/* * viking -- GPS Data and Topo Analyzer, Explorer, and Manager * * Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Evan Battaglia * Copyright (C) 2013, Rob Norris * * Lat/Lon plotting functions calcxy* are from GPSDrive * GPSDrive Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Fritz Ganter * * Multiple UTM zone patch by Kit Transue * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #define DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR "#CCCCCC" #define DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR "#EEA500" /* Default highlight in orange */ #include #ifdef HAVE_MATH_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #include "coords.h" #include "vikcoord.h" #include "vikwindow.h" #include "vikviewport.h" #include "mapcoord.h" /* for ALTI_TO_MPP */ #include "globals.h" #include "settings.h" #include "dialog.h" #define MERCATOR_FACTOR(x) ( (65536.0 / 180 / (x)) * 256.0 ) static gdouble EASTING_OFFSET = 500000.0; static gint PAD = 10; static void viewport_finalize ( GObject *gob ); static void viewport_utm_zone_check ( VikViewport *vvp ); static void update_centers ( VikViewport *vvp ); static void free_centers ( VikViewport *vvp, guint start ); static gboolean calcxy(double *x, double *y, double lg, double lt, double zero_long, double zero_lat, double pixelfact_x, double pixelfact_y, gint mapSizeX2, gint mapSizeY2 ); static gboolean calcxy_rev(double *lg, double *lt, gint x, gint y, double zero_long, double zero_lat, double pixelfact_x, double pixelfact_y, gint mapSizeX2, gint mapSizeY2 ); double calcR (double lat); static double Radius[181]; static void viewport_init_ra(); static GObjectClass *parent_class; struct _VikViewport { GtkDrawingArea drawing_area; GdkPixmap *scr_buffer; gint width, height; gint width_2, height_2; // Half of the normal width and height VikCoord center; VikCoordMode coord_mode; gdouble xmpp, ympp; gdouble xmfactor, ymfactor; GList *centers; // The history of requested positions (of VikCoord type) guint centers_index; // current position within the history list guint centers_max; // configurable maximum size of the history list guint centers_radius; // Metres gdouble utm_zone_width; gboolean one_utm_zone; GdkGC *background_gc; GdkColor background_color; GdkGC *scale_bg_gc; GSList *copyrights; GSList *logos; /* Wether or not display OSD info */ gboolean draw_scale; gboolean draw_centermark; gboolean draw_highlight; GdkGC *highlight_gc; GdkColor highlight_color; /* subset of coord types. lat lon can be plotted in 2 ways, google or exp. */ VikViewportDrawMode drawmode; /* trigger stuff */ gpointer trigger; GdkPixmap *snapshot_buffer; gboolean half_drawn; }; static gdouble viewport_utm_zone_width ( VikViewport *vvp ) { if ( vvp->coord_mode == VIK_COORD_UTM ) { struct LatLon ll; /* get latitude of screen bottom */ struct UTM utm = *((struct UTM *)(vik_viewport_get_center ( vvp ))); utm.northing -= vvp -> height * vvp -> ympp / 2; a_coords_utm_to_latlon ( &utm, &ll ); /* boundary */ ll.lon = (utm.zone - 1) * 6 - 180 ; a_coords_latlon_to_utm ( &ll, &utm); return fabs ( utm.easting - EASTING_OFFSET ) * 2; } else return 0.0; } enum { VW_UPDATED_CENTER_SIGNAL = 0, VW_LAST_SIGNAL, }; static guint viewport_signals[VW_LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (VikViewport, vik_viewport, GTK_TYPE_DRAWING_AREA) static void vik_viewport_class_init ( VikViewportClass *klass ) { /* Destructor */ GObjectClass *object_class; object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); object_class->finalize = viewport_finalize; parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); viewport_signals[VW_UPDATED_CENTER_SIGNAL] = g_signal_new ( "updated_center", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (VikViewportClass, updated_center), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); } VikViewport *vik_viewport_new () { VikViewport *vv = VIK_VIEWPORT ( g_object_new ( VIK_VIEWPORT_TYPE, NULL ) ); return vv; } #define VIK_SETTINGS_VIEW_LAST_LATITUDE "viewport_last_latitude" #define VIK_SETTINGS_VIEW_LAST_LONGITUDE "viewport_last_longitude" #define VIK_SETTINGS_VIEW_LAST_ZOOM_X "viewport_last_zoom_xpp" #define VIK_SETTINGS_VIEW_LAST_ZOOM_Y "viewport_last_zoom_ypp" #define VIK_SETTINGS_VIEW_HISTORY_SIZE "viewport_history_size" #define VIK_SETTINGS_VIEW_HISTORY_DIFF_DIST "viewport_history_diff_dist" static void vik_viewport_init ( VikViewport *vvp ) { viewport_init_ra(); struct UTM utm; struct LatLon ll; ll.lat = a_vik_get_default_lat(); ll.lon = a_vik_get_default_long(); gdouble zoom_x = 4.0; gdouble zoom_y = 4.0; if ( a_vik_get_startup_method ( ) == VIK_STARTUP_METHOD_LAST_LOCATION ) { gdouble lat, lon, dzoom; if ( a_settings_get_double ( VIK_SETTINGS_VIEW_LAST_LATITUDE, &lat ) ) ll.lat = lat; if ( a_settings_get_double ( VIK_SETTINGS_VIEW_LAST_LONGITUDE, &lon ) ) ll.lon = lon; if ( a_settings_get_double ( VIK_SETTINGS_VIEW_LAST_ZOOM_X, &dzoom ) ) zoom_x = dzoom; if ( a_settings_get_double ( VIK_SETTINGS_VIEW_LAST_ZOOM_Y, &dzoom ) ) zoom_y = dzoom; } a_coords_latlon_to_utm ( &ll, &utm ); vvp->xmpp = zoom_x; vvp->ympp = zoom_y; vvp->xmfactor = MERCATOR_FACTOR (vvp->xmpp); vvp->ymfactor = MERCATOR_FACTOR (vvp->ympp); vvp->coord_mode = VIK_COORD_LATLON; vvp->drawmode = VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_MERCATOR; vvp->center.mode = VIK_COORD_LATLON; vvp->center.north_south = ll.lat; vvp->center.east_west = ll.lon; vvp->center.utm_zone = (int)utm.zone; vvp->center.utm_letter = utm.letter; vvp->scr_buffer = NULL; vvp->utm_zone_width = 0.0; vvp->background_gc = NULL; vvp->highlight_gc = NULL; vvp->scale_bg_gc = NULL; vvp->copyrights = NULL; vvp->centers = NULL; vvp->centers_index = 0; vvp->centers_max = 20; gint tmp = vvp->centers_max; if ( a_settings_get_integer ( VIK_SETTINGS_VIEW_HISTORY_SIZE, &tmp ) ) vvp->centers_max = tmp; vvp->centers_radius = 500; if ( a_settings_get_integer ( VIK_SETTINGS_VIEW_HISTORY_DIFF_DIST, &tmp ) ) vvp->centers_radius = tmp; vvp->draw_scale = TRUE; vvp->draw_centermark = TRUE; vvp->draw_highlight = TRUE; vvp->trigger = NULL; vvp->snapshot_buffer = NULL; vvp->half_drawn = FALSE; // Initiate center history update_centers ( vvp ); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(vvp), "configure_event", G_CALLBACK(vik_viewport_configure), NULL); #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2,18,0) gtk_widget_set_can_focus ( GTK_WIDGET(vvp), TRUE ); #else GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS(vvp, GTK_CAN_FOCUS); /* allow VVP to have focus -- enabling key events, etc */ #endif } GdkColor *vik_viewport_get_background_gdkcolor ( VikViewport *vvp ) { GdkColor *rv = g_malloc ( sizeof ( GdkColor ) ); *rv = vvp->background_color; return rv; } /* returns pointer to internal static storage, changes next time function called, use quickly */ const gchar *vik_viewport_get_background_color ( VikViewport *vvp ) { static gchar color[8]; g_snprintf(color, sizeof(color), "#%.2x%.2x%.2x", (int)(vvp->background_color.red/256),(int)(vvp->background_color.green/256),(int)(vvp->background_color.blue/256)); return color; } void vik_viewport_set_background_color ( VikViewport *vvp, const gchar *colorname ) { g_assert ( vvp && vvp->background_gc ); if ( gdk_color_parse ( colorname, &(vvp->background_color) ) ) gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color ( vvp->background_gc, &(vvp->background_color) ); else g_warning("%s: Failed to parse color '%s'", __FUNCTION__, colorname); } void vik_viewport_set_background_gdkcolor ( VikViewport *vvp, GdkColor *color ) { g_assert ( vvp && vvp->background_gc ); vvp->background_color = *color; gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color ( vvp->background_gc, color ); } GdkColor *vik_viewport_get_highlight_gdkcolor ( VikViewport *vvp ) { GdkColor *rv = g_malloc ( sizeof ( GdkColor ) ); *rv = vvp->highlight_color; return rv; } /* returns pointer to internal static storage, changes next time function called, use quickly */ const gchar *vik_viewport_get_highlight_color ( VikViewport *vvp ) { static gchar color[8]; g_snprintf(color, sizeof(color), "#%.2x%.2x%.2x", (int)(vvp->highlight_color.red/256),(int)(vvp->highlight_color.green/256),(int)(vvp->highlight_color.blue/256)); return color; } void vik_viewport_set_highlight_color ( VikViewport *vvp, const gchar *colorname ) { g_assert ( vvp->highlight_gc ); gdk_color_parse ( colorname, &(vvp->highlight_color) ); gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color ( vvp->highlight_gc, &(vvp->highlight_color) ); } void vik_viewport_set_highlight_gdkcolor ( VikViewport *vvp, GdkColor *color ) { g_assert ( vvp->highlight_gc ); vvp->highlight_color = *color; gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color ( vvp->highlight_gc, color ); } GdkGC *vik_viewport_get_gc_highlight ( VikViewport *vvp ) { return vvp->highlight_gc; } void vik_viewport_set_highlight_thickness ( VikViewport *vvp, gint thickness ) { // Otherwise same GDK_* attributes as in vik_viewport_new_gc gdk_gc_set_line_attributes ( vvp->highlight_gc, thickness, GDK_LINE_SOLID, GDK_CAP_ROUND, GDK_JOIN_ROUND ); } GdkGC *vik_viewport_new_gc ( VikViewport *vvp, const gchar *colorname, gint thickness ) { GdkGC *rv = NULL; GdkColor color; rv = gdk_gc_new ( gtk_widget_get_window(GTK_WIDGET(vvp)) ); if ( gdk_color_parse ( colorname, &color ) ) gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color ( rv, &color ); else g_warning("%s: Failed to parse color '%s'", __FUNCTION__, colorname); gdk_gc_set_line_attributes ( rv, thickness, GDK_LINE_SOLID, GDK_CAP_ROUND, GDK_JOIN_ROUND ); return rv; } GdkGC *vik_viewport_new_gc_from_color ( VikViewport *vvp, GdkColor *color, gint thickness ) { GdkGC *rv; rv = gdk_gc_new ( gtk_widget_get_window(GTK_WIDGET(vvp)) ); gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color ( rv, color ); gdk_gc_set_line_attributes ( rv, thickness, GDK_LINE_SOLID, GDK_CAP_ROUND, GDK_JOIN_ROUND ); return rv; } void vik_viewport_configure_manually ( VikViewport *vvp, gint width, guint height ) { vvp->width = width; vvp->height = height; vvp->width_2 = vvp->width/2; vvp->height_2 = vvp->height/2; if ( vvp->scr_buffer ) g_object_unref ( G_OBJECT ( vvp->scr_buffer ) ); vvp->scr_buffer = gdk_pixmap_new ( gtk_widget_get_window(GTK_WIDGET(vvp)), vvp->width, vvp->height, -1 ); /* TODO trigger: only if this is enabled !!! */ if ( vvp->snapshot_buffer ) g_object_unref ( G_OBJECT ( vvp->snapshot_buffer ) ); vvp->snapshot_buffer = gdk_pixmap_new ( gtk_widget_get_window(GTK_WIDGET(vvp)), vvp->width, vvp->height, -1 ); } GdkPixmap *vik_viewport_get_pixmap ( VikViewport *vvp ) { return vvp->scr_buffer; } gboolean vik_viewport_configure ( VikViewport *vvp ) { g_return_val_if_fail ( vvp != NULL, TRUE ); GtkAllocation allocation; gtk_widget_get_allocation ( GTK_WIDGET(vvp), &allocation ); vvp->width = allocation.width; vvp->height = allocation.height; vvp->width_2 = vvp->width/2; vvp->height_2 = vvp->height/2; if ( vvp->scr_buffer ) g_object_unref ( G_OBJECT ( vvp->scr_buffer ) ); vvp->scr_buffer = gdk_pixmap_new ( gtk_widget_get_window(GTK_WIDGET(vvp)), vvp->width, vvp->height, -1 ); /* TODO trigger: only if enabled! */ if ( vvp->snapshot_buffer ) g_object_unref ( G_OBJECT ( vvp->snapshot_buffer ) ); vvp->snapshot_buffer = gdk_pixmap_new ( gtk_widget_get_window(GTK_WIDGET(vvp)), vvp->width, vvp->height, -1 ); /* TODO trigger */ /* this is down here so it can get a GC (necessary?) */ if ( !vvp->background_gc ) { vvp->background_gc = vik_viewport_new_gc ( vvp, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR, 1 ); vik_viewport_set_background_color ( vvp, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR ); } if ( ! vvp->highlight_gc ) { vvp->highlight_gc = vik_viewport_new_gc ( vvp, DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, 1 ); vik_viewport_set_highlight_color ( vvp, DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR ); } if ( !vvp->scale_bg_gc) { vvp->scale_bg_gc = vik_viewport_new_gc(vvp, "grey", 3); } return FALSE; } static void viewport_finalize ( GObject *gob ) { VikViewport *vvp = VIK_VIEWPORT(gob); g_return_if_fail ( vvp != NULL ); if ( a_vik_get_startup_method ( ) == VIK_STARTUP_METHOD_LAST_LOCATION ) { struct LatLon ll; vik_coord_to_latlon ( &(vvp->center), &ll ); a_settings_set_double ( VIK_SETTINGS_VIEW_LAST_LATITUDE, ll.lat ); a_settings_set_double ( VIK_SETTINGS_VIEW_LAST_LONGITUDE, ll.lon ); a_settings_set_double ( VIK_SETTINGS_VIEW_LAST_ZOOM_X, vvp->xmpp ); a_settings_set_double ( VIK_SETTINGS_VIEW_LAST_ZOOM_Y, vvp->ympp ); } if ( vvp->centers ) free_centers ( vvp, 0 ); if ( vvp->scr_buffer ) g_object_unref ( G_OBJECT ( vvp->scr_buffer ) ); if ( vvp->snapshot_buffer ) g_object_unref ( G_OBJECT ( vvp->snapshot_buffer ) ); if ( vvp->background_gc ) g_object_unref ( G_OBJECT ( vvp->background_gc ) ); if ( vvp->highlight_gc ) g_object_unref ( G_OBJECT ( vvp->highlight_gc ) ); if ( vvp->scale_bg_gc ) { g_object_unref ( G_OBJECT ( vvp->scale_bg_gc ) ); vvp->scale_bg_gc = NULL; } G_OBJECT_CLASS(parent_class)->finalize(gob); } /** * vik_viewport_clear: * @vvp: self object * * Clear the whole viewport. */ void vik_viewport_clear ( VikViewport *vvp ) { g_return_if_fail ( vvp != NULL ); gdk_draw_rectangle(GDK_DRAWABLE(vvp->scr_buffer), vvp->background_gc, TRUE, 0, 0, vvp->width, vvp->height); vik_viewport_reset_copyrights ( vvp ); vik_viewport_reset_logos ( vvp ); } /** * vik_viewport_set_draw_scale: * @vvp: self * @draw_scale: new value * * Enable/Disable display of scale. */ void vik_viewport_set_draw_scale ( VikViewport *vvp, gboolean draw_scale ) { vvp->draw_scale = draw_scale; } gboolean vik_viewport_get_draw_scale ( VikViewport *vvp ) { return vvp->draw_scale; } void vik_viewport_draw_scale ( VikViewport *vvp ) { g_return_if_fail ( vvp != NULL ); if ( vvp->draw_scale ) { VikCoord left, right; gdouble unit, base, diff, old_unit, old_diff, ratio; gint odd, len, SCSIZE = 5, HEIGHT=10; PangoLayout *pl; gchar s[128]; vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( vvp, 0, vvp->height/2, &left ); vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( vvp, vvp->width/SCSIZE, vvp->height/2, &right ); vik_units_distance_t dist_units = a_vik_get_units_distance (); switch (dist_units) { case VIK_UNITS_DISTANCE_KILOMETRES: base = vik_coord_diff ( &left, &right ); // in meters break; case VIK_UNITS_DISTANCE_MILES: // in 0.1 miles (copes better when zoomed in as 1 mile can be too big) base = VIK_METERS_TO_MILES(vik_coord_diff ( &left, &right )) * 10.0; break; case VIK_UNITS_DISTANCE_NAUTICAL_MILES: // in 0.1 NM (copes better when zoomed in as 1 NM can be too big) base = VIK_METERS_TO_NAUTICAL_MILES(vik_coord_diff ( &left, &right )) * 10.0; break; default: base = 1; // Keep the compiler happy g_critical("Houston, we've had a problem. distance=%d", dist_units); } ratio = (vvp->width/SCSIZE)/base; unit = 1; diff = fabs(base-unit); old_unit = unit; old_diff = diff; odd = 1; while (diff <= old_diff) { old_unit = unit; old_diff = diff; unit = unit * (odd%2 ? 5 : 2); diff = fabs(base-unit); odd++; } unit = old_unit; len = unit * ratio; /* white background */ vik_viewport_draw_line(vvp, vvp->scale_bg_gc, PAD, vvp->height-PAD, PAD + len, vvp->height-PAD); vik_viewport_draw_line(vvp, vvp->scale_bg_gc, PAD, vvp->height-PAD, PAD, vvp->height-PAD-HEIGHT); vik_viewport_draw_line(vvp, vvp->scale_bg_gc, PAD + len, vvp->height-PAD, PAD + len, vvp->height-PAD-HEIGHT); /* black scale */ vik_viewport_draw_line(vvp, gtk_widget_get_style(GTK_WIDGET(&vvp->drawing_area))->black_gc, PAD, vvp->height-PAD, PAD + len, vvp->height-PAD); vik_viewport_draw_line(vvp, gtk_widget_get_style(GTK_WIDGET(&vvp->drawing_area))->black_gc, PAD, vvp->height-PAD, PAD, vvp->height-PAD-HEIGHT); vik_viewport_draw_line(vvp, gtk_widget_get_style(GTK_WIDGET(&vvp->drawing_area))->black_gc, PAD + len, vvp->height-PAD, PAD + len, vvp->height-PAD-HEIGHT); if (odd%2) { int i; for (i=1; i<5; i++) { vik_viewport_draw_line(vvp, vvp->scale_bg_gc, PAD+i*len/5, vvp->height-PAD, PAD+i*len/5, vvp->height-PAD-(HEIGHT/2)); vik_viewport_draw_line(vvp, gtk_widget_get_style(GTK_WIDGET(&vvp->drawing_area))->black_gc, PAD+i*len/5, vvp->height-PAD, PAD+i*len/5, vvp->height-PAD-(HEIGHT/2)); } } else { int i; for (i=1; i<10; i++) { vik_viewport_draw_line(vvp, vvp->scale_bg_gc, PAD+i*len/10, vvp->height-PAD, PAD+i*len/10, vvp->height-PAD-((i==5)?(2*HEIGHT/3):(HEIGHT/2))); vik_viewport_draw_line(vvp, gtk_widget_get_style(GTK_WIDGET(&vvp->drawing_area))->black_gc, PAD+i*len/10, vvp->height-PAD, PAD+i*len/10, vvp->height-PAD-((i==5)?(2*HEIGHT/3):(HEIGHT/2))); } } pl = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout (GTK_WIDGET(&vvp->drawing_area), NULL); pango_layout_set_font_description (pl, gtk_widget_get_style(GTK_WIDGET(&vvp->drawing_area))->font_desc); switch (dist_units) { case VIK_UNITS_DISTANCE_KILOMETRES: if (unit >= 1000) { sprintf(s, "%d km", (int)unit/1000); } else { sprintf(s, "%d m", (int)unit); } break; case VIK_UNITS_DISTANCE_MILES: // Handle units in 0.1 miles if (unit < 10.0) { sprintf(s, "%0.1f miles", unit/10.0); } else if ((int)unit == 10.0) { sprintf(s, "1 mile"); } else { sprintf(s, "%d miles", (int)(unit/10.0)); } break; case VIK_UNITS_DISTANCE_NAUTICAL_MILES: // Handle units in 0.1 NM if (unit < 10.0) { sprintf(s, "%0.1f NM", unit/10.0); } else if ((int)unit == 10.0) { sprintf(s, "1 NM"); } else { sprintf(s, "%d NMs", (int)(unit/10.0)); } break; default: g_critical("Houston, we've had a problem. distance=%d", dist_units); } pango_layout_set_text(pl, s, -1); vik_viewport_draw_layout(vvp, gtk_widget_get_style(GTK_WIDGET(&vvp->drawing_area))->black_gc, PAD + len + PAD, vvp->height - PAD - 10, pl); g_object_unref(pl); pl = NULL; } } void vik_viewport_draw_copyright ( VikViewport *vvp ) { g_return_if_fail ( vvp != NULL ); PangoLayout *pl; PangoRectangle ink_rect, logical_rect; gchar s[128] = ""; /* compute copyrights string */ guint len = g_slist_length ( vvp->copyrights ); int i; for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i++) { // Stop when buffer is full int slen = strlen ( s ); if ( slen >= 127 ) break; gchar *copyright = g_slist_nth_data ( vvp->copyrights, i ); // Only use part of this copyright that fits in the available space left // remembering 1 character is left available for the appended space int clen = strlen ( copyright ); if ( slen + clen > 126 ) { clen = 126 - slen; } strncat ( s, copyright, clen ); strcat ( s, " " ); } /* create pango layout */ pl = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout (GTK_WIDGET(&vvp->drawing_area), NULL); pango_layout_set_font_description (pl, gtk_widget_get_style(GTK_WIDGET(&vvp->drawing_area))->font_desc); pango_layout_set_alignment ( pl, PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT ); /* Set the text */ pango_layout_set_text(pl, s, -1); /* Use maximum of half the viewport width */ pango_layout_set_width ( pl, ( vvp->width / 2 ) * PANGO_SCALE ); pango_layout_get_pixel_extents(pl, &ink_rect, &logical_rect); vik_viewport_draw_layout(vvp, gtk_widget_get_style(GTK_WIDGET(&vvp->drawing_area))->black_gc, vvp->width / 2, vvp->height - logical_rect.height, pl); /* Free memory */ g_object_unref(pl); pl = NULL; } /** * vik_viewport_set_draw_centermark: * @vvp: self object * @draw_centermark: new value * * Enable/Disable display of center mark. */ void vik_viewport_set_draw_centermark ( VikViewport *vvp, gboolean draw_centermark ) { vvp->draw_centermark = draw_centermark; } gboolean vik_viewport_get_draw_centermark ( VikViewport *vvp ) { return vvp->draw_centermark; } void vik_viewport_draw_centermark ( VikViewport *vvp ) { g_return_if_fail ( vvp != NULL ); if ( !vvp->draw_centermark ) return; const int len = 30; const int gap = 4; int center_x = vvp->width/2; int center_y = vvp->height/2; GdkGC * black_gc = gtk_widget_get_style(GTK_WIDGET(&vvp->drawing_area))->black_gc; /* white back ground */ vik_viewport_draw_line(vvp, vvp->scale_bg_gc, center_x - len, center_y, center_x - gap, center_y); vik_viewport_draw_line(vvp, vvp->scale_bg_gc, center_x + gap, center_y, center_x + len, center_y); vik_viewport_draw_line(vvp, vvp->scale_bg_gc, center_x, center_y - len, center_x, center_y - gap); vik_viewport_draw_line(vvp, vvp->scale_bg_gc, center_x, center_y + gap, center_x, center_y + len); /* black fore ground */ vik_viewport_draw_line(vvp, black_gc, center_x - len, center_y, center_x - gap, center_y); vik_viewport_draw_line(vvp, black_gc, center_x + gap, center_y, center_x + len, center_y); vik_viewport_draw_line(vvp, black_gc, center_x, center_y - len, center_x, center_y - gap); vik_viewport_draw_line(vvp, black_gc, center_x, center_y + gap, center_x, center_y + len); } void vik_viewport_draw_logo ( VikViewport *vvp ) { g_return_if_fail ( vvp != NULL ); guint len = g_slist_length ( vvp->logos ); gint x = vvp->width - PAD; gint y = PAD; int i; for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i++) { GdkPixbuf *logo = g_slist_nth_data ( vvp->logos, i ); gint width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width ( logo ); gint height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height ( logo ); vik_viewport_draw_pixbuf ( vvp, logo, 0, 0, x - width, y, width, height ); x = x - width - PAD; } } void vik_viewport_set_draw_highlight ( VikViewport *vvp, gboolean draw_highlight ) { vvp->draw_highlight = draw_highlight; } gboolean vik_viewport_get_draw_highlight ( VikViewport *vvp ) { return vvp->draw_highlight; } void vik_viewport_sync ( VikViewport *vvp ) { g_return_if_fail ( vvp != NULL ); gdk_draw_drawable(gtk_widget_get_window(GTK_WIDGET(vvp)), gtk_widget_get_style(GTK_WIDGET(vvp))->bg_gc[0], GDK_DRAWABLE(vvp->scr_buffer), 0, 0, 0, 0, vvp->width, vvp->height); } void vik_viewport_pan_sync ( VikViewport *vvp, gint x_off, gint y_off ) { gint x, y, wid, hei; g_return_if_fail ( vvp != NULL ); gdk_draw_drawable(gtk_widget_get_window(GTK_WIDGET(vvp)), gtk_widget_get_style(GTK_WIDGET(vvp))->bg_gc[0], GDK_DRAWABLE(vvp->scr_buffer), 0, 0, x_off, y_off, vvp->width, vvp->height); if (x_off >= 0) { x = 0; wid = x_off; } else { x = vvp->width+x_off; wid = -x_off; } if (y_off >= 0) { y = 0; hei = y_off; } else { y = vvp->height+y_off; hei = -y_off; } gtk_widget_queue_draw_area(GTK_WIDGET(vvp), x, 0, wid, vvp->height); gtk_widget_queue_draw_area(GTK_WIDGET(vvp), 0, y, vvp->width, hei); } void vik_viewport_set_zoom ( VikViewport *vvp, gdouble xympp ) { g_return_if_fail ( vvp != NULL ); if ( xympp >= VIK_VIEWPORT_MIN_ZOOM && xympp <= VIK_VIEWPORT_MAX_ZOOM ) { vvp->xmpp = vvp->ympp = xympp; // Since xmpp & ympp are the same it doesn't matter which one is used here vvp->xmfactor = vvp->ymfactor = MERCATOR_FACTOR(vvp->xmpp); } if ( vvp->drawmode == VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_UTM ) viewport_utm_zone_check(vvp); } /* or could do factor */ void vik_viewport_zoom_in ( VikViewport *vvp ) { g_return_if_fail ( vvp != NULL ); if ( vvp->xmpp >= (VIK_VIEWPORT_MIN_ZOOM*2) && vvp->ympp >= (VIK_VIEWPORT_MIN_ZOOM*2) ) { vvp->xmpp /= 2; vvp->ympp /= 2; vvp->xmfactor = MERCATOR_FACTOR(vvp->xmpp); vvp->ymfactor = MERCATOR_FACTOR(vvp->ympp); viewport_utm_zone_check(vvp); } } void vik_viewport_zoom_out ( VikViewport *vvp ) { g_return_if_fail ( vvp != NULL ); if ( vvp->xmpp <= (VIK_VIEWPORT_MAX_ZOOM/2) && vvp->ympp <= (VIK_VIEWPORT_MAX_ZOOM/2) ) { vvp->xmpp *= 2; vvp->ympp *= 2; vvp->xmfactor = MERCATOR_FACTOR(vvp->xmpp); vvp->ymfactor = MERCATOR_FACTOR(vvp->ympp); viewport_utm_zone_check(vvp); } } gdouble vik_viewport_get_zoom ( VikViewport *vvp ) { if ( vvp->xmpp == vvp->ympp ) return vvp->xmpp; return 0.0; } gdouble vik_viewport_get_xmpp ( VikViewport *vvp ) { return vvp->xmpp; } gdouble vik_viewport_get_ympp ( VikViewport *vvp ) { return vvp->ympp; } void vik_viewport_set_xmpp ( VikViewport *vvp, gdouble xmpp ) { if ( xmpp >= VIK_VIEWPORT_MIN_ZOOM && xmpp <= VIK_VIEWPORT_MAX_ZOOM ) { vvp->xmpp = xmpp; vvp->ymfactor = MERCATOR_FACTOR(vvp->ympp); if ( vvp->drawmode == VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_UTM ) viewport_utm_zone_check(vvp); } } void vik_viewport_set_ympp ( VikViewport *vvp, gdouble ympp ) { if ( ympp >= VIK_VIEWPORT_MIN_ZOOM && ympp <= VIK_VIEWPORT_MAX_ZOOM ) { vvp->ympp = ympp; vvp->ymfactor = MERCATOR_FACTOR(vvp->ympp); if ( vvp->drawmode == VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_UTM ) viewport_utm_zone_check(vvp); } } const VikCoord *vik_viewport_get_center ( VikViewport *vvp ) { g_return_val_if_fail ( vvp != NULL, NULL ); return &(vvp->center); } /* called every time we update coordinates/zoom */ static void viewport_utm_zone_check ( VikViewport *vvp ) { if ( vvp->coord_mode == VIK_COORD_UTM ) { struct UTM utm; struct LatLon ll; a_coords_utm_to_latlon ( (struct UTM *) &(vvp->center), &ll ); a_coords_latlon_to_utm ( &ll, &utm ); if ( utm.zone != vvp->center.utm_zone ) *((struct UTM *)(&vvp->center)) = utm; /* misc. stuff so we don't have to check later */ vvp->utm_zone_width = viewport_utm_zone_width ( vvp ); vvp->one_utm_zone = ( vik_viewport_rightmost_zone(vvp) == vik_viewport_leftmost_zone(vvp) ); } } /** * Free an individual center position in the history list */ static void free_center ( VikViewport *vvp, guint index ) { VikCoord *coord = g_list_nth_data ( vvp->centers, index ); if ( coord ) g_free ( coord ); GList *gl = g_list_nth ( vvp->centers, index ); if ( gl ) vvp->centers = g_list_delete_link ( vvp->centers, gl ); } /** * Free a set of center positions in the history list, * from the indicated start index to the end of the list */ static void free_centers ( VikViewport *vvp, guint start ) { // Have to work backward since we delete items referenced by the '_nth()' values, // otherwise if processed forward - removing the lower nth index entries would change the subsequent indexing for ( guint i = g_list_length(vvp->centers)-1; i > start; i-- ) free_center ( vvp, i ); } /** * Store the current center position into the history list * and emit a signal to notify clients the list has been updated */ static void update_centers ( VikViewport *vvp ) { VikCoord *new_center = g_malloc(sizeof (VikCoord)); *new_center = vvp->center; if ( vvp->centers_index ) { if ( vvp->centers_index == vvp->centers_max-1 ) { // List is full, so drop the oldest value to make room for the new one free_center ( vvp, 0 ); vvp->centers_index--; } else { // Reset the now unused section of the list // Free from the index to the end free_centers ( vvp, vvp->centers_index+1 ); } } // Store new position // NB ATM this can be the same location as the last one in the list vvp->centers = g_list_append ( vvp->centers, new_center ); // Reset to the end (NB should be same as centers_index++) vvp->centers_index = g_list_length ( vvp->centers ) - 1; // Inform interested subscribers that this change has occurred g_signal_emit ( G_OBJECT(vvp), viewport_signals[VW_UPDATED_CENTER_SIGNAL], 0 ); } /** * Show the list of forward/backward positions * ATM only for debug usage */ void vik_viewport_show_centers ( VikViewport *vvp, GtkWindow *parent ) { GList* node = NULL; GList* texts = NULL; gint index = 0; for (node = vvp->centers; node != NULL; node = g_list_next(node)) { gchar *lat = NULL, *lon = NULL; struct LatLon ll; vik_coord_to_latlon (node->data, &ll); a_coords_latlon_to_string ( &ll, &lat, &lon ); gchar *extra = NULL; if ( index == vvp->centers_index-1 ) extra = g_strdup ( " [Back]" ); else if ( index == vvp->centers_index+1 ) extra = g_strdup ( " [Forward]" ); else extra = g_strdup ( "" ); texts = g_list_prepend ( texts , g_strdup_printf ( "%s %s%s", lat, lon, extra ) ); g_free ( lat ); g_free ( lon ); g_free ( extra ); index++; } // NB: No i18n as this is just for debug // Using this function the dialog allows sorting of the list which isn't appropriate here // but this doesn't matter much for debug purposes of showing stuff... GList *ans = a_dialog_select_from_list(parent, texts, FALSE, "Back/Forward Locations", "Back/Forward Locations"); for (node = ans; node != NULL; node = g_list_next(node)) g_free(node->data); g_list_free(ans); for (node = texts; node != NULL; node = g_list_next(node)) g_free(node->data); g_list_free(texts); } /** * vik_viewport_go_back: * * Move back in the position history * * Returns: %TRUE one success */ gboolean vik_viewport_go_back ( VikViewport *vvp ) { // see if the current position is different from the last saved center position within a certain radius VikCoord *center = g_list_nth_data ( vvp->centers, vvp->centers_index ); if ( center ) { // Consider an exclusion size (should it zoom level dependent, rather than a fixed value?) // When still near to the last saved position we'll jump over it to the one before if ( vik_coord_diff ( center, &vvp->center ) > vvp->centers_radius ) { if ( vvp->centers_index == g_list_length(vvp->centers)-1 ) { // Only when we haven't already moved back in the list // Remember where this request came from // (alternatively we could insert in the list on every back attempt) update_centers ( vvp ); } } // 'Go back' if possible // NB if we inserted a position above, then this will then move to the last saved position // otherwise this will skip to the previous saved position, as it's probably somewhere else. if ( vvp->centers_index > 0 ) vvp->centers_index--; } else { return FALSE; } VikCoord *new_center = g_list_nth_data ( vvp->centers, vvp->centers_index ); if ( new_center ) { vik_viewport_set_center_coord ( vvp, new_center, FALSE ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * vik_viewport_go_forward: * * Move forward in the position history * * Returns: %TRUE one success */ gboolean vik_viewport_go_forward ( VikViewport *vvp ) { if ( vvp->centers_index == vvp->centers_max-1 ) return FALSE; vvp->centers_index++; VikCoord *new_center = g_list_nth_data ( vvp->centers, vvp->centers_index ); if ( new_center ) { vik_viewport_set_center_coord ( vvp, new_center, FALSE ); return TRUE; } else // Set to end of list vvp->centers_index = g_list_length(vvp->centers) - 1; return FALSE; } /** * vik_viewport_back_available: * * Returns: %TRUE when a previous position in the history is available */ gboolean vik_viewport_back_available ( const VikViewport *vvp ) { return ( vvp->centers_index > 0 ); } /** * vik_viewport_forward_available: * * Returns: %TRUE when a next position in the history is available */ gboolean vik_viewport_forward_available ( const VikViewport *vvp ) { return ( vvp->centers_index < g_list_length(vvp->centers)-1 ); } /** * vik_viewport_set_center_latlon: * @vvp: The viewport to reposition. * @ll: The new center position in Lat/Lon format * @save_position: Whether this new position should be saved into the history of positions * Normally only specific user requests should be saved (i.e. to not include Pan and Zoom repositions) */ void vik_viewport_set_center_latlon ( VikViewport *vvp, const struct LatLon *ll, gboolean save_position ) { vik_coord_load_from_latlon ( &(vvp->center), vvp->coord_mode, ll ); if ( save_position ) update_centers ( vvp ); if ( vvp->coord_mode == VIK_COORD_UTM ) viewport_utm_zone_check ( vvp ); } /** * vik_viewport_set_center_utm: * @vvp: The viewport to reposition. * @utm: The new center position in UTM format * @save_position: Whether this new position should be saved into the history of positions * Normally only specific user requests should be saved (i.e. to not include Pan and Zoom repositions) */ void vik_viewport_set_center_utm ( VikViewport *vvp, const struct UTM *utm, gboolean save_position ) { vik_coord_load_from_utm ( &(vvp->center), vvp->coord_mode, utm ); if ( save_position ) update_centers ( vvp ); if ( vvp->coord_mode == VIK_COORD_UTM ) viewport_utm_zone_check ( vvp ); } /** * vik_viewport_set_center_coord: * @vvp: The viewport to reposition. * @coord: The new center position in a VikCoord type * @save_position: Whether this new position should be saved into the history of positions * Normally only specific user requests should be saved (i.e. to not include Pan and Zoom repositions) */ void vik_viewport_set_center_coord ( VikViewport *vvp, const VikCoord *coord, gboolean save_position ) { vvp->center = *coord; if ( save_position ) update_centers ( vvp ); if ( vvp->coord_mode == VIK_COORD_UTM ) viewport_utm_zone_check ( vvp ); } void vik_viewport_corners_for_zonen ( VikViewport *vvp, int zone, VikCoord *ul, VikCoord *br ) { g_return_if_fail ( vvp->coord_mode == VIK_COORD_UTM ); /* get center, then just offset */ vik_viewport_center_for_zonen ( vvp, VIK_UTM(ul), zone ); ul->mode = VIK_COORD_UTM; *br = *ul; ul->north_south += (vvp->ympp * vvp->height / 2); ul->east_west -= (vvp->xmpp * vvp->width / 2); br->north_south -= (vvp->ympp * vvp->height / 2); br->east_west += (vvp->xmpp * vvp->width / 2); } void vik_viewport_center_for_zonen ( VikViewport *vvp, struct UTM *center, int zone) { if ( vvp->coord_mode == VIK_COORD_UTM ) { *center = *((struct UTM *)(vik_viewport_get_center ( vvp ))); center->easting -= ( zone - center->zone ) * vvp->utm_zone_width; center->zone = zone; } } gchar vik_viewport_leftmost_zone ( VikViewport *vvp ) { if ( vvp->coord_mode == VIK_COORD_UTM ) { VikCoord coord; g_assert ( vvp != NULL ); vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( vvp, 0, 0, &coord ); return coord.utm_zone; } return '\0'; } gchar vik_viewport_rightmost_zone ( VikViewport *vvp ) { if ( vvp->coord_mode == VIK_COORD_UTM ) { VikCoord coord; g_assert ( vvp != NULL ); vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( vvp, vvp->width, 0, &coord ); return coord.utm_zone; } return '\0'; } void vik_viewport_set_center_screen ( VikViewport *vvp, int x, int y ) { g_return_if_fail ( vvp != NULL ); if ( vvp->coord_mode == VIK_COORD_UTM ) { /* slightly optimized */ vvp->center.east_west += vvp->xmpp * (x - (vvp->width/2)); vvp->center.north_south += vvp->ympp * ((vvp->height/2) - y); viewport_utm_zone_check ( vvp ); } else { VikCoord tmp; vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( vvp, x, y, &tmp ); vik_viewport_set_center_coord ( vvp, &tmp, FALSE ); } } gint vik_viewport_get_width( VikViewport *vvp ) { g_return_val_if_fail ( vvp != NULL, 0 ); return vvp->width; } gint vik_viewport_get_height( VikViewport *vvp ) { g_return_val_if_fail ( vvp != NULL, 0 ); return vvp->height; } void vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( VikViewport *vvp, int x, int y, VikCoord *coord ) { g_return_if_fail ( vvp != NULL ); if ( vvp->coord_mode == VIK_COORD_UTM ) { int zone_delta; struct UTM *utm = (struct UTM *) coord; coord->mode = VIK_COORD_UTM; utm->zone = vvp->center.utm_zone; utm->letter = vvp->center.utm_letter; utm->easting = ( ( x - ( vvp->width_2) ) * vvp->xmpp ) + vvp->center.east_west; zone_delta = floor( (utm->easting - EASTING_OFFSET ) / vvp->utm_zone_width + 0.5 ); utm->zone += zone_delta; utm->easting -= zone_delta * vvp->utm_zone_width; utm->northing = ( ( ( vvp->height_2) - y ) * vvp->ympp ) + vvp->center.north_south; } else if ( vvp->coord_mode == VIK_COORD_LATLON ) { coord->mode = VIK_COORD_LATLON; if ( vvp->drawmode == VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_LATLON ) { coord->east_west = vvp->center.east_west + (180.0 * vvp->xmpp / 65536 / 256 * (x - vvp->width_2)); coord->north_south = vvp->center.north_south + (180.0 * vvp->ympp / 65536 / 256 * (vvp->height_2 - y)); } else if ( vvp->drawmode == VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_EXPEDIA ) calcxy_rev(&(coord->east_west), &(coord->north_south), x, y, vvp->center.east_west, vvp->center.north_south, vvp->xmpp * ALTI_TO_MPP, vvp->ympp * ALTI_TO_MPP, vvp->width_2, vvp->height_2); else if ( vvp->drawmode == VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_MERCATOR ) { /* This isn't called with a high frequently so less need to optimize */ coord->east_west = vvp->center.east_west + (180.0 * vvp->xmpp / 65536 / 256 * (x - vvp->width_2)); coord->north_south = DEMERCLAT ( MERCLAT(vvp->center.north_south) + (180.0 * vvp->ympp / 65536 / 256 * (vvp->height_2 - y)) ); } } } /* * Since this function is used for every drawn trackpoint - it can get called alot * Thus x & y position factors are calculated once on zoom changes, * avoiding the need to do it here all the time. * For good measure the half width and height values are also pre calculated too. */ void vik_viewport_coord_to_screen ( VikViewport *vvp, const VikCoord *coord, int *x, int *y ) { static VikCoord tmp; g_return_if_fail ( vvp != NULL ); if ( coord->mode != vvp->coord_mode ) { g_warning ( "Have to convert in vik_viewport_coord_to_screen! This should never happen!"); vik_coord_copy_convert ( coord, vvp->coord_mode, &tmp ); coord = &tmp; } if ( vvp->coord_mode == VIK_COORD_UTM ) { struct UTM *center = (struct UTM *) &(vvp->center); struct UTM *utm = (struct UTM *) coord; if ( center->zone != utm->zone && vvp->one_utm_zone ) { *x = *y = VIK_VIEWPORT_UTM_WRONG_ZONE; return; } *x = ( (utm->easting - center->easting) / vvp->xmpp ) + (vvp->width_2) - (center->zone - utm->zone ) * vvp->utm_zone_width / vvp->xmpp; *y = (vvp->height_2) - ( (utm->northing - center->northing) / vvp->ympp ); } else if ( vvp->coord_mode == VIK_COORD_LATLON ) { struct LatLon *center = (struct LatLon *) &(vvp->center); struct LatLon *ll = (struct LatLon *) coord; double xx,yy; if ( vvp->drawmode == VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_LATLON ) { *x = vvp->width_2 + ( MERCATOR_FACTOR(vvp->xmpp) * (ll->lon - center->lon) ); *y = vvp->height_2 + ( MERCATOR_FACTOR(vvp->ympp) * (center->lat - ll->lat) ); } else if ( vvp->drawmode == VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_EXPEDIA ) { calcxy ( &xx, &yy, center->lon, center->lat, ll->lon, ll->lat, vvp->xmpp * ALTI_TO_MPP, vvp->ympp * ALTI_TO_MPP, vvp->width_2, vvp->height_2 ); *x = xx; *y = yy; } else if ( vvp->drawmode == VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_MERCATOR ) { *x = vvp->width_2 + ( MERCATOR_FACTOR(vvp->xmpp) * (ll->lon - center->lon) ); *y = vvp->height_2 + ( MERCATOR_FACTOR(vvp->ympp) * ( MERCLAT(center->lat) - MERCLAT(ll->lat) ) ); } } } // Clip functions continually reduce the value by a factor until it is in the acceptable range // whilst also scaling the other coordinate value. static void clip_x ( gint *x1, gint *y1, gint *x2, gint *y2 ) { while ( ABS(*x1) > 32768 ) { *x1 = *x2 + (0.5 * (*x1-*x2)); *y1 = *y2 + (0.5 * (*y1-*y2)); } } static void clip_y ( gint *x1, gint *y1, gint *x2, gint *y2 ) { while ( ABS(*y1) > 32767 ) { *x1 = *x2 + (0.5 * (*x1-*x2)); *y1 = *y2 + (0.5 * (*y1-*y2)); } } /** * a_viewport_clip_line: * @x1: screen coord * @y1: screen coord * @x2: screen coord * @y2: screen coord * * Due to the seemingly undocumented behaviour of gdk_draw_line(), we need to restrict the range of values passed in. * So despite it accepting gints, the effective range seems to be the actually the minimum C int range (2^16). * This seems to be limitations coming from the X Window System. * * See http://www.rahul.net/kenton/40errs.html * ERROR 7. Boundary conditions. * "The X coordinate space is not infinite. * Most drawing functions limit position, width, and height to 16 bit integers (sometimes signed, sometimes unsigned) of accuracy. * Because most C compilers use 32 bit integers, Xlib will not complain if you exceed the 16 bit limit, but your results will usually not be what you expected. * You should be especially careful of this if you are implementing higher level scalable graphics packages." * * This function should be called before calling gdk_draw_line(). */ void a_viewport_clip_line ( gint *x1, gint *y1, gint *x2, gint *y2 ) { if ( *x1 > 32768 || *x1 < -32767 ) clip_x ( x1, y1, x2, y2 ); if ( *y1 > 32768 || *y1 < -32767 ) clip_y ( x1, y1, x2, y2 ); if ( *x2 > 32768 || *x2 < -32767 ) clip_x ( x2, y2, x1, y1 ); if ( *y2 > 32768 || *y2 < -32767 ) clip_y ( x2, y2, x1, y1 ); } void vik_viewport_draw_line ( VikViewport *vvp, GdkGC *gc, gint x1, gint y1, gint x2, gint y2 ) { if ( ! ( ( x1 < 0 && x2 < 0 ) || ( y1 < 0 && y2 < 0 ) || ( x1 > vvp->width && x2 > vvp->width ) || ( y1 > vvp->height && y2 > vvp->height ) ) ) { /*** clipping, yeah! ***/ a_viewport_clip_line ( &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 ); gdk_draw_line ( vvp->scr_buffer, gc, x1, y1, x2, y2); } } void vik_viewport_draw_rectangle ( VikViewport *vvp, GdkGC *gc, gboolean filled, gint x1, gint y1, gint x2, gint y2 ) { // Using 32 as half the default waypoint image size, so this draws ensures the highlight gets done if ( x1 > -32 && x1 < vvp->width + 32 && y1 > -32 && y1 < vvp->height + 32 ) gdk_draw_rectangle ( vvp->scr_buffer, gc, filled, x1, y1, x2, y2); } void vik_viewport_draw_string ( VikViewport *vvp, GdkFont *font, GdkGC *gc, gint x1, gint y1, const gchar *string ) { if ( x1 > -100 && x1 < vvp->width + 100 && y1 > -100 && y1 < vvp->height + 100 ) gdk_draw_string ( vvp->scr_buffer, font, gc, x1, y1, string ); } void vik_viewport_draw_pixbuf ( VikViewport *vvp, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, gint src_x, gint src_y, gint dest_x, gint dest_y, gint w, gint h ) { gdk_draw_pixbuf ( vvp->scr_buffer, NULL, pixbuf, src_x, src_y, dest_x, dest_y, w, h, GDK_RGB_DITHER_NONE, 0, 0 ); } void vik_viewport_draw_arc ( VikViewport *vvp, GdkGC *gc, gboolean filled, gint x, gint y, gint width, gint height, gint angle1, gint angle2 ) { gdk_draw_arc ( vvp->scr_buffer, gc, filled, x, y, width, height, angle1, angle2 ); } void vik_viewport_draw_polygon ( VikViewport *vvp, GdkGC *gc, gboolean filled, GdkPoint *points, gint npoints ) { gdk_draw_polygon ( vvp->scr_buffer, gc, filled, points, npoints ); } VikCoordMode vik_viewport_get_coord_mode ( const VikViewport *vvp ) { g_assert ( vvp ); return vvp->coord_mode; } static void viewport_set_coord_mode ( VikViewport *vvp, VikCoordMode mode ) { g_return_if_fail ( vvp != NULL ); vvp->coord_mode = mode; vik_coord_convert ( &(vvp->center), mode ); } /* Thanks GPSDrive */ static gboolean calcxy_rev(double *lg, double *lt, gint x, gint y, double zero_long, double zero_lat, double pixelfact_x, double pixelfact_y, gint mapSizeX2, gint mapSizeY2 ) { int px, py; gdouble dif, lat, lon; double Ra = Radius[90+(gint)zero_lat]; px = (mapSizeX2 - x) * pixelfact_x; py = (-mapSizeY2 + y) * pixelfact_y; lat = zero_lat - py / Ra; lon = zero_long - px / (Ra * cos (DEG2RAD(lat))); dif = lat * (1 - (cos (DEG2RAD(fabs (lon - zero_long))))); lat = lat - dif / 1.5; lon = zero_long - px / (Ra * cos (DEG2RAD(lat))); *lt = lat; *lg = lon; return (TRUE); } /* Thanks GPSDrive */ static gboolean calcxy(double *x, double *y, double lg, double lt, double zero_long, double zero_lat, double pixelfact_x, double pixelfact_y, gint mapSizeX2, gint mapSizeY2 ) { double dif; double Ra; gint mapSizeX = 2 * mapSizeX2; gint mapSizeY = 2 * mapSizeY2; g_assert ( lt >= -90.0 && lt <= 90.0 ); // lg *= rad2deg; // FIXME, optimize equations // lt *= rad2deg; Ra = Radius[90+(gint)lt]; *x = Ra * cos (DEG2RAD(lt)) * (lg - zero_long); *y = Ra * (lt - zero_lat); dif = Ra * RAD2DEG(1 - (cos ((DEG2RAD(lg - zero_long))))); *y = *y + dif / 1.85; *x = *x / pixelfact_x; *y = *y / pixelfact_y; *x = mapSizeX2 - *x; *y += mapSizeY2; if ((*x < 0)||(*x >= mapSizeX)||(*y < 0)||(*y >= mapSizeY)) return (FALSE); return (TRUE); } static void viewport_init_ra() { static gboolean done_before = FALSE; if ( !done_before ) { gint i; for ( i = -90; i <= 90; i++) Radius[i+90] = calcR ( DEG2RAD((double)i) ); done_before = TRUE; } } double calcR (double