/* * viking -- GPS Data and Topo Analyzer, Explorer, and Manager * * Copyright (C) 2003-2005, Evan Battaglia * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifndef _VIKING_LAYER_H #define _VIKING_LAYER_H #include #include #include #include #include "uibuilder.h" #include "vikwindow.h" #include "viktreeview.h" #include "vikviewport.h" #define VIK_LAYER_TYPE (vik_layer_get_type ()) #define VIK_LAYER(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), VIK_LAYER_TYPE, VikLayer)) #define VIK_LAYER_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), VIK_LAYER_TYPE, VikLayerClass)) #define IS_VIK_LAYER(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), VIK_LAYER_TYPE)) #define IS_VIK_LAYER_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), VIK_LAYER_TYPE)) typedef struct _VikLayer VikLayer; typedef struct _VikLayerClass VikLayerClass; struct _VikLayerClass { GObjectClass object_class; void (* update) (VikLayer *vl); }; GType vik_layer_get_type (); struct _VikLayer { GObject obj; gchar *name; gboolean visible; gboolean realized; VikTreeview *vt; /* simply a reference */ GtkTreeIter iter; /* for explicit "polymorphism" (function type switching) */ guint16 type; }; enum { VIK_LAYER_AGGREGATE = 0, VIK_LAYER_TRW, VIK_LAYER_COORD, VIK_LAYER_GEOREF, VIK_LAYER_GPS, VIK_LAYER_MAPS, VIK_LAYER_DEM, VIK_LAYER_NUM_TYPES }; /* I think most of these are ignored, * returning GRAB_FOCUS grabs the focus for mouse move, * mouse click, release always grabs focus. Focus allows key presses * to be handled. * It used to be that, if ignored, Viking could look for other layers. * this was useful for clicking a way/trackpoint in any layer, * if no layer was selected (find way/trackpoint) */ typedef enum { VIK_LAYER_TOOL_IGNORED=0, VIK_LAYER_TOOL_ACK, VIK_LAYER_TOOL_ACK_REDRAW_ABOVE, VIK_LAYER_TOOL_ACK_REDRAW_ALL, VIK_LAYER_TOOL_ACK_REDRAW_IF_VISIBLE, VIK_LAYER_TOOL_ACK_GRAB_FOCUS, /* only for move */ } VikLayerToolFuncStatus; /* gpointer is tool-specific state created in the constructor */ typedef gpointer (*VikToolConstructorFunc) (VikWindow *, VikViewport *); typedef void (*VikToolDestructorFunc) (gpointer); typedef VikLayerToolFuncStatus (*VikToolMouseFunc) (VikLayer *, GdkEventButton *, gpointer); typedef VikLayerToolFuncStatus (*VikToolMouseMoveFunc) (VikLayer *, GdkEventMotion *, gpointer); typedef void (*VikToolActivationFunc) (VikLayer *, gpointer); typedef gboolean (*VikToolKeyFunc) (VikLayer *, GdkEventKey *, gpointer); typedef struct _VikToolInterface VikToolInterface; struct _VikToolInterface { GtkRadioActionEntry radioActionEntry; VikToolConstructorFunc create; VikToolDestructorFunc destroy; VikToolActivationFunc activate; VikToolActivationFunc deactivate; VikToolMouseFunc click; VikToolMouseMoveFunc move; VikToolMouseFunc release; VikToolKeyFunc key_press; /* return FALSE if we don't use the key press -- should return AFLSE most of the time if we want any shortcuts / UI keybindings to work! use sparingly. */ gboolean pan_handler; // Call click & release funtions even when 'Pan Mode' is on GdkCursorType cursor_type; const GdkPixdata *cursor_data; const GdkCursor *cursor; }; /* Parameters (for I/O and Properties) */ /* --> moved to uibuilder.h */ /* layer interface functions */ /* Create a new layer of a certain type. Should be filled with defaults */ typedef VikLayer * (*VikLayerFuncCreate) (VikViewport *); /* normally only needed for layers with sublayers. This is called when they * are added to the treeview so they can add sublayers to the treeview. */ typedef void (*VikLayerFuncRealize) (VikLayer *,VikTreeview *,GtkTreeIter *); /* rarely used, this is called after a read operation or properties box is run. * usually used to create GC's that depend on params, * but GC's can also be created from create() or set_param() */ typedef void (*VikLayerFuncPostRead) (VikLayer *,VikViewport *vp,gboolean from_file); typedef