/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4 -*- */ /* * viking -- GPS Data and Topo Analyzer, Explorer, and Manager * * Copyright (C) 2015, Rob Norris * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #if MAPNIK_VERSION < 300000 #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mapnik_interface.h" #include "globals.h" #include "settings.h" #if MAPNIK_VERSION < 200000 #include #define image_32 Image32 #define image_data_32 ImageData32 #define box2d Envelope #define zoom_to_box zoomToBox #else #include #if MAPNIK_VERSION >= 300000 // In Mapnik3 'image_32' has changed names once again #define image_32 image_rgba8 #define raw_data data #endif #endif #define MAPNIK_INTERFACE_TYPE (mapnik_interface_get_type ()) #define MAPNIK_INTERFACE(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), MAPNIK_INTERFACE_TYPE, MapnikInterface)) #define MAPNIK_INTERFACE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), MAPNIK_INTERFACE_TYPE, MapnikInterfaceClass)) #define IS_MAPNIK_INTERFACE(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), MAPNIK_INTERFACE_TYPE)) #define IS_MAPNIK_INTERFACE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), MAPNIK_INTERFACE_TYPE)) typedef struct _MapnikInterfaceClass MapnikInterfaceClass; typedef struct _MapnikInterface MapnikInterface; GType mapnik_interface_get_type (); struct _MapnikInterfaceClass { GObjectClass object_class; }; static void mapnik_interface_class_init ( MapnikInterfaceClass *mic ) { } static void mapnik_interface_init ( MapnikInterface *mi ) { } struct _MapnikInterface { GObject obj; mapnik::Map *myMap; gchar *copyright; // Cached Mapnik parameter to save looking it up each time }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (MapnikInterface, mapnik_interface, G_TYPE_OBJECT) // Can't change prj after init - but ATM only support drawing in Spherical Mercator static mapnik::projection prj( mapnik::MAPNIK_GMERC_PROJ ); MapnikInterface* mapnik_interface_new () { MapnikInterface* mi = MAPNIK_INTERFACE ( g_object_new ( MAPNIK_INTERFACE_TYPE, NULL ) ); mi->myMap = new mapnik::Map; mi->copyright = NULL; return mi; } void mapnik_interface_free (MapnikInterface* mi) { if ( mi ) { g_free ( mi->copyright ); delete mi->myMap; } g_object_unref ( G_OBJECT(mi) ); } /** * mapnik_interface_initialize: */ void mapnik_interface_initialize (const char *plugins_dir, const char* font_dir, int font_dir_recurse) { g_debug ("using mapnik version %s", MAPNIK_VERSION_STRING ); try { if ( plugins_dir ) #if MAPNIK_VERSION >= 200200 mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().register_datasources(plugins_dir); #else mapnik::datasource_cache::instance()->register_datasources(plugins_dir); #endif if ( font_dir ) if ( ! mapnik::freetype_engine::register_fonts(font_dir, font_dir_recurse ? true : false) ) g_warning ("%s: No fonts found", __FUNCTION__); } catch (std::exception const& ex) { g_warning ("An error occurred while initialising mapnik: %s", ex.what()); } catch (...) { g_warning ("An unknown error occurred while initialising mapnik"); } } /** * caching this answer instead of looking it up each time */ static void set_copyright ( MapnikInterface* mi ) { g_free ( mi->copyright ); mi->copyright = NULL; mapnik::parameters pmts = mi->myMap->get_extra_parameters(); #if MAPNIK_VERSION < 300000 for (mapnik::parameters::const_iterator ii = pmts.begin(); ii != pmts.end(); ii++) { if ( ii->first == "attribution" || ii->first == "copyright" ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << ii->second; // Copy it mi->copyright = g_strdup ( (gchar*)ss.str().c_str() ); break; } } #else if ( pmts.get("attribution") ) mi->copyright = g_strdup ( (*pmts.get("attribution")).c_str() ); if ( !mi->copyright ) if ( pmts.get("copyright") ) mi->copyright = g_strdup ( (*pmts.get("copyright")).c_str() ); #endif } #define VIK_SETTINGS_MAPNIK_BUFFER_SIZE "mapnik_buffer_size" /** * mapnik_interface_load_map_file: * * Returns NULL on success otherwise a string about what went wrong. * This string should be freed once it has been used. */ gchar* mapnik_interface_load_map_file ( MapnikInterface* mi, const gchar *filename, guint width, guint height ) { gchar *msg = NULL; if ( !mi ) return g_strdup ("Internal Error"); try { mi->myMap->remove_all(); // Support reloading mapnik::load_map(*mi->myMap, filename); mi->myMap->resize(width,height); mi->myMap->set_srs ( mapnik::MAPNIK_GMERC_PROJ ); // ONLY WEB MERCATOR output supported ATM // IIRC This size is the number of pixels outside the tile to be considered so stuff is shown (i.e. particularly labels) // Only set buffer size if the buffer size isn't explicitly set in the mapnik stylesheet. // Alternatively render a bigger 'virtual' tile and then only use the appropriate subset if (mi->myMap->buffer_size() == 0) { gint buffer_size = (width+height/4); // e.g. 128 for a 256x256 image. gint tmp; if ( a_settings_get_integer ( VIK_SETTINGS_MAPNIK_BUFFER_SIZE, &tmp ) ) buffer_size = tmp; mi->myMap->set_buffer_size(buffer_size); } set_copyright ( mi ); g_debug ("%s layers: %d", __FUNCTION__, (guint)mi->myMap->layer_count() ); } catch (std::exception const& ex) { msg = g_strdup ( ex.what() ); } catch (...) { msg = g_strdup ("unknown error"); } return msg; } /** * mapnik_interface_render: * * Returns a #GdkPixbuf of the specified area. #GdkPixbuf may be NULL */ GdkPixbuf* mapnik_interface_render ( MapnikInterface* mi, double lat_tl, double lon_tl, double lat_br, double lon_br ) { if ( !mi ) return NULL; // Copy main object to local map variable // This enables rendering to work when this function is called from different threads mapnik::Map myMap(*mi->myMap); // Note prj & bbox want stuff in lon,lat order! double p0x = lon_tl; double p0y = lat_tl; double p1x = lon_br; double p1y = lat_br; // Convert into projection coordinates for bbox prj.forward(p0x, p0y); prj.forward(p1x, p1y); GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = NULL; try { unsigned width = myMap.width(); unsigned height = myMap.height(); mapnik::image_32 image(width,height); mapnik::box2d bbox(p0x, p0y, p1x, p1y); myMap.zoom_to_box(bbox); // FUTURE: option to use cairo / grid renderers? mapnik::agg_renderer render(myMap,image); render.apply(); if ( image.painted() ) { unsigned char *ImageRawDataPtr = (unsigned char *) g_malloc(width * 4 * height); if (!ImageRawDataPtr) return NULL; memcpy(ImageRawDataPtr, image.raw_data(), width * height * 4); pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data(ImageRawDataPtr, GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, TRUE, 8, width, height, width * 4, NULL, NULL); } else g_warning ("%s not rendered", __FUNCTION__ ); } catch (const std::exception & ex) { g_warning ("An error occurred while rendering: %s", ex.what()); } catch (...) { g_warning ("An unknown error occurred while rendering"); } return pixbuf; } /** * Copyright/Attribution information about the Map - string maybe NULL * * Free returned string after use */ gchar* mapnik_interface_get_copyright ( MapnikInterface* mi ) { if ( !mi ) return NULL; return mi->copyright; } /** * 'Parameter' information about the Map configuration * * Free every string element and the returned GArray itself after use */ GArray* mapnik_interface_get_parameters ( MapnikInterface* mi ) { GArray *array = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof(gchar*)); mapnik::parameters pmts = mi->myMap->get_extra_parameters(); // Simply want the strings of each parameter so we can display something... #if MAPNIK_VERSION < 300000 for (mapnik::parameters::const_iterator pmt = pmts.begin(); pmt != pmts.end(); pmt++) { std::stringstream ss; ss << pmt->first << ": " << pmt->second; #else for (auto const& pmt : pmts) { std::stringstream ss; ss << pmt.first << ": " << *(pmts.get(pmt.first,"empty")); #endif // Copy - otherwise ss goes output scope and junk memory would be referenced. gchar *str2 = g_strdup ( (gchar*)ss.str().c_str() ); g_array_append_val ( array, str2 ); } return array; } /** * General information about Mapnik * * Free the returned string after use */ gchar * mapnik_interface_about ( void ) { // Normally about 10 plugins so list them all #if MAPNIK_VERSION >= 200200 std::vector plugins = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().plugin_names(); #else std::vector plugins = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance()->plugin_names(); #endif std::string str; for (uint nn = 0; nn < plugins.size(); nn++ ) str += plugins[nn] + ','; str += '\n'; // NB Can have a couple hundred fonts loaded when using system directories // So ATM don't list them all - otherwise need better GUI feedback display. gchar *msg = g_strdup_printf ( _("%s %s\nPlugins=%sFonts loaded=%d"), _("Mapnik"), MAPNIK_VERSION_STRING, str.c_str(), (guint)mapnik::freetype_engine::face_names().size() ); return msg; }