/* * viking -- GPS Data and Topo Analyzer, Explorer, and Manager * * Copyright (C) 2003-2005, Evan Battaglia * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "viking.h" #include "background.h" #include "acquire.h" #include "datasources.h" #include "vikgoto.h" #include "dems.h" #include "mapcache.h" #include "print.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "icons/icons.h" #include "vikexttools.h" #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_MATH_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #define VIKING_WINDOW_WIDTH 1000 #define VIKING_WINDOW_HEIGHT 800 #define DRAW_IMAGE_DEFAULT_WIDTH 1280 #define DRAW_IMAGE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT 1024 #define DRAW_IMAGE_DEFAULT_SAVE_AS_PNG TRUE static void window_finalize ( GObject *gob ); static GObjectClass *parent_class; static void window_init ( VikWindow *vw ); static void window_class_init ( VikWindowClass *klass ); static void window_set_filename ( VikWindow *vw, const gchar *filename ); static void draw_update ( VikWindow *vw ); static void newwindow_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ); /* Drawing & stuff */ static gboolean delete_event( VikWindow *vw ); static gboolean key_press_event( VikWindow *vw, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer data ); static void window_configure_event ( VikWindow *vw ); static void draw_sync ( VikWindow *vw ); static void draw_redraw ( VikWindow *vw ); static void draw_scroll ( VikWindow *vw, GdkEventScroll *event ); static void draw_click ( VikWindow *vw, GdkEventButton *event ); static void draw_release ( VikWindow *vw, GdkEventButton *event ); static void draw_mouse_motion ( VikWindow *vw, GdkEventMotion *event ); static void draw_zoom_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ); static void draw_goto_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ); static void draw_status (); /* End Drawing Functions */ static void menu_addlayer_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ); static void menu_properties_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ); static void menu_delete_layer_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ); /* tool management */ typedef struct { VikToolInterface ti; gpointer state; gint layer_type; } toolbox_tool_t; #define TOOL_LAYER_TYPE_NONE -1 typedef struct { int active_tool; int n_tools; toolbox_tool_t *tools; VikWindow *vw; } toolbox_tools_t; static void menu_tool_cb ( GtkAction *old, GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ); static toolbox_tools_t* toolbox_create(VikWindow *vw); static void toolbox_add_tool(toolbox_tools_t *vt, VikToolInterface *vti, gint layer_type ); static int toolbox_get_tool(toolbox_tools_t *vt, const gchar *tool_name); static void toolbox_activate(toolbox_tools_t *vt, const gchar *tool_name); static const GdkCursor *toolbox_get_cursor(toolbox_tools_t *vt, const gchar *tool_name); static void toolbox_click (toolbox_tools_t *vt, GdkEventButton *event); static void toolbox_move (toolbox_tools_t *vt, GdkEventMotion *event); static void toolbox_release (toolbox_tools_t *vt, GdkEventButton *event); /* ui creation */ static void window_create_ui( VikWindow *window ); static void register_vik_icons (GtkIconFactory *icon_factory); /* i/o */ static void load_file ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ); static gboolean save_file_as ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ); static gboolean save_file ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ); static gboolean save_file_and_exit ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ); static gboolean window_save ( VikWindow *vw ); struct _VikWindow { GtkWindow gtkwindow; VikViewport *viking_vvp; VikLayersPanel *viking_vlp; VikStatusbar *viking_vs; GtkToolbar *toolbar; GtkItemFactory *item_factory; /* tool management state */ guint current_tool; toolbox_tools_t *vt; guint16 tool_layer_id; guint16 tool_tool_id; GtkActionGroup *action_group; gint pan_x, pan_y; guint draw_image_width, draw_image_height; gboolean draw_image_save_as_png; gchar *filename; gboolean modified; GtkWidget *open_dia, *save_dia; GtkWidget *save_img_dia, *save_img_dir_dia; gboolean only_updating_coord_mode_ui; /* hack for a bug in GTK */ GtkUIManager *uim; /* half-drawn update */ VikLayer *trigger; VikCoord trigger_center; }; enum { TOOL_PAN = 0, TOOL_ZOOM, TOOL_RULER, TOOL_LAYER, NUMBER_OF_TOOLS }; enum { VW_NEWWINDOW_SIGNAL, VW_OPENWINDOW_SIGNAL, VW_LAST_SIGNAL }; static guint window_signals[VW_LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; static gchar *tool_names[NUMBER_OF_TOOLS] = { N_("Pan"), N_("Zoom"), N_("Ruler") }; GType vik_window_get_type (void) { static GType vw_type = 0; if (!vw_type) { static const GTypeInfo vw_info = { sizeof (VikWindowClass), NULL, /* base_init */ NULL, /* base_finalize */ (GClassInitFunc) window_class_init, /* class_init */ NULL, /* class_finalize */ NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof (VikWindow), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) window_init, }; vw_type = g_type_register_static ( GTK_TYPE_WINDOW, "VikWindow", &vw_info, 0 ); } return vw_type; } VikViewport * vik_window_viewport(VikWindow *vw) { return(vw->viking_vvp); } void vik_window_selected_layer(VikWindow *vw, VikLayer *vl) { int i, j, tool_count; VikLayerInterface *layer_interface; if (!vw->action_group) return; for (i=0; itools_count; for (j = 0; j < tool_count; j++) { action = gtk_action_group_get_action(vw->action_group, layer_interface->tools[j].name); g_object_set(action, "sensitive", i == vl->type, NULL); } } } static void window_finalize ( GObject *gob ) { VikWindow *vw = VIK_WINDOW(gob); g_return_if_fail ( vw != NULL ); a_background_remove_status ( vw->viking_vs ); G_OBJECT_CLASS(parent_class)->finalize(gob); } static void window_class_init ( VikWindowClass *klass ) { /* destructor */ GObjectClass *object_class; window_signals[VW_NEWWINDOW_SIGNAL] = g_signal_new ( "newwindow", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (VikWindowClass, newwindow), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); window_signals[VW_OPENWINDOW_SIGNAL] = g_signal_new ( "openwindow", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (VikWindowClass, openwindow), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); object_class->finalize = window_finalize; parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); } static void window_init ( VikWindow *vw ) { GtkWidget *main_vbox; GtkWidget *hpaned; vw->action_group = NULL; vw->viking_vvp = vik_viewport_new(); vw->viking_vlp = vik_layers_panel_new(); vik_layers_panel_set_viewport ( vw->viking_vlp, vw->viking_vvp ); vw->viking_vs = vik_statusbar_new(); vw->vt = toolbox_create(vw); window_create_ui(vw); window_set_filename (vw, NULL); toolbox_activate(vw->vt, "Pan"); vw->filename = NULL; vw->item_factory = NULL; vw->modified = FALSE; vw->only_updating_coord_mode_ui = FALSE; vw->pan_x = vw->pan_y = -1; vw->draw_image_width = DRAW_IMAGE_DEFAULT_WIDTH; vw->draw_image_height = DRAW_IMAGE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT; vw->draw_image_save_as_png = DRAW_IMAGE_DEFAULT_SAVE_AS_PNG; main_vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 1); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (vw), main_vbox); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(main_vbox), gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (vw->uim, "/MainMenu"), FALSE, TRUE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(main_vbox), gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (vw->uim, "/MainToolbar"), FALSE, TRUE, 0); gtk_toolbar_set_icon_size(GTK_TOOLBAR(gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (vw->uim, "/MainToolbar")), GTK_ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR); gtk_toolbar_set_style (GTK_TOOLBAR(gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (vw->uim, "/MainToolbar")), GTK_TOOLBAR_ICONS); vik_ext_tools_add_menu_items ( vw, vw->uim ); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (vw), "delete_event", G_CALLBACK (delete_event), NULL); g_signal_connect_swapped (G_OBJECT(vw->viking_vvp), "expose_event", G_CALLBACK(draw_sync), vw); g_signal_connect_swapped (G_OBJECT(vw->viking_vvp), "configure_event", G_CALLBACK(window_configure_event), vw); gtk_widget_add_events ( GTK_WIDGET(vw->viking_vvp), GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK | GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | GDK_KEY_PRESS_MASK ); g_signal_connect_swapped (G_OBJECT(vw->viking_vvp), "scroll_event", G_CALLBACK(draw_scroll), vw); g_signal_connect_swapped (G_OBJECT(vw->viking_vvp), "button_press_event", G_CALLBACK(draw_click), vw); g_signal_connect_swapped (G_OBJECT(vw->viking_vvp), "button_release_event", G_CALLBACK(draw_release), vw); g_signal_connect_swapped (G_OBJECT(vw->viking_vvp), "motion_notify_event", G_CALLBACK(draw_mouse_motion), vw); g_signal_connect_swapped (G_OBJECT(vw->viking_vlp), "update", G_CALLBACK(draw_update), vw); g_signal_connect_swapped (G_OBJECT (vw->viking_vvp), "key_press_event", G_CALLBACK (key_press_event), vw); gtk_window_set_default_size ( GTK_WINDOW(vw), VIKING_WINDOW_WIDTH, VIKING_WINDOW_HEIGHT); hpaned = gtk_hpaned_new (); gtk_paned_pack1 ( GTK_PANED(hpaned), GTK_WIDGET (vw->viking_vlp), FALSE, FALSE ); gtk_paned_pack2 ( GTK_PANED(hpaned), GTK_WIDGET (vw->viking_vvp), TRUE, TRUE ); /* This packs the button into the window (a gtk container). */ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(main_vbox), hpaned, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX(main_vbox), GTK_WIDGET(vw->viking_vs), FALSE, TRUE, 0); a_background_add_status(vw->viking_vs); vw->open_dia = NULL; vw->save_dia = NULL; vw->save_img_dia = NULL; vw->save_img_dir_dia = NULL; } VikWindow *vik_window_new () { return VIK_WINDOW ( g_object_new ( VIK_WINDOW_TYPE, NULL ) ); } static gboolean key_press_event( VikWindow *vw, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer data ) { VikLayer *vl = vik_layers_panel_get_selected ( vw->viking_vlp ); if (vl && vw->vt->active_tool != -1 && vw->vt->tools[vw->vt->active_tool].ti.key_press ) { gint ltype = vw->vt->tools[vw->vt->active_tool].layer_type; if ( vl && ltype == vl->type ) return vw->vt->tools[vw->vt->active_tool].ti.key_press(vl, event, vw->vt->tools[vw->vt->active_tool].state); } return FALSE; /* don't handle the keypress */ } static gboolean delete_event( VikWindow *vw ) { #ifdef VIKING_PROMPT_IF_MODIFIED if ( vw->modified ) #else if (0) #endif { GtkDialog *dia; dia = GTK_DIALOG ( gtk_message_dialog_new ( GTK_WINDOW(vw), GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, GTK_MESSAGE_QUESTION, GTK_BUTTONS_NONE, _("Do you want to save the changes you made to the document \"%s\"?