void (*VikLayerFuncFree) (VikLayer *); /* do _not_ use this unless absolutely neccesary. Use the dynamic properties (see coordlayer for example) * returns TRUE if OK was pressed */ typedef gboolean (*VikLayerFuncProperties) (VikLayer *,VikViewport *); typedef void (*VikLayerFuncDraw) (VikLayer *,VikViewport *); typedef void (*VikLayerFuncChangeCoordMode) (VikLayer *,VikCoordMode); typedef void (*VikLayerFuncSetMenuItemsSelection) (VikLayer *,guint16); typedef guint16 (*VikLayerFuncGetMenuItemsSelection) (VikLayer *); typedef void (*VikLayerFuncAddMenuItems) (VikLayer *,GtkMenu *,gpointer); /* gpointer is a VikLayersPanel */ typedef gboolean (*VikLayerFuncSublayerAddMenuItems) (VikLayer *,GtkMenu *,gpointer, /* first gpointer is a VikLayersPanel */ gint,gpointer,GtkTreeIter *,VikViewport *); typedef const gchar * (*VikLayerFuncSublayerRenameRequest) (VikLayer *,const gchar *,gpointer, gint,VikViewport *,GtkTreeIter *); /* first gpointer is a VikLayersPanel */ typedef gboolean (*VikLayerFuncSublayerToggleVisible) (VikLayer *,gint,gpointer); typedef const gchar * (*VikLayerFuncSublayerTooltip) (VikLayer *,gint,gpointer); typedef const gchar * (*VikLayerFuncLayerTooltip) (VikLayer *); typedef gboolean (*VikLayerFuncLayerSelected) (VikLayer *,gint,gpointer,gint,gpointer); /* 2nd gpointer is a VikLayersPanel */ typedef void (*VikLayerFuncMarshall) (VikLayer *, guint8 **, gint *); typedef VikLayer * (*VikLayerFuncUnmarshall) (guint8 *, gint, VikViewport *); /* returns TRUE if needs to redraw due to changed param */ /* in parameter gboolean denotes if for file I/O, as opposed to display/cut/copy etc... operations */ typedef gboolean (*VikLayerFuncSetParam) (VikLayer *, guint16, VikLayerParamData, VikViewport *, gboolean); /* in parameter gboolean denotes if for file I/O, as opposed to display/cut/copy etc... operations */ typedef VikLayerParamData (*VikLayerFuncGetParam) (VikLayer *, guint16, gboolean); typedef gboolean (*VikLayerFuncReadFileData) (VikLayer *, FILE *); // Should report success or failure typedef void (*VikLayerFuncWriteFileData) (VikLayer *, FILE *); /* item manipulation */ typedef void (*VikLayerFuncDeleteItem) (VikLayer *, gint, gpointer); /* layer, subtype, pointer to sub-item */ typedef void (*VikLayerFuncCutItem) (VikLayer *, gint, gpointer); typedef void (*VikLayerFuncCopyItem) (VikLayer *, gint, gpointer, guint8 **, guint *); /* layer, subtype, pointer to sub-item, return pointer, return len */ typedef gboolean (*VikLayerFuncPasteItem) (VikLayer *, gint, guint8 *, guint); typedef void (*VikLayerFuncFreeCopiedItem) (gint, gpointer); /* treeview drag and drop method. called on the destination layer. it is given a source and destination layer, * and the source and destination iters in the treeview. */ typedef void (*VikLayerFuncDragDropRequest) (VikLayer *, VikLayer *, GtkTreeIter *, GtkTreePath *); typedef gboolean (*VikLayerFuncSelectClick) (VikLayer *, GdkEventButton *, VikViewport *, tool_ed_t*); typedef gboolean (*VikLayerFuncSelectMove) (VikLayer *, GdkEventButton *, VikViewport *, tool_ed_t*); typedef gboolean (*VikLayerFuncSelectRelease) (VikLayer *, GdkEventButton *, VikViewport *, tool_ed_t*); typedef gboolean (*VikLayerFuncSelectedViewportMenu) (VikLayer *, GdkEventButton *, VikViewport *); typedef enum { VIK_MENU_ITEM_PROPERTY=1, VIK_MENU_ITEM_CUT=2, VIK_MENU_ITEM_COPY=4, VIK_MENU_ITEM_PASTE=8, VIK_MENU_ITEM_DELETE=16, VIK_MENU_ITEM_ALL=0xff } VikStdLayerMenuItem; typedef struct _VikLayerInterface VikLayerInterface; /* See vik_layer_* for function parameter names */ struct _VikLayerInterface { const gchar * name; const gchar * accelerator; const GdkPixdata * icon; VikToolInterface * tools; guint16 tools_count; /* for I/O reading to and from .vik files -- params like coordline width, color, etc. */ VikLayerParam * params; guint16 params_count; gchar ** params_groups; guint8 params_groups_count; /* menu