g_hash_table_foreach ( routes, (GHFunc) a_gpspoint_write_track, f ); }