\n" "\n" "Your changes will be lost if you don't save them."), vw->filename ? a_file_basename ( vw->filename ) : _("Untitled") ) ); gtk_dialog_add_buttons ( dia, _("Don't Save"), GTK_RESPONSE_NO, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, GTK_STOCK_SAVE, GTK_RESPONSE_YES, NULL ); switch ( gtk_dialog_run ( dia ) ) { case GTK_RESPONSE_NO: gtk_widget_destroy ( GTK_WIDGET(dia) ); return FALSE; case GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL: gtk_widget_destroy ( GTK_WIDGET(dia) ); return TRUE; default: gtk_widget_destroy ( GTK_WIDGET(dia) ); return ! save_file(NULL, vw); } } return FALSE; } /* Drawing stuff */ static void newwindow_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { g_signal_emit ( G_OBJECT(vw), window_signals[VW_NEWWINDOW_SIGNAL], 0 ); } static void draw_update ( VikWindow *vw ) { draw_redraw (vw); draw_sync (vw); } static void draw_sync ( VikWindow *vw ) { vik_viewport_sync(vw->viking_vvp); draw_status ( vw ); /* other things may be necc here later. */ } static void draw_status ( VikWindow *vw ) { static gchar zoom_level[22]; g_snprintf ( zoom_level, 22, "%.3f/%.3f %s", vik_viewport_get_xmpp (vw->viking_vvp), vik_viewport_get_ympp(vw->viking_vvp), vik_viewport_get_coord_mode(vw->viking_vvp) == VIK_COORD_UTM ? _("mpp") : _("pixelfact") ); if ( vw->current_tool == TOOL_LAYER ) vik_statusbar_set_message ( vw->viking_vs, 0, vik_layer_get_interface(vw->tool_layer_id)->tools[vw->tool_tool_id].name ); else vik_statusbar_set_message ( vw->viking_vs, 0, _(tool_names[vw->current_tool]) ); vik_statusbar_set_message ( vw->viking_vs, 2, zoom_level ); } void vik_window_set_redraw_trigger(VikLayer *vl) { VikWindow *vw = VIK_WINDOW(VIK_GTK_WINDOW_FROM_LAYER(vl)); if (NULL != vw) vw->trigger = vl; } static void window_configure_event ( VikWindow *vw ) { static int first = 1; draw_redraw ( vw ); if (first) { // This is a hack to set the cursor corresponding to the first tool // FIXME find the correct way to initialize both tool and its cursor const GdkCursor *cursor = NULL; first = 0; cursor = toolbox_get_cursor(vw->vt, "Pan"); /* We set cursor, even if it is NULL: it resets to default */ gdk_window_set_cursor ( GTK_WIDGET(vw->viking_vvp)->window, cursor ); } } static void draw_redraw ( VikWindow *vw ) { VikCoord old_center = vw->trigger_center; vw->trigger_center = *(vik_viewport_get_center(vw->viking_vvp)); VikLayer *new_trigger = vw->trigger; vw->trigger = NULL; VikLayer *old_trigger = VIK_LAYER(vik_viewport_get_trigger(vw->viking_vvp)); if ( ! new_trigger ) ; /* do nothing -- have to redraw everything. */ else if ( (old_trigger != new_trigger) || !vik_coord_equals(&old_center, &vw->trigger_center) ) vik_viewport_set_trigger ( vw->viking_vvp, new_trigger ); /* todo: set to half_drawn mode if new trigger is above old */ else vik_viewport_set_half_drawn ( vw->viking_vvp, TRUE ); /* actually draw */ vik_viewport_clear ( vw->viking_vvp); vik_layers_panel_draw_all ( vw->viking_vlp ); vik_viewport_draw_scale ( vw->viking_vvp ); vik_viewport_draw_centermark ( vw->viking_vvp ); vik_viewport_set_half_drawn ( vw->viking_vvp, FALSE ); /* just in case. */ } gboolean draw_buf_done = TRUE; static gboolean draw_buf(gpointer data) { gpointer *pass_along = data; gdk_threads_enter(); gdk_draw_drawable (pass_along[0], pass_along[1], pass_along[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1); draw_buf_done = TRUE; gdk_threads_leave(); return FALSE; } /* Mouse event handlers ************************************************************************/ static void vik_window_pan_click (VikWindow *vw, GdkEventButton *event) { /* set panning origin */ vw->pan_x = (gint) event->x; vw->pan_y = (gint) event->y; } static void draw_click (VikWindow *vw, GdkEventButton *event) { gtk_widget_grab_focus ( GTK_WIDGET(vw->viking_vvp) ); /* middle button pressed. we reserve all middle button and scroll events * for panning and zooming; tools only get left/right/movement */ if ( event->button == 2) { vik_window_pan_click ( vw, event ); } else { toolbox_click(vw->vt, event); } } static void vik_window_pan_move (VikWindow *vw, GdkEventMotion *event) { if ( vw->pan_x != -1 ) { vik_viewport_pan_sync ( vw->viking_vvp, event->x - vw->pan_x, event->y - vw->pan_y ); } } static void draw_mouse_motion (VikWindow *vw, GdkEventMotion *event) { static VikCoord coord; static struct UTM utm; static struct LatLon ll; #define BUFFER_SIZE 50 static char pointer_buf[BUFFER_SIZE]; gchar *lat = NULL, *lon = NULL; gint16 alt; gdouble zoom; VikDemInterpol interpol_method; /* This is a hack, but work far the best, at least for single pointer systems. * See http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=587714 for more. */ gint x, y; gdk_window_get_pointer (event->window, &x, &y, NULL); event->x = x; event->y = y; toolbox_move(vw->vt, event); vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( vw->viking_vvp, event->x, event->y, &coord ); vik_coord_to_utm ( &coord, &utm ); a_coords_utm_to_latlon ( &utm, &ll ); a_coords_latlon_to_string ( &ll, &lat, &lon ); /* Change interpolate method according to scale */ zoom = vik_viewport_get_zoom(vw->viking_vvp); if (zoom > 2.0) interpol_method = VIK_DEM_INTERPOL_NONE; else if (zoom >= 1.0) interpol_method = VIK_DEM_INTERPOL_SIMPLE; else interpol_method = VIK_DEM_INTERPOL_BEST; if ((alt = a_dems_get_elev_by_coord(&coord, interpol_method)) != VIK_DEM_INVALID_ELEVATION) g_snprintf ( pointer_buf, BUFFER_SIZE, _("%s %s %dm"), lat, lon, alt ); else g_snprintf ( pointer_buf, BUFFER_SIZE, _("%s %s"), lat, lon ); g_free (lat); lat = NULL; g_free (lon); lon = NULL; vik_statusbar_set_message ( vw->viking_vs, 4, pointer_buf ); vik_window_pan_move ( vw, event ); /* This is recommended by the GTK+ documentation, but does not work properly. * Use deprecated way until GTK+ gets a solution for correct motion hint handling: * http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=587714 */ /* gdk_event_request_motions ( event ); */ } static void vik_window_pan_release ( VikWindow *vw, GdkEventButton *event ) { if ( ABS(vw->pan_x - event->x) <= 1 && ABS(vw->pan_y - event->y) <= 1 ) vik_viewport_set_center_screen ( vw->viking_vvp, vw->pan_x, vw->pan_y ); else vik_viewport_set_center_screen ( vw->viking_vvp, vik_viewport_get_width(vw->viking_vvp)/2 - event->x + vw->pan_x, vik_viewport_get_height(vw->viking_vvp)/2 - event->y + vw->pan_y ); draw_update ( vw ); vw->pan_x = vw->pan_y = -1; } static void draw_release ( VikWindow *vw, GdkEventButton *event ) { gtk_widget_grab_focus ( GTK_WIDGET(vw->viking_vvp) ); if ( event->button == 2 ) { /* move / pan */ vik_window_pan_release(vw, event); } else { toolbox_release(vw->vt, event); } } static void draw_scroll (VikWindow *vw, GdkEventScroll *event) { guint modifiers = event->state & (GDK_SHIFT_MASK | GDK_CONTROL_MASK); if ( modifiers == GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) { /* control == pan up & down */ if ( event->direction == GDK_SCROLL_UP ) vik_viewport_set_center_screen ( vw->viking_vvp, vik_viewport_get_width(vw->viking_vvp)/2, vik_viewport_get_height(vw->viking_vvp)/3 ); else vik_viewport_set_center_screen ( vw->viking_vvp, vik_viewport_get_width(vw->viking_vvp)/2, vik_viewport_get_height(vw->viking_vvp)*2/3 ); } else if ( modifiers == GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) { /* shift == pan left & right */ if ( event->direction == GDK_SCROLL_UP ) vik_viewport_set_center_screen ( vw->viking_vvp, vik_viewport_get_width(vw->viking_vvp)/3, vik_viewport_get_height(vw->viking_vvp)/2 ); else vik_viewport_set_center_screen ( vw->viking_vvp, vik_viewport_get_width(vw->viking_vvp)*2/3, vik_viewport_get_height(vw->viking_vvp)/2 ); } else if ( modifiers == (GDK_CONTROL_MASK | GDK_SHIFT_MASK) ) { /* control+shift == make sure mouse is still over the same point on the map when we zoom */ VikCoord coord; gint x, y; gint center_x = vik_viewport_get_width ( vw->viking_vvp ) / 2; gint center_y = vik_viewport_get_height ( vw->viking_vvp ) / 2; vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( vw->viking_vvp, event->x, event->y, &coord ); if ( event->direction == GDK_SCROLL_UP ) vik_viewport_zoom_in (vw->viking_vvp); else vik_viewport_zoom_out(vw->viking_vvp); vik_viewport_coord_to_screen ( vw->viking_vvp, &coord, &x, &y ); vik_viewport_set_center_screen ( vw->viking_vvp, center_x + (x - event->x), center_y + (y - event->y) ); } else { if ( event->direction == GDK_SCROLL_UP ) vik_viewport_zoom_in (vw->viking_vvp); else vik_viewport_zoom_out (vw->viking_vvp); } draw_update(vw); } /******************************************************************************** ** Ruler tool code ********************************************************************************/ static void draw_ruler(VikViewport *vvp, GdkDrawable *d, GdkGC *gc, gint x1, gint y1, gint x2, gint y2, gdouble distance) { PangoFontDescription *pfd; PangoLayout *pl; gchar str[128]; GdkGC *labgc = vik_viewport_new_gc ( vvp, "#cccccc", 1); GdkGC *thickgc = gdk_gc_new(d); gdouble len = sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2)); gdouble dx = (x2-x1)/len*10; gdouble dy = (y2-y1)/len*10; gdouble c = cos(15.0 * M_PI/180.0); gdouble s = sin(15.0 * M_PI/180.0); gdouble angle; gdouble baseangle = 0; gint i; /* draw line with arrow ends */ { gint tmp_x1=x1, tmp_y1=y1, tmp_x2=x2, tmp_y2=y2; a_viewport_clip_line(&tmp_x1, &tmp_y1, &tmp_x2, &tmp_y2); gdk_draw_line(d, gc, tmp_x1, tmp_y1, tmp_x2, tmp_y2); } a_viewport_clip_line(&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); gdk_draw_line(d, gc, x1, y1, x2, y2); gdk_draw_line(d, gc, x1 - dy, y1 + dx, x1 + dy, y1 - dx); gdk_draw_line(d, gc, x2 - dy, y2 + dx, x2 + dy, y2 - dx); gdk_draw_line(d, gc, x2, y2, x2 - (dx * c + dy * s), y2 - (dy * c - dx * s)); gdk_draw_line(d, gc, x2, y2, x2 - (dx * c - dy * s), y2 - (dy * c + dx * s)); gdk_draw_line(d, gc, x1, y1, x1 + (dx * c + dy * s), y1 + (dy * c - dx * s)); gdk_draw_line(d, gc, x1, y1, x1 + (dx * c - dy * s), y1 + (dy * c + dx * s)); /* draw compass */ #define CR 80 #define CW 4 angle = atan2(dy, dx) + M_PI_2; if ( vik_viewport_get_drawmode ( vvp ) == VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_UTM) { VikCoord test; struct LatLon ll; struct UTM u; gint tx, ty; vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( vvp, x1, y1, &test ); vik_coord_to_latlon ( &test, &ll ); ll.lat += vik_viewport_get_ympp ( vvp ) * vik_viewport_get_height ( vvp ) / 11000.0; // about 11km per degree latitude a_coords_latlon_to_utm ( &ll, &u ); vik_coord_load_from_utm ( &test, VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_UTM, &u ); vik_viewport_coord_to_screen ( vvp, &test, &tx, &ty ); baseangle = M_PI - atan2(tx-x1, ty-y1); angle -= baseangle; } if (angle<0) angle+=2*M_PI; if (angle>2*M_PI) angle-=2*M_PI; { GdkColor color; gdk_gc_copy(thickgc, gc); gdk_gc_set_line_attributes(thickgc, CW, GDK_LINE_SOLID, GDK_CAP_BUTT, GDK_JOIN_MITER); gdk_color_parse("#2255cc", &color); gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(thickgc, &color); } gdk_draw_arc (d, thickgc, FALSE, x1-CR+CW/2, y1-CR+CW/2, 2*CR-CW, 2*CR-CW, (90 - baseangle*180/M_PI)*64, -angle*180/M_PI*64); gdk_gc_copy(thickgc, gc); gdk_gc_set_line_attributes(thickgc, 2, GDK_LINE_SOLID, GDK_CAP_BUTT, GDK_JOIN_MITER); for (i=0; i<180; i++) { c = cos(i*M_PI/90.0 + baseangle); s = sin(i*M_PI/90.0 + baseangle); if (i%5) { gdk_draw_line (d, gc, x1 + CR*c, y1 + CR*s, x1 + (CR+CW)*c, y1 + (CR+CW)*s); } else { gdouble ticksize = 2*CW; gdk_draw_line (d, thickgc, x1 + (CR-CW)*c, y1 + (CR-CW)*s, x1 + (CR+ticksize)*c, y1 + (CR+ticksize)*s); } } gdk_draw_arc (d, gc, FALSE, x1-CR, y1-CR, 2*CR, 2*CR, 0, 64*360); gdk_draw_arc (d, gc, FALSE, x1-CR-CW, y1-CR-CW, 2*(CR+CW), 2*(CR+CW), 0, 64*360); gdk_draw_arc (d, gc, FALSE, x1-CR+CW, y1-CR+CW, 2*(CR-CW), 2*(CR-CW), 0, 64*360); c = (CR+CW*2)*cos(baseangle); s = (CR+CW*2)*sin(baseangle); gdk_draw_line (d, gc, x1-c, y1-s, x1+c, y1+s); gdk_draw_line (d, gc, x1+s, y1-c, x1-s, y1+c); /* draw labels */ #define LABEL(x, y, w, h) { \ gdk_draw_rectangle(d, labgc, TRUE, (x)-2, (y)-1, (w)+4, (h)+1); \ gdk_draw_rectangle(d, gc, FALSE, (x)-2, (y)-1, (w)+4, (h)+1); \ gdk_draw_layout(d, gc, (x), (y), pl); } { gint wd, hd, xd, yd; gint wb, hb, xb, yb; pl = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout (GTK_WIDGET(vvp), NULL); pfd = pango_font_description_from_string ("Sans 8"); // FIXME: settable option? global variable? pango_layout_set_font_description (pl, pfd); pango_font_description_free (pfd); pango_layout_set_text(pl, "N", -1); gdk_draw_layout(d, gc, x1-5, y1-CR-3*CW-8, pl); /* draw label with distance */ vik_units_distance_t dist_units = a_vik_get_units_distance (); switch (dist_units) { case VIK_UNITS_DISTANCE_KILOMETRES: if (distance >= 1000 && distance < 100000) { g_sprintf(str, "%3.2f km", distance/1000.0); } else if (distance < 1000) { g_sprintf(str, "%d m", (int)distance); } else { g_sprintf(str, "%d km", (int)distance/1000); } break; case VIK_UNITS_DISTANCE_MILES: if (distance >= 1600 && distance < 160000) { g_sprintf(str, "%3.2f miles", distance/1600.0); } else if (distance < 1600) { g_sprintf(str, "%d yards", (int)(distance*1.0936133)); } else { g_sprintf(str, "%d miles", (int)distance/1600); } break; default: g_critical("Houston, we've had a problem. distance=%d", dist_units); } pango_layout_set_text(pl, str, -1); pango_layout_get_pixel_size ( pl, &wd, &hd ); if (dy>0) { xd = (x1+x2)/2 + dy; yd = (y1+y2)/2 - hd/2 - dx; } else { xd = (x1+x2)/2 - dy; yd = (y1+y2)/2 - hd/2 + dx; } if ( xd < -5 || yd < -5 || xd > vik_viewport_get_width(vvp)+5 || yd > vik_viewport_get_height(vvp)+5 ) { xd = x2 + 10; yd = y2 - 5; } LABEL(xd, yd, wd, hd); /* draw label with bearing */ g_sprintf(str, "%3.1f°", angle*180.0/M_PI); pango_layout_set_text(pl, str, -1); pango_layout_get_pixel_size ( pl, &wb, &hb ); xb = x1 + CR*cos(angle-M_PI_2); yb = y1 + CR*sin(angle-M_PI_2); if ( xb < -5 || yb < -5 || xb > vik_viewport_get_width(vvp)+5 || yb > vik_viewport_get_height(vvp)+5 ) { xb = x2 + 10; yb = y2 + 10; } { GdkRectangle r1 = {xd-2, yd-1, wd+4, hd+1}, r2 = {xb-2, yb-1, wb+4, hb+1}; if (gdk_rectangle_intersect(&r1, &r2, &r2)) { xb = xd + wd + 5; } } LABEL(xb, yb, wb, hb); } #undef LABEL g_object_unref ( G_OBJECT ( pl ) ); g_object_unref ( G_OBJECT ( labgc ) ); g_object_unref ( G_OBJECT ( thickgc ) ); } typedef struct { VikWindow *vw; VikViewport *vvp; gboolean has_oldcoord; VikCoord oldcoord; } ruler_tool_state_t; static gpointer ruler_create (VikWindow *vw, VikViewport *vvp) { ruler_tool_state_t *s = g_new(ruler_tool_state_t, 1); s->vw = vw; s->vvp = vvp; s->has_oldcoord = FALSE; return s; } static void ruler_destroy (ruler_tool_state_t *s) { g_free(s); } static VikLayerToolFuncStatus ruler_click (VikLayer *vl, GdkEventButton *event, ruler_tool_state_t *s) { struct LatLon ll; VikCoord coord; gchar *temp; if ( event->button == 1 ) { gchar *lat=NULL, *lon=NULL; vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( s->vvp, (gint) event->x, (gint) event->y, &coord ); vik_coord_to_latlon ( &coord, &ll ); a_coords_latlon_to_string ( &ll, &lat, &lon ); if ( s->has_oldcoord ) { vik_units_distance_t dist_units = a_vik_get_units_distance (); switch (dist_units) { case VIK_UNITS_DISTANCE_KILOMETRES: temp = g_strdup_printf ( "%s %s DIFF %f meters", lat, lon, vik_coord_diff( &coord, &(s->oldcoord) ) ); break; case VIK_UNITS_DISTANCE_MILES: temp = g_strdup_printf ( "%s %s DIFF %f miles", lat, lon, vik_coord_diff( &coord, &(s->oldcoord) )* 0.000621371192); break; default: temp = g_strdup_printf ("Just to keep the compiler happy"); g_critical("Houston, we've had a problem. distance=%d", dist_units); } s->has_oldcoord = FALSE; } else { temp = g_strdup_printf ( "%s %s", lat, lon ); s->has_oldcoord = TRUE; } vik_statusbar_set_message ( s->vw->viking_vs, 3, temp ); g_free ( temp ); s->oldcoord = coord; } else { vik_viewport_set_center_screen ( s->vvp, (gint) event->x, (gint) event->y ); draw_update ( s->vw ); } return VIK_LAYER_TOOL_ACK; } static VikLayerToolFuncStatus ruler_move (VikLayer *vl, GdkEventMotion *event, ruler_tool_state_t *s) { VikViewport *vvp = s->vvp; VikWindow *vw = s->vw; struct LatLon ll; VikCoord coord; gchar *temp; if ( s->has_oldcoord ) { int oldx, oldy, w1, h1, w2, h2; static GdkPixmap *buf = NULL; gchar *lat=NULL, *lon=NULL; w1 = vik_viewport_get_width(vvp); h1 = vik_viewport_get_height(vvp); if (!buf) { buf = gdk_pixmap_new ( GTK_WIDGET(vvp)->window, w1, h1, -1 ); } gdk_drawable_get_size(buf, &w2, &h2); if (w1 != w2 || h1 != h2) { g_object_unref ( G_OBJECT ( buf ) ); buf = gdk_pixmap_new ( GTK_WIDGET(vvp)->window, w1, h1, -1 ); } vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( vvp, (gint) event->x, (gint) event->y, &coord ); vik_coord_to_latlon ( &coord, &ll ); vik_viewport_coord_to_screen ( vvp, &s->oldcoord, &oldx, &oldy ); gdk_draw_drawable (buf, GTK_WIDGET(vvp)->style->black_gc, vik_viewport_get_pixmap(vvp), 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1); draw_ruler(vvp, buf, GTK_WIDGET(vvp)->style->black_gc, oldx, oldy, event->x, event->y, vik_coord_diff( &coord, &(s->oldcoord)) ); if (draw_buf_done) { static gpointer pass_along[3]; pass_along[0] = GTK_WIDGET(vvp)->window; pass_along[1] = GTK_WIDGET(vvp)->style->black_gc; pass_along[2] = buf; g_idle_add_full (G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE + 10, draw_buf, pass_along, NULL); draw_buf_done = FALSE; } a_coords_latlon_to_string(&ll, &lat, &lon); vik_units_distance_t dist_units = a_vik_get_units_distance (); switch (dist_units) { case VIK_UNITS_DISTANCE_KILOMETRES: temp = g_strdup_printf ( "%s %s DIFF %f meters", lat, lon, vik_coord_diff( &coord, &(s->oldcoord) ) ); break; case VIK_UNITS_DISTANCE_MILES: temp = g_strdup_printf ( "%s %s DIFF %f miles", lat, lon, vik_coord_diff( &coord, &(s->oldcoord) )* 0.000621371192); break; default: temp = g_strdup_printf ("Just to keep the compiler happy"); g_critical("Houston, we've had a problem. distance=%d", dist_units); } vik_statusbar_set_message ( vw->viking_vs, 3, temp ); g_free ( temp ); } return VIK_LAYER_TOOL_ACK; } static VikLayerToolFuncStatus ruler_release (VikLayer *vl, GdkEventButton *event, ruler_tool_state_t *s) { return VIK_LAYER_TOOL_ACK; } static void ruler_deactivate (VikLayer *vl, ruler_tool_state_t *s) { draw_update ( s->vw ); } static VikToolInterface ruler_tool = { "Ruler", (VikToolConstructorFunc) ruler_create, (VikToolDestructorFunc) ruler_destroy, (VikToolActivationFunc) NULL, (VikToolActivationFunc) ruler_deactivate, (VikToolMouseFunc) ruler_click, (VikToolMouseMoveFunc) ruler_move, (VikToolMouseFunc) ruler_release, NULL, GDK_CURSOR_IS_PIXMAP, &cursor_ruler_pixbuf }; /*** end ruler code ********************************************************/ /******************************************************************************** ** Zoom tool code ********************************************************************************/ static gpointer zoomtool_create (VikWindow *vw, VikViewport *vvp) { return vw; } static VikLayerToolFuncStatus zoomtool_click (VikLayer *vl, GdkEventButton *event, VikWindow *vw) { vw->modified = TRUE; vik_viewport_set_center_screen ( vw->viking_vvp, (gint) event->x, (gint) event->y ); if ( event->button == 1 ) vik_viewport_zoom_in (vw->viking_vvp); else if ( event->button == 3 ) vik_viewport_zoom_out (vw->viking_vvp); draw_update ( vw ); return VIK_LAYER_TOOL_ACK; } static VikLayerToolFuncStatus zoomtool_move (VikLayer *vl, GdkEventMotion *event, VikViewport *vvp) { return VIK_LAYER_TOOL_ACK; } static VikLayerToolFuncStatus zoomtool_release (VikLayer *vl, GdkEventButton *event, VikViewport *vvp) { return VIK_LAYER_TOOL_ACK; } static VikToolInterface zoom_tool = { "Zoom", (VikToolConstructorFunc) zoomtool_create, (VikToolDestructorFunc) NULL, (VikToolActivationFunc) NULL, (VikToolActivationFunc) NULL, (VikToolMouseFunc) zoomtool_click, (VikToolMouseMoveFunc) zoomtool_move, (VikToolMouseFunc) zoomtool_release, NULL, GDK_CURSOR_IS_PIXMAP, &cursor_zoom_pixbuf }; /*** end zoom code ********************************************************/ /******************************************************************************** ** Pan