items to be created */ VikStdLayerMenuItem menu_items_selection; VikLayerFuncCreate create; VikLayerFuncRealize realize; VikLayerFuncPostRead post_read; VikLayerFuncFree free; VikLayerFuncProperties properties; VikLayerFuncDraw draw; VikLayerFuncChangeCoordMode change_coord_mode; VikLayerFuncSetMenuItemsSelection set_menu_selection; VikLayerFuncGetMenuItemsSelection get_menu_selection; VikLayerFuncAddMenuItems add_menu_items; VikLayerFuncSublayerAddMenuItems sublayer_add_menu_items; VikLayerFuncSublayerRenameRequest sublayer_rename_request; VikLayerFuncSublayerToggleVisible sublayer_toggle_visible; VikLayerFuncSublayerTooltip sublayer_tooltip; VikLayerFuncLayerTooltip layer_tooltip; VikLayerFuncLayerSelected layer_selected; VikLayerFuncMarshall marshall; VikLayerFuncUnmarshall unmarshall; /* for I/O */ VikLayerFuncSetParam set_param; VikLayerFuncGetParam get_param; /* for I/O -- extra non-param data like TrwLayer data */ VikLayerFuncReadFileData read_file_data; VikLayerFuncWriteFileData write_file_data; VikLayerFuncDeleteItem delete_item; VikLayerFuncCutItem cut_item; VikLayerFuncCopyItem copy_item; VikLayerFuncPasteItem paste_item; VikLayerFuncFreeCopiedItem free_copied_item; VikLayerFuncDragDropRequest drag_drop_request; VikLayerFuncSelectClick select_click; VikLayerFuncSelectMove select_move; VikLayerFuncSelectRelease select_release; VikLayerFuncSelectedViewportMenu show_viewport_menu; }; VikLayerInterface *vik_layer_get_interface ( gint type ); void vik_layer_init ( VikLayer *vl, gint type ); void vik_layer_draw ( VikLayer *l, gpointer data ); void vik_layer_change_coord_mode ( VikLayer *l, VikCoordMode mode ); void vik_layer_rename ( VikLayer *l, const gchar *new_name ); void vik_layer_rename_no_copy ( VikLayer *l, gchar *new_name ); const gchar *vik_layer_get_name ( VikLayer *l ); gboolean vik_layer_set_param (VikLayer *layer, guint16 id, VikLayerParamData data, gpointer vp, gboolean is_file_operation); void vik_layer_emit_update ( VikLayer *vl, gboolean from_background ); /* GUI */ void vik_layer_set_menu_items_selection(VikLayer *l, guint16 selection); guint16 vik_layer_get_menu_items_selection(VikLayer *l); void vik_layer_add_menu_items ( VikLayer *l, GtkMenu *menu, gpointer vlp ); VikLayer *vik_layer_create ( gint type, gpointer vp, GtkWindow *w, gboolean interactive ); gboolean vik_layer_properties ( VikLayer *layer, gpointer vp ); void vik_layer_realize ( VikLayer *l, VikTreeview *vt, GtkTreeIter * layer_iter ); void vik_layer_post_read ( VikLayer *layer, VikViewport *vp, gboolean from_file ); gboolean vik_layer_sublayer_add_menu_items ( VikLayer *l, GtkMenu *menu, gpointer vlp, gint subtype, gpointer sublayer, GtkTreeIter *iter, VikViewport *vvp ); VikLayer *vik_layer_copy ( VikLayer *vl, gpointer vp ); void vik_layer_marshall ( VikLayer *vl, guint8 **data, gint *len ); VikLayer *vik_layer_unmarshall ( guint8 *data, gint len, VikViewport *vvp ); void vik_layer_marshall_params ( VikLayer *vl, guint8 **data, gint *len ); void vik_layer_unmarshall_params ( VikLayer *vl, guint8 *data, gint len, VikViewport *vvp ); const gchar *vik_layer_sublayer_rename_request ( VikLayer *l, const gchar *newname, gpointer vlp, gint subtype, gpointer sublayer, GtkTreeIter *iter ); gboolean vik_layer_sublayer_toggle_visible ( VikLayer *l, gint subtype, gpointer sublayer ); const gchar* vik_layer_sublayer_tooltip ( VikLayer *l, gint subtype, gpointer sublayer ); const gchar* vik_layer_layer_tooltip ( VikLayer *l ); gboolean vik_layer_selected ( VikLayer *l, gint subtype, gpointer sublayer, gint type, gpointer vlp ); /* TODO: put in layerspanel */ GdkPixbuf *vik_layer_load_icon ( gint type ); VikLayer *vik_layer_get_and_reset_trigger(); void vik_layer_emit_update_secondary ( VikLayer *vl ); /* to be called by aggregate layer only. doesn't set the trigger */ void vik_layer_emit_update_although_invisible ( VikLayer *vl ); #endif