lat) { double a = 6378.137, r, sc, x, y, z; double e2 = 0.081082 * 0.081082; /* * the radius of curvature of an ellipsoidal Earth in the plane of the * meridian is given by * * R' = a * (1 - e^2) / (1 - e^2 * (sin(lat))^2)^(3/2) * * * where a is the equatorial radius, b is the polar radius, and e is * the eccentricity of the ellipsoid = sqrt(1 - b^2/a^2) * * a = 6378 km (3963 mi) Equatorial radius (surface to center distance) * b = 6356.752 km (3950 mi) Polar radius (surface to center distance) e * = 0.081082 Eccentricity */ lat = DEG2RAD(lat); sc = sin (lat); x = a * (1.0 - e2); z = 1.0 - e2 * sc * sc; y = pow (z, 1.5); r = x / y; r = r * 1000.0; return r; } gboolean vik_viewport_is_one_zone ( VikViewport *vvp ) { return vvp->coord_mode == VIK_COORD_UTM && vvp->one_utm_zone; } void vik_viewport_draw_layout ( VikViewport *vvp, GdkGC *gc, gint x, gint y, PangoLayout *layout ) { if ( x > -100 && x < vvp->width + 100 && y > -100 && y < vvp->height + 100 ) gdk_draw_layout ( vvp->scr_buffer, gc, x, y, layout ); } void vik_gc_get_fg_color ( GdkGC *gc, GdkColor *dest ) { static GdkGCValues values; gdk_gc_get_values ( gc, &values ); gdk_colormap_query_color ( gdk_colormap_get_system(), values.foreground.pixel, dest ); } GdkFunction vik_gc_get_function ( GdkGC *gc ) { static GdkGCValues values; gdk_gc_get_values ( gc, &values ); return values.function; } void vik_viewport_set_drawmode ( VikViewport *vvp, VikViewportDrawMode drawmode ) { vvp->drawmode = drawmode; if ( drawmode == VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_UTM ) viewport_set_coord_mode ( vvp, VIK_COORD_UTM ); else { viewport_set_coord_mode ( vvp, VIK_COORD_LATLON ); } } VikViewportDrawMode vik_viewport_get_drawmode ( VikViewport *vvp ) { return vvp->drawmode; } /******** triggering *******/ void vik_viewport_set_trigger ( VikViewport *vp, gpointer trigger ) { vp->trigger = trigger; } gpointer vik_viewport_get_trigger ( VikViewport *vp ) { return vp->trigger; } void vik_viewport_snapshot_save ( VikViewport *vp ) { gdk_draw_drawable ( vp->snapshot_buffer, vp->background_gc, vp->scr_buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1 ); } void vik_viewport_snapshot_load ( VikViewport *vp ) { gdk_draw_drawable ( vp->scr_buffer, vp->background_gc, vp->snapshot_buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1 ); } void vik_viewport_set_half_drawn(VikViewport *vp, gboolean half_drawn) { vp->half_drawn = half_drawn; } gboolean vik_viewport_get_half_drawn( VikViewport *vp ) { return vp->half_drawn; } const gchar *vik_viewport_get_drawmode_name(VikViewport *vv, VikViewportDrawMode mode) { const gchar *name = NULL; VikWindow *vw = NULL; GtkWidget *mode_button; GtkWidget *label; vw = VIK_WINDOW_FROM_WIDGET(vv); mode_button = vik_window_get_drawmode_button(vw, mode); label = gtk_bin_get_child(GTK_BIN(mode_button)); name = gtk_label_get_text ( GTK_LABEL(label) ); return name; } void vik_viewport_get_min_max_lat_lon ( VikViewport *vp, gdouble *min_lat, gdouble *max_lat, gdouble *min_lon, gdouble *max_lon ) { VikCoord tleft, tright, bleft, bright; vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( vp, 0, 0, &tleft ); vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( vp, vik_viewport_get_width(vp), 0, &tright ); vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( vp, 0, vik_viewport_get_height(vp), &bleft ); vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( vp, vp->width, vp->height, &bright ); vik_coord_convert(&tleft, VIK_COORD_LATLON); vik_coord_convert(&tright, VIK_COORD_LATLON); vik_coord_convert(&bleft, VIK_COORD_LATLON); vik_coord_convert(&bright, VIK_COORD_LATLON); *max_lat = MAX(tleft.north_south, tright.north_south); *min_lat = MIN(bleft.north_south, bright.north_south); *max_lon = MAX(tright.east_west, bright.east_west); *min_lon = MIN(tleft.east_west, bleft.east_west); } void vik_viewport_reset_copyrights ( VikViewport *vp ) { g_return_if_fail ( vp != NULL ); g_slist_foreach ( vp->copyrights, (GFunc)g_free, NULL ); g_slist_free ( vp->copyrights ); vp->copyrights = NULL; } /** * vik_viewport_add_copyright: * @vp: self object * @copyright: new copyright to display * * Add a copyright to display on viewport. */ void vik_viewport_add_copyright ( VikViewport *vp, const gchar *copyright ) { g_return_if_fail ( vp != NULL ); if ( copyright ) { GSList *found = g_slist_find_custom ( vp->copyrights, copyright, (GCompareFunc)strcmp ); if ( found == NULL ) { gchar *duple = g_strdup ( copyright ); vp->copyrights = g_slist_prepend ( vp->copyrights, duple ); } } } void vik_viewport_reset_logos ( VikViewport *vp ) { g_return_if_fail ( vp != NULL ); /* do not free elem */ g_slist_free ( vp->logos ); vp->logos = NULL; } void vik_viewport_add_logo ( VikViewport *vp, const GdkPixbuf *logo ) { g_return_if_fail ( vp != NULL ); if ( logo ) { GdkPixbuf *found = NULL; /* FIXME (GdkPixbuf*)g_slist_find_custom ( vp->logos, logo, (GCompareFunc)== ); */ if ( found == NULL ) { vp->logos = g_slist_prepend ( vp->logos, (gpointer)logo ); } } } /** * vik_viewport_compute_bearing: * @vp: self object * @x1: screen coord * @y1: screen coord * @x2: screen coord * @y2: screen coord * @angle: bearing in Radian (output) * @baseangle: UTM base angle in Radian (output) * * Compute bearing. */ void vik_viewport_compute_bearing ( VikViewport *vp, gint x1, gint y1, gint x2, gint y2, gdouble *angle, gdouble *baseangle ) { gdouble len = sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2)); gdouble dx = (x2-x1)/len*10; gdouble dy = (y2-y1)/len*10; *angle = atan2(dy, dx) + M_PI_2; if ( vik_viewport_get_drawmode ( vp ) == VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_UTM) { VikCoord test; struct LatLon ll; struct UTM u; gint tx, ty; vik_viewport_screen_to_coord ( vp, x1, y1, &test ); vik_coord_to_latlon ( &test, &ll ); ll.lat += vik_viewport_get_ympp ( vp ) * vik_viewport_get_height ( vp ) / 11000.0; // about 11km per degree latitude a_coords_latlon_to_utm ( &ll, &u ); vik_coord_load_from_utm ( &test, VIK_COORD_UTM, &u ); vik_viewport_coord_to_screen ( vp, &test, &tx, &ty ); *baseangle = M_PI - atan2(tx-x1, ty-y1); *angle -= *baseangle; } if (*angle < 0) *angle += 2*M_PI; if (*angle > 2*M_PI) *angle -= 2*M_PI; }