tool code ********************************************************************************/ static gpointer pantool_create (VikWindow *vw, VikViewport *vvp) { return vw; } static VikLayerToolFuncStatus pantool_click (VikLayer *vl, GdkEventButton *event, VikWindow *vw) { vw->modified = TRUE; if ( event->button == 1 ) vik_window_pan_click ( vw, event ); draw_update ( vw ); return VIK_LAYER_TOOL_ACK; } static VikLayerToolFuncStatus pantool_move (VikLayer *vl, GdkEventMotion *event, VikWindow *vw) { vik_window_pan_move ( vw, event ); return VIK_LAYER_TOOL_ACK; } static VikLayerToolFuncStatus pantool_release (VikLayer *vl, GdkEventButton *event, VikWindow *vw) { if ( event->button == 1 ) vik_window_pan_release ( vw, event ); return VIK_LAYER_TOOL_ACK; } static VikToolInterface pan_tool = { "Pan", (VikToolConstructorFunc) pantool_create, (VikToolDestructorFunc) NULL, (VikToolActivationFunc) NULL, (VikToolActivationFunc) NULL, (VikToolMouseFunc) pantool_click, (VikToolMouseMoveFunc) pantool_move, (VikToolMouseFunc) pantool_release, NULL, GDK_FLEUR }; /*** end pan code ********************************************************/ static void draw_pan_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { if (!strcmp(gtk_action_get_name(a), "PanNorth")) { vik_viewport_set_center_screen ( vw->viking_vvp, vik_viewport_get_width(vw->viking_vvp)/2, 0 ); } else if (!strcmp(gtk_action_get_name(a), "PanEast")) { vik_viewport_set_center_screen ( vw->viking_vvp, vik_viewport_get_width(vw->viking_vvp), vik_viewport_get_height(vw->viking_vvp)/2 ); } else if (!strcmp(gtk_action_get_name(a), "PanSouth")) { vik_viewport_set_center_screen ( vw->viking_vvp, vik_viewport_get_width(vw->viking_vvp)/2, vik_viewport_get_height(vw->viking_vvp) ); } else if (!strcmp(gtk_action_get_name(a), "PanWest")) { vik_viewport_set_center_screen ( vw->viking_vvp, 0, vik_viewport_get_height(vw->viking_vvp)/2 ); } draw_update ( vw ); } static void full_screen_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { GtkWidget *check_box = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget ( vw->uim, "/ui/MainMenu/View/FullScreen" ); g_assert(check_box); gboolean state = gtk_check_menu_item_get_active ( GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(check_box)); if ( state ) gtk_window_fullscreen ( GTK_WINDOW(vw) ); else gtk_window_unfullscreen ( GTK_WINDOW(vw) ); } static void draw_zoom_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { guint what = 128; if (!strcmp(gtk_action_get_name(a), "ZoomIn")) { what = -3; } else if (!strcmp(gtk_action_get_name(a), "ZoomOut")) { what = -4; } else if (!strcmp(gtk_action_get_name(a), "Zoom0.25")) { what = -2; } else if (!strcmp(gtk_action_get_name(a), "Zoom0.5")) { what = -1; } else { gchar *s = (gchar *)gtk_action_get_name(a); what = atoi(s+4); } switch (what) { case -3: vik_viewport_zoom_in ( vw->viking_vvp ); break; case -4: vik_viewport_zoom_out ( vw->viking_vvp ); break; case -1: vik_viewport_set_zoom ( vw->viking_vvp, 0.5 ); break; case -2: vik_viewport_set_zoom ( vw->viking_vvp, 0.25 ); break; default: vik_viewport_set_zoom ( vw->viking_vvp, what ); } draw_update ( vw ); } void draw_goto_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { VikCoord new_center; if (!strcmp(gtk_action_get_name(a), "GotoLL")) { struct LatLon ll, llold; vik_coord_to_latlon ( vik_viewport_get_center ( vw->viking_vvp ), &llold ); if ( a_dialog_goto_latlon ( GTK_WINDOW(vw), &ll, &llold ) ) vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &new_center, vik_viewport_get_coord_mode(vw->viking_vvp), &ll ); else return; } else if (!strcmp(gtk_action_get_name(a), "GotoUTM")) { struct UTM utm, utmold; vik_coord_to_utm ( vik_viewport_get_center ( vw->viking_vvp ), &utmold ); if ( a_dialog_goto_utm ( GTK_WINDOW(vw), &utm, &utmold ) ) vik_coord_load_from_utm ( &new_center, vik_viewport_get_coord_mode(vw->viking_vvp), &utm ); else return; } else { g_critical("Houston, we've had a problem."); return; } vik_viewport_set_center_coord ( vw->viking_vvp, &new_center ); draw_update ( vw ); } static void menu_addlayer_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { gint type; for ( type = 0; type < VIK_LAYER_NUM_TYPES; type++ ) { if (!strcmp(vik_layer_get_interface(type)->name, gtk_action_get_name(a))) { if ( vik_layers_panel_new_layer ( vw->viking_vlp, type ) ) { draw_update ( vw ); vw->modified = TRUE; } } } } static void menu_copy_layer_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { a_clipboard_copy_selected ( vw->viking_vlp ); } static void menu_cut_layer_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { a_clipboard_copy_selected ( vw->viking_vlp ); menu_delete_layer_cb ( a, vw ); } static void menu_paste_layer_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { if ( a_clipboard_paste ( vw->viking_vlp ) ) { draw_update ( vw ); vw->modified = TRUE; } } static void menu_properties_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { if ( ! vik_layers_panel_properties ( vw->viking_vlp ) ) a_dialog_info_msg ( GTK_WINDOW(vw), _("You must select a layer to show its properties.") ); } static void help_about_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { a_dialog_about(GTK_WINDOW(vw)); } static void menu_delete_layer_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { if ( vik_layers_panel_get_selected ( vw->viking_vlp ) ) { vik_layers_panel_delete_selected ( vw->viking_vlp ); vw->modified = TRUE; } else a_dialog_info_msg ( GTK_WINDOW(vw), _("You must select a layer to delete.") ); } static void view_side_panel_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { GtkWidget *check_box = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget ( vw->uim, "/ui/MainMenu/View/ViewSidePanel" ); g_assert(check_box); gboolean state = gtk_check_menu_item_get_active ( GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(check_box)); if ( state ) gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(vw->viking_vlp)); else gtk_widget_hide(GTK_WIDGET(vw->viking_vlp)); } /*************************************** ** tool management routines ** ***************************************/ static toolbox_tools_t* toolbox_create(VikWindow *vw) { toolbox_tools_t *vt = g_new(toolbox_tools_t, 1); vt->tools = NULL; vt->n_tools = 0; vt->active_tool = -1; vt->vw = vw; if (!vw->viking_vvp) { g_critical("no viewport found."); exit(1); } return vt; } static void toolbox_add_tool(toolbox_tools_t *vt, VikToolInterface *vti, gint layer_type ) { vt->tools = g_renew(toolbox_tool_t, vt->tools, vt->n_tools+1); vt->tools[vt->n_tools].ti = *vti; vt->tools[vt->n_tools].layer_type = layer_type; if (vti->create) { vt->tools[vt->n_tools].state = vti->create(vt->vw, vt->vw->viking_vvp); } else { vt->tools[vt->n_tools].state = NULL; } vt->n_tools++; } static int toolbox_get_tool(toolbox_tools_t *vt, const gchar *tool_name) { int i; for (i=0; in_tools; i++) { if (!strcmp(tool_name, vt->tools[i].ti.name)) { break; } } return i; } static void toolbox_activate(toolbox_tools_t *vt, const gchar *tool_name) { int tool = toolbox_get_tool(vt, tool_name); toolbox_tool_t *t = &vt->tools[tool]; VikLayer *vl = vik_layers_panel_get_selected ( vt->vw->viking_vlp ); if (tool == vt->n_tools) { g_critical("trying to activate a non-existent tool..."); exit(1); } /* is the tool already active? */ if (vt->active_tool == tool) { return; } if (vt->active_tool != -1) { if (vt->tools[vt->active_tool].ti.deactivate) { vt->tools[vt->active_tool].ti.deactivate(NULL, vt->tools[vt->active_tool].state); } } if (t->ti.activate) { t->ti.activate(vl, t->state); } vt->active_tool = tool; } static const GdkCursor *toolbox_get_cursor(toolbox_tools_t *vt, const gchar *tool_name) { int tool = toolbox_get_tool(vt, tool_name); toolbox_tool_t *t = &vt->tools[tool]; if (t->ti.cursor == NULL) { if (t->ti.cursor_type == GDK_CURSOR_IS_PIXMAP && t->ti.cursor_data != NULL) { GError *cursor_load_err = NULL; GdkPixbuf *cursor_pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata (t->ti.cursor_data, FALSE, &cursor_load_err); /* TODO: settable offeset */ t->ti.cursor = gdk_cursor_new_from_pixbuf ( gdk_display_get_default(), cursor_pixbuf, 3, 3 ); g_object_unref ( G_OBJECT(cursor_pixbuf) ); } else { t->ti.cursor = gdk_cursor_new ( t->ti.cursor_type ); } } return t->ti.cursor; } static void toolbox_click (toolbox_tools_t *vt, GdkEventButton *event) { VikLayer *vl = vik_layers_panel_get_selected ( vt->vw->viking_vlp ); if (vt->active_tool != -1 && vt->tools[vt->active_tool].ti.click) { gint ltype = vt->tools[vt->active_tool].layer_type; if ( ltype == TOOL_LAYER_TYPE_NONE || (vl && ltype == vl->type) ) vt->tools[vt->active_tool].ti.click(vl, event, vt->tools[vt->active_tool].state); } } static void toolbox_move (toolbox_tools_t *vt, GdkEventMotion *event) { VikLayer *vl = vik_layers_panel_get_selected ( vt->vw->viking_vlp ); if (vt->active_tool != -1 && vt->tools[vt->active_tool].ti.move) { gint ltype = vt->tools[vt->active_tool].layer_type; if ( ltype == TOOL_LAYER_TYPE_NONE || (vl && ltype == vl->type) ) if ( VIK_LAYER_TOOL_ACK_GRAB_FOCUS == vt->tools[vt->active_tool].ti.move(vl, event, vt->tools[vt->active_tool].state) ) gtk_widget_grab_focus ( GTK_WIDGET(vt->vw->viking_vvp) ); } } static void toolbox_release (toolbox_tools_t *vt, GdkEventButton *event) { VikLayer *vl = vik_layers_panel_get_selected ( vt->vw->viking_vlp ); if (vt->active_tool != -1 && vt->tools[vt->active_tool].ti.release ) { gint ltype = vt->tools[vt->active_tool].layer_type; if ( ltype == TOOL_LAYER_TYPE_NONE || (vl && ltype == vl->type) ) vt->tools[vt->active_tool].ti.release(vl, event, vt->tools[vt->active_tool].state); } } /** End tool management ************************************/ void vik_window_enable_layer_tool ( VikWindow *vw, gint layer_id, gint tool_id ) { gtk_action_activate ( gtk_action_group_get_action ( vw->action_group, vik_layer_get_interface(layer_id)->tools[tool_id].name ) ); } /* this function gets called whenever a toolbar tool is clicked */ static void menu_tool_cb ( GtkAction *old, GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { /* White Magic, my friends ... White Magic... */ int layer_id, tool_id; const GdkCursor *cursor = NULL; toolbox_activate(vw->vt, gtk_action_get_name(a)); cursor = toolbox_get_cursor(vw->vt, gtk_action_get_name(a)); /* We