#! /usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (C) 2010 Rob Norris # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # =head1 Overview A script to auto generate basic Viking .vik files for directories containing images. Simply recursively search down the directory tree (from the current location) for suitable image files [normally jpg|JPG (probably photographs)] and then extract any location data from the EXIF part. For each directory this info is output to a file into either Viking (default) or GPX data file formats. Output filename is waypoints.vik (or waypoints.gpx in GPX mode) unless the -o option is specified. Options: -g put into outputting GPX file mode -o - specify output base filename (overriding 'waypoints') -r make waypoint image filenames relative (rather than absolute) Required programs: . exiftool - getting location data from EXIF (Debian package libimage-exiftool-perl) Recommended programs: . viking - Obviously when viking mode used to view the output [can view gpx as well] . gpscorrelate[-gui] - Correlates digital photos with GPS data filling EXIF fields i.e. something to put EXIF info into files to begin with Various improvements can be: . Command line options to control things eg: .which symbol to use for each point .which Viking Map / other viking defaults .a non recursive mode .a mode to generate one massive file instead of one per directory . Work out zoom factor to see all points in Viking . Metadata bounds for gpx . Any Speed optimizations - deciding which files to process could be improved . Maybe better control of which files to analyse - maybe any - not just files named .jpg . Is even doing this in Perl the best tool for the job [consider python, C, etc...]? =cut # ************ START OF CODE ******************* use strict; use File::Find; use Image::ExifTool qw(:Public); # Output modes use constant VIKING => 1; use constant GPX => 2; use constant RELATIVE => 1; use constant ABSOLUTE => 2; ################################# # Some global variables # Create a new Image::ExifTool object my $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool; my @waypoint = ("","","","","",""); my @position = ("0.0", "0.0"); # lat / long my $out_file; # Default mode my $mode = VIKING; my $imagefilemode = ABSOLUTE; ################################# # Write header first part of .vik file sub Header_Viking { return < END # TODO consider metadata time & bounds info } sub Footer_GPX { return "\n"; } sub My_Process_File { my ($dir, $file) = @_; ## Start ## # Only do files we are interested in unless ($file =~ m/\.(?:JPG|jpg)$/) { return; } #print "My_Process_File $file\n"; @waypoint = ("","","","","",""); # Extract meta information from an image my $info = $exifTool->ImageInfo("$dir/$file"); #DateTimeOriginal #GPSVersionID #GPSAltitude #GPSLatitude (1) #GPSLongitude (1) foreach (sort keys %$info) { #print "$file: $_ => $$info{$_}\n"; # If we can make the sort in reverse #if (/GPSVersionID/) { # unless ("$$info{$_}" eq "") { # # Only handle version 2 Ids # return; # } #} # Assume datum is in WGS-84 if (/^GPSLatitude\ /) { $waypoint[0] = $$info{$_}; next; } if (/^GPSLatitudeRef/) { $waypoint[1] = $$info{$_}; next; } if (/^GPSLongitude\ /) { $waypoint[2] = $$info{$_}; next; } if (/^GPSLongitudeRef/) { $waypoint[3] = $$info{$_}; next; } if (/^GPSAltitude\ /) { my @row = split / /, $$info{$_}; $waypoint[4] = $row[0]; #hopefully in metres next; } if (/^DateTimeOriginal$/) { $waypoint[5] = $$info{$_}; next; } } # Check for South if ($waypoint[1] eq "South" && $waypoint[0] ne "") { $waypoint[0] = '-'."$waypoint[0]"; } # Check for West if ($waypoint[3] eq "West" && $waypoint[2] ne "") { $waypoint[2] = '-'."$waypoint[2]"; } # At least lat/long if ($waypoint[0] ne "" && $waypoint[2] ne "") { # Update position so can track where to center map $position[0] = $waypoint[0]; $position[1] = $waypoint[2]; my ($name, $path) = File::Basename::fileparse ($file, qr/\.[^.]*/); my $filename = "$file"; # Relative filename if ($mode == VIKING) { # ATM, Viking (0.9.94) wp image loading only works if absolute # See SF 2998555 # Create absolute filename if ($imagefilemode == ABSOLUTE) { my ($abs_path) = File::Spec->rel2abs("$path", "$dir"); $filename = "$abs_path/$file"; } return "type=\"waypoint\" latitude=\"$waypoint[0]\" longitude=\"$waypoint[2]\" name=\"$name\" altitude=\"$waypoint[4]\" comment=\"$waypoint[5]\" image=\"$filename\" symbol=\"scenic\"\n"; } else { return "\n $name\n $waypoint[4]\n $waypoint[5]\n secenic\n"; } } return ""; ## END ## } sub Footer_Viking { return <$dir/$out_file") or die "$0: Can not open $!\n"; if ($mode == VIKING) { print FILE Header_Viking(); } else { print FILE Header_GPX(); } $has_location = 1; # Remember that we have found something } if ($line ne "") { print FILE $line; } } } if ($has_location) { if ($mode == VIKING) { print FILE Footer_Viking(); } else { print FILE Footer_GPX(); } close (FILE); } closedir(DIR); } # sub Process_File { my $file = $_; unless (-d $file) { return; } return if $file =~ /^\.\.$/; # Ensure skip .. print "$0: Doing directory $file\n"; My_Process_Dir($file); } ############ START ################## # Default filename my $out_file_start = "waypoints"; if (defined @ARGV) { for (my $arg=0; $arg < $#ARGV+1; $arg++) { if ("$ARGV[$arg]" eq "-o") { # Set filename to next arg if ($arg < $#ARGV) { $out_file_start = $ARGV[$arg + 1]; } } if ("$ARGV[$arg]" eq "-g") { $mode = GPX; } if ("$ARGV[$arg]" eq "-r") { $imagefilemode = RELATIVE; } } } #print "$0: Mode is $mode\n"; if ($mode == VIKING) { $out_file = "$out_file_start".".vik"; } else { $out_file = "$out_file_start".".gpx"; } #print "$0: File output is $out_file\n"; $exifTool->Options(CoordFormat => q{%.6f}); $exifTool->Options(FastScan => 1); # Only get information in Standard EXIF $exifTool->Options(Group0 => ['EXIF']); find(\&Process_File, "."); #end