set cursor, even if it is NULL: it resets to default */ gdk_window_set_cursor ( GTK_WIDGET(vw->viking_vvp)->window, cursor ); if (!strcmp(gtk_action_get_name(a), "Pan")) { vw->current_tool = TOOL_PAN; } else if (!strcmp(gtk_action_get_name(a), "Zoom")) { vw->current_tool = TOOL_ZOOM; } else if (!strcmp(gtk_action_get_name(a), "Ruler")) { vw->current_tool = TOOL_RULER; } else { /* TODO: only enable tools from active layer */ for (layer_id=0; layer_idtools_count; tool_id++ ) { if (!strcmp(vik_layer_get_interface(layer_id)->tools[tool_id].name, gtk_action_get_name(a))) { vw->current_tool = TOOL_LAYER; vw->tool_layer_id = layer_id; vw->tool_tool_id = tool_id; } } } } draw_status ( vw ); } static void window_set_filename ( VikWindow *vw, const gchar *filename ) { gchar *title; const gchar *file; if ( vw->filename ) g_free ( vw->filename ); if ( filename == NULL ) { vw->filename = NULL; file = _("Untitled"); } else { vw->filename = g_strdup(filename); file = a_file_basename ( filename ); } title = g_strdup_printf( "%s - Viking", file ); gtk_window_set_title ( GTK_WINDOW(vw), title ); g_free ( title ); } GtkWidget *vik_window_get_drawmode_button ( VikWindow *vw, VikViewportDrawMode mode ) { GtkWidget *mode_button; gchar *buttonname; switch ( mode ) { #ifdef VIK_CONFIG_EXPEDIA case VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_EXPEDIA: buttonname = "/ui/MainMenu/View/ModeExpedia"; break; #endif case VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_MERCATOR: buttonname = "/ui/MainMenu/View/ModeMercator"; break; default: buttonname = "/ui/MainMenu/View/ModeUTM"; } mode_button = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget ( vw->uim, buttonname ); g_assert ( mode_button ); return mode_button; } static void on_activate_recent_item (GtkRecentChooser *chooser, VikWindow *self) { gchar *filename; filename = gtk_recent_chooser_get_current_uri (chooser); if (filename != NULL) { GFile *file = g_file_new_for_uri ( filename ); gchar *path = g_file_get_path ( file ); g_object_unref ( file ); if ( self->filename ) { gchar *filenames[] = { path, NULL }; g_signal_emit ( G_OBJECT(self), window_signals[VW_OPENWINDOW_SIGNAL], 0, filenames ); } else vik_window_open_file ( self, filename, TRUE ); g_free ( path ); } g_free (filename); } static void setup_recent_files (VikWindow *self) { GtkRecentManager *manager; GtkRecentFilter *filter; GtkWidget *menu, *menu_item; filter = gtk_recent_filter_new (); /* gtk_recent_filter_add_application (filter, g_get_application_name()); */ gtk_recent_filter_add_group(filter, "viking"); manager = gtk_recent_manager_get_default (); menu = gtk_recent_chooser_menu_new_for_manager (manager); gtk_recent_chooser_set_sort_type (GTK_RECENT_CHOOSER (menu), GTK_RECENT_SORT_MRU); gtk_recent_chooser_add_filter (GTK_RECENT_CHOOSER (menu), filter); menu_item = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (self->uim, "/ui/MainMenu/File/OpenRecentFile"); gtk_menu_item_set_submenu (GTK_MENU_ITEM (menu_item), menu); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (menu), "item-activated", G_CALLBACK (on_activate_recent_item), (gpointer) self); } static void update_recently_used_document(const gchar *filename) { /* Update Recently Used Document framework */ GtkRecentManager *manager = gtk_recent_manager_get_default(); GtkRecentData *recent_data = g_slice_new (GtkRecentData); gchar *groups[] = {"viking", NULL}; GFile *file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg(filename); gchar *uri = g_file_get_uri(file); gchar *basename = g_path_get_basename(filename); g_object_unref(file); file = NULL; recent_data->display_name = basename; recent_data->description = NULL; recent_data->mime_type = "text/x-gps-data"; recent_data->app_name = (gchar *) g_get_application_name (); recent_data->app_exec = g_strjoin (" ", g_get_prgname (), "%f", NULL); recent_data->groups = groups; recent_data->is_private = FALSE; if (!gtk_recent_manager_add_full (manager, uri, recent_data)) { g_warning (_("Unable to add '%s' to the list of recently used documents"), uri); } g_free (uri); g_free (basename); g_free (recent_data->app_exec); g_slice_free (GtkRecentData, recent_data); } void vik_window_open_file ( VikWindow *vw, const gchar *filename, gboolean change_filename ) { switch ( a_file_load ( vik_layers_panel_get_top_layer(vw->viking_vlp), vw->viking_vvp, filename ) ) { case 0: a_dialog_error_msg ( GTK_WINDOW(vw), _("The file you requested could not be opened.") ); break; case 1: { GtkWidget *mode_button; /* Update UI */ if ( change_filename ) window_set_filename ( vw, filename ); mode_button = vik_window_get_drawmode_button ( vw, vik_viewport_get_drawmode ( vw->viking_vvp ) ); vw->only_updating_coord_mode_ui = TRUE; /* if we don't set this, it will change the coord to UTM if we click Lat/Lon. I don't know why. */ gtk_check_menu_item_set_active ( GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(mode_button), TRUE ); vw->only_updating_coord_mode_ui = FALSE; vik_layers_panel_change_coord_mode ( vw->viking_vlp, vik_viewport_get_coord_mode ( vw->viking_vvp ) ); mode_button = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget ( vw->uim, "/ui/MainMenu/View/ShowScale" ); g_assert ( mode_button ); gtk_check_menu_item_set_active ( GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(mode_button),vik_viewport_get_draw_scale(vw->viking_vvp) ); mode_button = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget ( vw->uim, "/ui/MainMenu/View/ShowCenterMark" ); g_assert ( mode_button ); gtk_check_menu_item_set_active ( GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(mode_button),vik_viewport_get_draw_centermark(vw->viking_vvp) ); } default: update_recently_used_document(filename); draw_update ( vw ); } } static void load_file ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { GSList *files = NULL; GSList *cur_file = NULL; gboolean newwindow; if (!strcmp(gtk_action_get_name(a), "Open")) { newwindow = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp(gtk_action_get_name(a), "Append")) { newwindow = FALSE; } else { g_critical("Houston, we've had a problem."); return; } if ( ! vw->open_dia ) { vw->open_dia = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new (_("Please select a GPS data file to open. "), GTK_WINDOW(vw), GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, GTK_STOCK_OPEN, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, NULL); gtk_file_chooser_set_select_multiple ( GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(vw->open_dia), TRUE ); gtk_window_set_transient_for ( GTK_WINDOW(vw->open_dia), GTK_WINDOW(vw) ); gtk_window_set_destroy_with_parent ( GTK_WINDOW(vw->open_dia), TRUE ); } if ( gtk_dialog_run ( GTK_DIALOG(vw->open_dia) ) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT ) { gtk_widget_hide ( vw->open_dia ); #ifdef VIKING_PROMPT_IF_MODIFIED if ( (vw->modified || vw->filename) && newwindow ) #else if ( vw->filename && newwindow ) #endif g_signal_emit ( G_OBJECT(vw), window_signals[VW_OPENWINDOW_SIGNAL], 0, gtk_file_chooser_get_filenames (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(vw->open_dia) ) ); else { files = gtk_file_chooser_get_filenames (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(vw->open_dia) ); gboolean change_fn = newwindow && (g_slist_length(files)==1); /* only change fn if one file */ cur_file = files; while ( cur_file ) { gchar *file_name = cur_file->data; vik_window_open_file ( vw, file_name, change_fn ); g_free (file_name); cur_file = g_slist_next (cur_file); } g_slist_free (files); } } else gtk_widget_hide ( vw->open_dia ); } static gboolean save_file_as ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { gboolean rv = FALSE; const gchar *fn; if ( ! vw->save_dia ) { vw->save_dia = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new (_("Save as Viking File."), GTK_WINDOW(vw), GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, GTK_STOCK_SAVE, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, NULL); gtk_window_set_transient_for ( GTK_WINDOW(vw->save_dia), GTK_WINDOW(vw) ); gtk_window_set_destroy_with_parent ( GTK_WINDOW(vw->save_dia), TRUE ); } while ( gtk_dialog_run ( GTK_DIALOG(vw->save_dia) ) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT ) { fn = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(vw->save_dia) ); if ( g_file_test ( fn, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS ) == FALSE || a_dialog_overwrite ( GTK_WINDOW(vw->save_dia), _("The file \"%s\" exists, do you wish to overwrite it?"), a_file_basename ( fn ) ) ) { window_set_filename ( vw, fn ); rv = window_save ( vw ); vw->modified = FALSE; break; } } gtk_widget_hide ( vw->save_dia ); return rv; } static gboolean window_save ( VikWindow *vw ) { if ( a_file_save ( vik_layers_panel_get_top_layer ( vw->viking_vlp ), vw->viking_vvp, vw->filename ) ) { update_recently_used_document ( vw->filename ); return TRUE; } else { a_dialog_error_msg ( GTK_WINDOW(vw), _("The filename you requested could not be opened for writing.") ); return FALSE; } } static gboolean save_file ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { if ( ! vw->filename ) return save_file_as ( NULL, vw ); else { vw->modified = FALSE; return window_save ( vw ); } } static void acquire_from_gps ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { a_acquire(vw, vw->viking_vlp, vw->viking_vvp, &vik_datasource_gps_interface ); } static void acquire_from_google ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { a_acquire(vw, vw->viking_vlp, vw->viking_vvp, &vik_datasource_google_interface ); } #ifdef VIK_CONFIG_GEOCACHES static void acquire_from_gc ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { a_acquire(vw, vw->viking_vlp, vw->viking_vvp, &vik_datasource_gc_interface ); } #endif static void goto_address( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw) { a_vik_goto(vw, vw->viking_vlp, vw->viking_vvp); } static void mapcache_flush_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { a_mapcache_flush(); } static void preferences_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { a_preferences_show_window ( GTK_WINDOW(vw) ); draw_update ( vw ); } static void clear_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { vik_layers_panel_clear ( vw->viking_vlp ); window_set_filename ( vw, NULL ); draw_update ( vw ); } static void window_close ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { if ( ! delete_event ( vw ) ) gtk_widget_destroy ( GTK_WIDGET(vw) ); } static gboolean save_file_and_exit ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { if (save_file( NULL, vw)) { window_close( NULL, vw); return(TRUE); } else return(FALSE); } static void zoom_to_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { gdouble xmpp = vik_viewport_get_xmpp ( vw->viking_vvp ), ympp = vik_viewport_get_ympp ( vw->viking_vvp ); if ( a_dialog_custom_zoom ( GTK_WINDOW(vw), &xmpp, &ympp ) ) { vik_viewport_set_xmpp ( vw->viking_vvp, xmpp ); vik_viewport_set_ympp ( vw->viking_vvp, ympp ); draw_update ( vw ); } } static void save_image_file ( VikWindow *vw, const gchar *fn, guint w, guint h, gdouble zoom, gboolean save_as_png ) { /* more efficient way: stuff draws directly to pixbuf (fork viewport) */ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf_to_save; gdouble old_xmpp, old_ympp; GError *error = NULL; /* backup old zoom & set new */ old_xmpp = vik_viewport_get_xmpp ( vw->viking_vvp ); old_ympp = vik_viewport_get_ympp ( vw->viking_vvp ); vik_viewport_set_zoom ( vw->viking_vvp, zoom ); /* reset width and height: */ vik_viewport_configure_manually ( vw->viking_vvp, w, h ); /* draw all layers */ draw_redraw ( vw ); /* save buffer as file. */ pixbuf_to_save = gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable ( NULL, GDK_DRAWABLE(vik_viewport_get_pixmap ( vw->viking_vvp )), NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h); gdk_pixbuf_save ( pixbuf_to_save, fn, save_as_png ? "png" : "jpeg", &error, NULL ); if (error) { g_warning("Unable to write to file %s: %s", fn, error->message ); g_error_free (error); } g_object_unref ( G_OBJECT(pixbuf_to_save) ); /* pretend like nothing happened ;) */ vik_viewport_set_xmpp ( vw->viking_vvp, old_xmpp ); vik_viewport_set_ympp ( vw->viking_vvp, old_ympp ); vik_viewport_configure ( vw->viking_vvp ); draw_update ( vw ); } static void save_image_dir ( VikWindow *vw, const gchar *fn, guint w, guint h, gdouble zoom, gboolean save_as_png, guint tiles_w, guint tiles_h ) { gulong size = sizeof(gchar) * (strlen(fn) + 15); gchar *name_of_file = g_malloc ( size ); guint x = 1, y = 1; struct UTM utm_orig, utm; /* *** copied from above *** */ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf_to_save; gdouble old_xmpp, old_ympp; GError *error = NULL; /* backup old zoom & set new */ old_xmpp = vik_viewport_get_xmpp ( vw->viking_vvp ); old_ympp = vik_viewport_get_ympp ( vw->viking_vvp ); vik_viewport_set_zoom ( vw->viking_vvp, zoom ); /* reset width and height: do this only once for all images (same size) */ vik_viewport_configure_manually ( vw->viking_vvp, w, h ); /* *** end copy from above *** */ g_assert ( vik_viewport_get_coord_mode ( vw->viking_vvp ) == VIK_COORD_UTM ); g_mkdir(fn,0777); utm_orig = *((const struct UTM *)vik_viewport_get_center ( vw->viking_vvp )); for ( y = 1; y <= tiles_h; y++ ) { for ( x = 1; x <= tiles_w; x++ ) { g_snprintf ( name_of_file, size, "%s%cy%d-x%d.%s", fn, G_DIR_SEPARATOR, y, x, save_as_png ? "png" : "jpg" ); utm = utm_orig; if ( tiles_w & 0x1 ) utm.easting += ((gdouble)x - ceil(((gdouble)tiles_w)/2)) * (w*zoom); else utm.easting += ((gdouble)x - (((gdouble)tiles_w)+1)/2) * (w*zoom); if ( tiles_h & 0x1 ) /* odd */ utm.northing -= ((gdouble)y - ceil(((gdouble)tiles_h)/2)) * (h*zoom); else /* even */ utm.northing -= ((gdouble)y - (((gdouble)tiles_h)+1)/2) * (h*zoom); /* move to correct place. */ vik_viewport_set_center_utm ( vw->viking_vvp, &utm ); draw_redraw ( vw ); /* save buffer as file. */ pixbuf_to_save = gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable ( NULL, GDK_DRAWABLE(vik_viewport_get_pixmap ( vw->viking_vvp )), NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h); gdk_pixbuf_save ( pixbuf_to_save, name_of_file, save_as_png ? "png" : "jpeg", &error, NULL ); if (error) { g_warning("Unable to write to file %s: %s", name_of_file, error->message ); g_error_free (error); } g_object_unref ( G_OBJECT(pixbuf_to_save) ); } } vik_viewport_set_center_utm ( vw->viking_vvp, &utm_orig ); vik_viewport_set_xmpp ( vw->viking_vvp, old_xmpp ); vik_viewport_set_ympp ( vw->viking_vvp, old_ympp ); vik_viewport_configure ( vw->viking_vvp ); draw_update ( vw ); g_free ( name_of_file ); } static void draw_to_image_file_current_window_cb(GtkWidget* widget,GdkEventButton *event,gpointer *pass_along) { VikWindow *vw = VIK_WINDOW(pass_along[0]); GtkSpinButton *width_spin = GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(pass_along[1]), *height_spin = GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(pass_along[2]); GtkSpinButton *zoom_spin = GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(pass_along[3]); gdouble width_min, width_max, height_min, height_max; gint width, height; gtk_spin_button_get_range ( width_spin, &width_min, &width_max ); gtk_spin_button_get_range ( height_spin, &height_min, &height_max ); /* TODO: support for xzoom and yzoom values */ width = vik_viewport_get_width ( vw->viking_vvp ) * vik_viewport_get_xmpp ( vw->viking_vvp ) / gtk_spin_button_get_value ( zoom_spin ); height = vik_viewport_get_height ( vw->viking_vvp ) * vik_viewport_get_xmpp ( vw->viking_vvp ) / gtk_spin_button_get_value ( zoom_spin ); if ( width > width_max || width < width_min || height > height_max || height < height_min ) a_dialog_info_msg ( GTK_WINDOW(vw), _("Viewable region outside allowable pixel size bounds for image. Clipping width/height values.") ); gtk_spin_button_set_value ( width_spin, width ); gtk_spin_button_set_value ( height_spin, height ); } static void draw_to_image_file_total_area_cb (GtkSpinButton *spinbutton, gpointer *pass_along) { GtkSpinButton *width_spin = GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(pass_along[1]), *height_spin = GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(pass_along[2]); GtkSpinButton *zoom_spin = GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(pass_along[3]); gchar *label_text; gdouble w, h; w = gtk_spin_button_get_value(width_spin) * gtk_spin_button_get_value(zoom_spin); h = gtk_spin_button_get_value(height_spin) * gtk_spin_button_get_value(zoom_spin); if (pass_along[4]) /* save many images; find TOTAL area covered */ { w *= gtk_spin_button_get_value(GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(pass_along[4])); h *= gtk_spin_button_get_value(GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(pass_along[5])); } vik_units_distance_t dist_units = a_vik_get_units_distance (); switch (dist_units) { case VIK_UNITS_DISTANCE_KILOMETRES: label_text = g_strdup_printf ( _("Total area: %ldm x %ldm (%.3f sq. km)"), (glong)w, (glong)h, (w*h/1000000)); break; case VIK_UNITS_DISTANCE_MILES: label_text = g_strdup_printf ( _("Total area: %ldm x %ldm (%.3f sq. miles)"), (glong)w, (glong)h, (w*h/2589988.11)); break; default: label_text = g_strdup_printf ("Just to keep the compiler happy"); g_critical("Houston, we've had a problem. distance=%d", dist_units); } gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(pass_along[6]), label_text); g_free ( label_text ); } static void draw_to_image_file ( VikWindow *vw, const gchar *fn, gboolean one_image_only ) { /* todo: default for answers inside VikWindow or static (thruout instance) */ GtkWidget *dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons ( _("Save to Image File"), GTK_WINDOW(vw), GTK_DIALOG_MODAL | GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_REJECT, GTK_STOCK_OK, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, NULL ); GtkWidget *width_label, *width_spin, *height_label, *height_spin; GtkWidget *png_radio, *jpeg_radio; GtkWidget *current_window_button; gpointer current_window_pass_along[7]; GtkWidget *zoom_label, *zoom_spin; GtkWidget *total_size_label; /* only used if (!one_image_only) */ GtkWidget *tiles_width_spin = NULL, *tiles_height_spin = NULL; width_label = gtk_label_new ( _("Width (pixels):") ); width_spin = gtk_spin_button_new ( GTK_ADJUSTMENT(gtk_adjustment_new ( vw->draw_image_width, 10, 5000, 10, 100, 0 )), 10, 0 ); height_label = gtk_label_new ( _("Height (pixels):") ); height_spin = gtk_spin_button_new ( GTK_ADJUSTMENT(gtk_adjustment_new ( vw->draw_image_height, 10, 5000, 10, 100, 0 )), 10, 0 ); zoom_label = gtk_label_new ( _("Zoom (meters per pixel):") ); /* TODO: separate xzoom and yzoom factors */ zoom_spin = gtk_spin_button_new ( GTK_ADJUSTMENT(gtk_adjustment_new ( vik_viewport_get_xmpp(vw->viking_vvp), VIK_VIEWPORT_MIN_ZOOM, VIK_VIEWPORT_MAX_ZOOM/2.0, 1, 100, 3 )), 16, 3); total_size_label = gtk_label_new ( NULL ); current_window_button = gtk_button_new_with_label ( _("Area in current viewable window") ); current_window_pass_along [0] = vw; current_window_pass_along [1] = width_spin; current_window_pass_along [2] = height_spin; current_window_pass_along [3] = zoom_spin; current_window_pass_along [4] = NULL; /* used for one_image_only != 1 */ current_window_pass_along [5] = NULL; current_window_pass_along [6] = total_size_label; g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT(current_window_button), "button_press_event", G_CALLBACK(draw_to_image_file_current_window_cb), current_window_pass_along ); png_radio = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label ( NULL, _("Save as PNG") ); jpeg_radio = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget ( GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(png_radio), _("Save as JPEG") ); if ( ! vw->draw_image_save_as_png ) gtk_toggle_button_set_active ( GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(jpeg_radio), TRUE ); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), width_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), width_spin, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), height_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), height_spin, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), current_window_button, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), png_radio, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), jpeg_radio, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), zoom_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), zoom_spin, FALSE, FALSE, 0); if ( ! one_image_only ) { GtkWidget *tiles_width_label, *tiles_height_label; tiles_width_label = gtk_label_new ( _("East-west image tiles:") ); tiles_width_spin = gtk_spin_button_new ( GTK_ADJUSTMENT(gtk_adjustment_new ( 5, 1, 10, 1, 100, 0 )), 1, 0 ); tiles_height_label = gtk_label_new ( _("North-south image tiles:") ); tiles_height_spin = gtk_spin_button_new ( GTK_ADJUSTMENT(gtk_adjustment_new ( 5, 1, 10, 1, 100, 0 )), 1, 0 ); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), tiles_width_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), tiles_width_spin, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), tiles_height_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), tiles_height_spin, FALSE, FALSE, 0); current_window_pass_along [4] = tiles_width_spin; current_window_pass_along [5] = tiles_height_spin; g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT(tiles_width_spin), "value-changed", G_CALLBACK(draw_to_image_file_total_area_cb), current_window_pass_along ); g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT(tiles_height_spin), "value-changed", G_CALLBACK(draw_to_image_file_total_area_cb), current_window_pass_along ); } gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), total_size_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0); g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT(width_spin), "value-changed", G_CALLBACK(draw_to_image_file_total_area_cb), current_window_pass_along ); g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT(height_spin), "value-changed", G_CALLBACK(draw_to_image_file_total_area_cb), current_window_pass_along ); g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT(zoom_spin), "value-changed", G_CALLBACK(draw_to_image_file_total_area_cb), current_window_pass_along ); draw_to_image_file_total_area_cb ( NULL, current_window_pass_along ); /* set correct size info now */ gtk_widget_show_all ( GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox ); if ( gtk_dialog_run ( GTK_DIALOG(dialog) ) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT ) { gtk_widget_hide ( GTK_WIDGET(dialog) ); if ( one_image_only ) save_image_file ( vw, fn, vw->draw_image_width = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int ( GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(width_spin) ), vw->draw_image_height = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int ( GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(height_spin) ), gtk_spin_button_get_value ( GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(zoom_spin) ), /* do not save this value, default is current zoom */ vw->draw_image_save_as_png = gtk_toggle_button_get_active ( GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(png_radio) ) ); else { if ( vik_viewport_get_coord_mode(vw->viking_vvp) == VIK_COORD_UTM ) save_image_dir ( vw, fn, vw->draw_image_width = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int ( GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(width_spin) ), vw->draw_image_height = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int ( GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(height_spin) ), gtk_spin_button_get_value ( GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(zoom_spin) ), /* do not save this value, default is current zoom */ vw->draw_image_save_as_png = gtk_toggle_button_get_active ( GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(png_radio) ), gtk_spin_button_get_value ( GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(tiles_width_spin) ), gtk_spin_button_get_value ( GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(tiles_height_spin) ) ); else a_dialog_error_msg ( GTK_WINDOW(vw), _("You must be in UTM mode to use this feature") ); } } gtk_widget_destroy ( GTK_WIDGET(dialog) ); } static void draw_to_image_file_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { const gchar *fn; if (!vw->save_img_dia) { vw->save_img_dia = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new (_("Save Image"), GTK_WINDOW(vw), GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, GTK_STOCK_SAVE, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, NULL); gtk_window_set_transient_for ( GTK_WINDOW(vw->save_img_dia), GTK_WINDOW(vw) ); gtk_window_set_destroy_with_parent ( GTK_WINDOW(vw->save_img_dia), TRUE ); } while ( gtk_dialog_run ( GTK_DIALOG(vw->save_img_dia) ) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT ) { fn = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(vw->save_img_dia) ); if ( g_file_test ( fn, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS ) == FALSE || a_dialog_overwrite ( GTK_WINDOW(vw->save_img_dia), _("The file \"%s\" exists, do you wish to overwrite it?"), a_file_basename ( fn ) ) ) { draw_to_image_file ( vw, fn, TRUE ); break; } } gtk_widget_hide ( vw->save_img_dia ); } static void draw_to_image_dir_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { gchar *fn = NULL; if (!vw->save_img_dir_dia) { vw->save_img_dir_dia = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new (_("Choose a directory to hold images"), GTK_WINDOW(vw), GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, GTK_STOCK_OK, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, NULL); gtk_window_set_transient_for ( GTK_WINDOW(vw->save_img_dir_dia), GTK_WINDOW(vw) ); gtk_window_set_destroy_with_parent ( GTK_WINDOW(vw->save_img_dir_dia), TRUE ); } while ( gtk_dialog_run ( GTK_DIALOG(vw->save_img_dir_dia) ) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT ) { fn = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(vw->save_img_dir_dia) ); if ( fn ) { draw_to_image_file ( vw, fn, FALSE ); g_free(fn); fn = NULL; break; } } gtk_widget_hide ( vw->save_img_dir_dia ); } #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,10,0) static void print_cb ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { a_print(vw, vw->viking_vvp); } #endif /* really a misnomer: changes coord mode (actual coordinates) AND/OR draw mode (viewport only) */ static void window_change_coord_mode_cb ( GtkAction *old_a, GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { VikViewportDrawMode drawmode; if (!strcmp(gtk_action_get_name(a), "ModeUTM")) { drawmode = VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_UTM; } else if (!strcmp(gtk_action_get_name(a), "ModeExpedia")) { drawmode = VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_EXPEDIA; } else if (!strcmp(gtk_action_get_name(a), "ModeMercator")) { drawmode = VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_MERCATOR; } else { g_critical("Houston, we've had a problem."); return; } if ( !vw->only_updating_coord_mode_ui ) { VikViewportDrawMode olddrawmode = vik_viewport_get_drawmode ( vw->viking_vvp ); if ( olddrawmode != drawmode ) { /* this takes care of coord mode too */ vik_viewport_set_drawmode ( vw->viking_vvp, drawmode ); if ( drawmode == VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_UTM ) { vik_layers_panel_change_coord_mode ( vw->viking_vlp, VIK_COORD_UTM ); } else if ( olddrawmode == VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_UTM ) { vik_layers_panel_change_coord_mode ( vw->viking_vlp, VIK_COORD_LATLON ); } draw_update ( vw ); } } } static void set_draw_scale ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { GtkWidget *check_box = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget ( vw->uim, "/ui/MainMenu/View/ShowScale" ); g_assert(check_box); gboolean state = gtk_check_menu_item_get_active ( GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(check_box)); vik_viewport_set_draw_scale ( vw->viking_vvp, state ); draw_update ( vw ); } static void set_draw_centermark ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { GtkWidget *check_box = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget ( vw->uim, "/ui/MainMenu/View/ShowCenterMark" ); g_assert(check_box); gboolean state = gtk_check_menu_item_get_active ( GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(check_box)); vik_viewport_set_draw_centermark ( vw->viking_vvp, state ); draw_update ( vw ); } static void set_bg_color ( GtkAction *a, VikWindow *vw ) { GtkWidget *colorsd = gtk_color_selection_dialog_new ( _("Choose a background color") ); GdkColor *color = vik_viewport_get_background_gdkcolor ( vw->viking_vvp ); gtk_color_selection_set_previous_color ( GTK_COLOR_SELECTION(GTK_COLOR_SELECTION_DIALOG(colorsd)->colorsel), color ); gtk_color_selection_set_current_color ( GTK_COLOR_SELECTION(GTK_COLOR_SELECTION_DIALOG(colorsd)->colorsel), color ); if ( gtk_dialog_run ( GTK_DIALOG(colorsd) ) == GTK_RESPONSE_OK ) { gtk_color_selection_get_current_color ( GTK_COLOR_SELECTION(GTK_COLOR_SELECTION_DIALOG(colorsd)->colorsel), color ); vik_viewport_set_background_gdkcolor ( vw->viking_vvp, color ); draw_update ( vw ); } g_free ( color ); gtk_widget_destroy ( colorsd ); } /*********************************************************************************************** ** GUI Creation ***********************************************************************************************/ static GtkActionEntry entries[] = { { "File", NULL, N_("_File"), 0, 0, 0 }, { "Edit", NULL, N_("_Edit"), 0, 0, 0 }, { "View", NULL, N_("_View"), 0, 0, 0 }, { "SetZoom", NULL, N_("_Zoom"), 0, 0, 0 }, { "SetPan", NULL, N_("_Pan"), 0, 0, 0 }, { "Layers", NULL, N_("_Layers"), 0, 0, 0 }, { "Tools", NULL, N_("_Tools"), 0, 0, 0 }, { "Exttools", NULL, N_("_Webtools"), 0, 0, 0 }, { "Help", NULL, N_("_Help"), 0, 0, 0 }, { "New", GTK_STOCK_NEW, N_("_New"), "N", N_("New file"), (GCallback)newwindow_cb }, { "Open", GTK_STOCK_OPEN, N_("_Open"), "O", N_("Open a file"), (GCallback)load_file }, { "OpenRecentFile", NULL, N_("Open _Recent file"), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)NULL }, { "Append", GTK_STOCK_ADD, N_("A_ppend File"), NULL, N_("Append data from a different file"), (GCallback)load_file }, { "Acquire", NULL, N_("A_cquire"), 0, 0, 0 }, { "AcquireGPS", NULL, N_("From _GPS"), NULL, N_("Transfer data from a GPS device"), (GCallback)acquire_from_gps }, { "AcquireGoogle", NULL, N_("Google _Directions"), NULL, N_("Get driving directions from Google"), (GCallback)acquire_from_google }, #ifdef VIK_CONFIG_GEOCACHES { "AcquireGC", NULL, N_("Geo_caches"), NULL, N_("Get Geocaches from geocaching.com"), (GCallback)acquire_from_gc }, #endif { "Save", GTK_STOCK_SAVE, N_("_Save"), "S", N_("Save the file"), (GCallback)save_file }, { "SaveAs", GTK_STOCK_SAVE_AS, N_("Save _As"), NULL, N_("Save the file under different name"), (GCallback)save_file_as }, { "GenImg", GTK_STOCK_CLEAR, N_("_Generate Image File"), NULL, N_("Save a snapshot of the workspace into a file"), (GCallback)draw_to_image_file_cb }, { "GenImgDir", GTK_STOCK_DND_MULTIPLE, N_("Generate _Directory of Images"), NULL, N_("FIXME:IMGDIR"), (GCallback)draw_to_image_dir_cb }, #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,10,0) { "Print", GTK_STOCK_PRINT, N_("_Print..."), NULL, N_("Print maps"), (GCallback)print_cb }, #endif { "Exit", GTK_STOCK_QUIT, N_("E_xit"), "W", N_("Exit the program"), (GCallback)window_close }, { "SaveExit", GTK_STOCK_QUIT, N_("Save and Exit"), NULL, N_("Save and Exit the program"), (GCallback)save_file_and_exit }, { "GotoSearch", GTK_STOCK_JUMP_TO, N_("Go To location"), NULL, N_("Go to address/place using text search"), (GCallback)goto_address }, { "GotoLL", GTK_STOCK_JUMP_TO, N_("_Go to Lat\\/Lon..."), NULL, N_("Go to arbitrary lat\\/lon coordinate"), (GCallback)draw_goto_cb }, { "GotoUTM", GTK_STOCK_JUMP_TO, N_("Go to UTM..."), NULL, N_("Go to arbitrary UTM coordinate"), (GCallback)draw_goto_cb }, { "SetBGColor",GTK_STOCK_SELECT_COLOR, N_("Set Background Color..."), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)set_bg_color }, { "ZoomIn", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, N_("Zoom _In"), "plus", NULL, (GCallback)draw_zoom_cb }, { "ZoomOut", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, N_("Zoom _Out"), "minus", NULL, (GCallback)draw_zoom_cb }, { "ZoomTo", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_FIT, N_("Zoom _To"), "Z", NULL, (GCallback)zoom_to_cb }, { "Zoom0.25", NULL, N_("0.25"), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)draw_zoom_cb }, { "Zoom0.5", NULL, N_("0.5"), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)draw_zoom_cb }, { "Zoom1", NULL, N_("1"), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)draw_zoom_cb }, { "Zoom2", NULL, N_("2"), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)draw_zoom_cb }, { "Zoom4", NULL, N_("4"), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)draw_zoom_cb }, { "Zoom8", NULL, N_("8"), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)draw_zoom_cb }, { "Zoom16", NULL, N_("16"), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)draw_zoom_cb }, { "Zoom32", NULL, N_("32"), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)draw_zoom_cb }, { "Zoom64", NULL, N_("64"), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)draw_zoom_cb }, { "Zoom128", NULL, N_("128"), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)draw_zoom_cb }, { "PanNorth", NULL, N_("Pan North"), "Up", NULL, (GCallback)draw_pan_cb }, { "PanEast", NULL, N_("Pan East"), "Right", NULL, (GCallback)draw_pan_cb }, { "PanSouth", NULL, N_("Pan South"), "Down", NULL, (GCallback)draw_pan_cb }, { "PanWest", NULL, N_("Pan West"), "Left", NULL, (GCallback)draw_pan_cb }, { "BGJobs", GTK_STOCK_EXECUTE, N_("Background _Jobs"), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)a_background_show_window }, { "Cut", GTK_STOCK_CUT, N_("Cu_t"), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)menu_cut_layer_cb }, { "Copy", GTK_STOCK_COPY, N_("_Copy"), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)menu_copy_layer_cb }, { "Paste", GTK_STOCK_PASTE, N_("_Paste"), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)menu_paste_layer_cb }, { "Delete", GTK_STOCK_DELETE, N_("_Delete"), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)menu_delete_layer_cb }, { "DeleteAll", NULL, N_("Delete All"), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)clear_cb }, { "MapCacheFlush",NULL, N_("Flush Map cache"), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)mapcache_flush_cb }, { "Preferences",GTK_STOCK_PREFERENCES, N_("_Preferences..."), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)preferences_cb }, { "Properties",GTK_STOCK_PROPERTIES, N_("_Properties"), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)menu_properties_cb }, { "About", GTK_STOCK_ABOUT, N_("_About"), NULL, NULL, (GCallback)help_about_cb }, }; /* Radio items */ static GtkRadioActionEntry mode_entries[] = { { "ModeUTM", NULL, N_("_UTM Mode"), "u", NULL, 0 }, { "ModeExpedia", NULL, N_("_Expedia Mode"), "e", NULL, 1 }, { "ModeMercator", NULL, N_("_Mercator Mode"), "g", NULL, 4 } }; static GtkRadioActionEntry tool_entries[] = { { "Pan", "vik-icon-pan", N_("_Pan"), "P", N_("Pan Tool"), 0 }, { "Zoom", "vik-icon-zoom", N_("_Zoom"), "Z", N_("Zoom Tool"), 1 }, { "Ruler", "vik-icon-ruler", N_("_Ruler"), "R", N_("Ruler Tool"), 2 } }; static GtkToggleActionEntry toggle_entries[] = { { "ShowScale", NULL, N_("Show Scale"), NULL, N_("Show Scale"), (GCallback)set_draw_scale, TRUE }, { "ShowCenterMark", NULL, N_("Show Center Mark"), NULL, N_("Show Center Mark"), (GCallback)set_draw_centermark, TRUE }, { "FullScreen", GTK_STOCK_FULLSCREEN, N_("Full Screen"), "F11", N_("Activate full screen mode"), (GCallback)full_screen_cb, FALSE }, { "ViewSidePanel", GTK_STOCK_INDEX, N_("Show Side Panel"), "F9", N_("Show Side Panel"), (GCallback)view_side_panel_cb, TRUE }, }; #include "menu.xml.h" static void window_create_ui( VikWindow *window ) { GtkUIManager *uim; GtkActionGroup *action_group; GtkAccelGroup *accel_group; GError *error; guint i, j, mid; GtkIconFactory *icon_factory; GtkIconSet *icon_set; GtkRadioActionEntry *tools = NULL, *radio; guint ntools; uim = gtk_ui_manager_new (); window->uim = uim; toolbox_add_tool(window->vt, &ruler_tool, TOOL_LAYER_TYPE_NONE); toolbox_add_tool(window->vt, &zoom_tool, TOOL_LAYER_TYPE_NONE); toolbox_add_tool(window->vt, &pan_tool, TOOL_LAYER_TYPE_NONE); error = NULL; if (!(mid = gtk_ui_manager_add_ui_from_string (uim, menu_xml, -1, &error))) { g_error_free (error); exit (1); } action_group = gtk_action_group_new ("MenuActions"); gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain(action_group, PACKAGE_NAME); gtk_action_group_add_actions (action_group, entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (entries), window); gtk_action_group_add_toggle_actions (action_group, toggle_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (toggle_entries), window); gtk_action_group_add_radio_actions (action_group, mode_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (mode_entries), 4, (GCallback)window_change_coord_mode_cb, window); icon_factory = gtk_icon_factory_new (); gtk_icon_factory_add_default (icon_factory); register_vik_icons(icon_factory); ntools = 0; for (i=0; ivalue = ntools; } for (i=0; iname, vik_layer_get_interface(i)->name, GTK_UI_MANAGER_MENUITEM, FALSE); icon_set = gtk_icon_set_new_from_pixbuf (gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata (vik_layer_get_interface(i)->icon, FALSE, NULL )); gtk_icon_factory_add (icon_factory, vik_layer_get_interface(i)->name, icon_set); gtk_icon_set_unref (icon_set); action.name = vik_layer_get_interface(i)->name; action.stock_id = vik_layer_get_interface(i)->name; action.label = g_strdup_printf( _("New %s Layer"), vik_layer_get_interface(i)->name); action.accelerator = NULL; action.tooltip = NULL; action.callback = (GCallback)menu_addlayer_cb; gtk_action_group_add_actions(action_group, &action, 1, window); if ( vik_layer_get_interface(i)->tools_count ) { gtk_ui_manager_add_ui(uim, mid, "/ui/MainMenu/Tools/", vik_layer_get_interface(i)->name, NULL, GTK_UI_MANAGER_SEPARATOR, FALSE); gtk_ui_manager_add_ui(uim, mid, "/ui/MainToolbar/ToolItems/", vik_layer_get_interface(i)->name, NULL, GTK_UI_MANAGER_SEPARATOR, FALSE); } for ( j = 0; j < vik_layer_get_interface(i)->tools_count; j++ ) { tools = g_renew(GtkRadioActionEntry, tools, ntools+1); radio = &tools[ntools]; ntools++; gtk_ui_manager_add_ui(uim, mid, "/ui/MainMenu/Tools", _(vik_layer_get_interface(i)->tools[j].name), vik_layer_get_interface(i)->tools[j].name, GTK_UI_MANAGER_MENUITEM, FALSE); gtk_ui_manager_add_ui(uim, mid, "/ui/MainToolbar/ToolItems", _(vik_layer_get_interface(i)->tools[j].name), vik_layer_get_interface(i)->tools[j].name, GTK_UI_MANAGER_TOOLITEM, FALSE); toolbox_add_tool(window->vt, &(vik_layer_get_interface(i)->tools[j]), i); radio->name = vik_layer_get_interface(i)->tools[j].name; radio->stock_id = vik_layer_get_interface(i)->tools[j].name, radio->label = _(vik_layer_get_interface(i)->tools[j].name); radio->accelerator = NULL; radio->tooltip = _(vik_layer_get_interface(i)->tools[j].name); radio->value = ntools; } } g_object_unref (icon_factory); gtk_action_group_add_radio_actions(action_group, tools, ntools, 0, (GCallback)menu_tool_cb, window); g_free(tools); gtk_ui_manager_insert_action_group (uim, action_group, 0); for (i=0; itools_count; j++ ) { GtkAction *action = gtk_action_group_get_action(action_group, vik_layer_get_interface(i)->tools[j].name); g_object_set(action, "sensitive", FALSE, NULL); } } window->action_group = action_group; accel_group = gtk_ui_manager_get_accel_group (uim); gtk_window_add_accel_group (GTK_WINDOW (window), accel_group); gtk_ui_manager_ensure_update (uim); setup_recent_files(window); } static struct { const GdkPixdata *data; gchar *stock_id; } stock_icons[] = { { &begintr_18_pixbuf, "Begin Track" }, { &iscissors_18_pixbuf, "Magic Scissors" }, { &mover_22_pixbuf, "vik-icon-pan" }, { &demdl_18_pixbuf, "DEM Download/Import" }, { &showpic_18_pixbuf, "Show Picture" }, { &addtr_18_pixbuf, "Create Track" }, { &edtr_18_pixbuf, "Edit Trackpoint" }, { &addwp_18_pixbuf, "Create Waypoint" }, { &edwp_18_pixbuf, "Edit Waypoint" }, { &zoom_18_pixbuf, "vik-icon-zoom" }, { &ruler_18_pixbuf, "vik-icon-ruler" }, { &geozoom_18_pixbuf, "Georef Zoom Tool" }, { &geomove_18_pixbuf, "Georef Move Map" }, { &mapdl_18_pixbuf, "Maps Download" }, { &showpic_18_pixbuf, "Show Picture" }, }; static gint n_stock_icons = G_N_ELEMENTS (stock_icons); static void register_vik_icons (GtkIconFactory *icon_factory) { GtkIconSet *icon_set; gint i; for (i = 0; i < n_stock_icons; i++) { icon_set = gtk_icon_set_new_from_pixbuf (gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata ( stock_icons[i].data, FALSE, NULL )); gtk_icon_factory_add (icon_factory, stock_icons[i].stock_id, icon_set); gtk_icon_set_unref (icon_set); } }