TODO till release 0.1.1: IMPORTANT STUFF: check out bgitemcount stuff in background.c (hangs on clear!) g_dtostr instead of fprintf in the appropriate places Debugging output shouldn't be printf'd but we g_print'd, and we should have a DEBUG flag BIG THINGS: Fix coord layer for various projections selections (select area of waypoints, trackpoints, etc) Clipboard done right -- GtkClipboard, between processes direct GPS support combine layers OR copy & paste >1 item (better! not too hard?) funky gpsbabel filter stuff (data sources -- think about, i want something innovative in this release.) bug fixes, UI fixes elevation plotting is not so pretty if you're moving north, as it overlays stuff uglily. discussion? arrows to show track direction bicycle runs your track (animation) that tilts depending on slope RATHER HARD FIXES: tracks have their own colors, etc. replace HTTP code!!! relative photo pathnames (relative to GPS data file) Optimizations (compare to 0.0.5) SETTABLE OPTIONS: map cache size, alphabetized waypoints/tracks, picture viewer, webbrowser Speed up waypoint drawing; option for faster drawing. what if try to REDOWLOAD while RE/DOWNLOADing? Redraw when becomes available, somehow? Also, show maps in progress a different color. map loading/memory caching in the background? (for zoom out) WHITE UNDER TRACKS! DONE FASTER! CLEAN THIS UP! EASY FIXES: "click to go there" elevation map: average out, not nearest trackpoint. FEATURE WISHLIST (i.e. unlikely to get done): hover over pic Better annotation for tracks, etc. Fields, etc. Filled polygons New UI: "Track Tool" => just analyze/pick out, right click or button to edit right click to do new track or "Track/Waypoint Tool" I18N (das mundo ne parle pas agglika) Drag & Drop Layers import from data sources ( gpsbabel (gps device) / google / ) MISC FIXES (i.e. will never get done): Reid's 23, including waypoints, GPX/XML Viking files. modular plotting styles? just an idea... optimize Lat/Lon performance with its own CE1, CE2 etc. make ce1, cn2 etc for lat/lon & utm; maybe get out the checking code in vik_viewport (see draw_rectange for instance) Progressive Loading (GdkPixbufLoader) CACHING WHOLE CHUNKS? (USEFUL FOR MAP ZOOM TOO!) RELOAD BUTTON? * instead of using "emit"s in tools, do this: * "add-only" return value -- only redraw this layer and layers above it. OR maybe even more advanced -- only redraw certain portions of screen. what about ALPHA??? uh oh... "always redraw" return value -- if layer is visible or not -- e.g. goto wp "redraw if visible" return value settable defaults for layers (sigh...) OR at least config.h stuff -------------- ROADMAP (old) 0.1.2 * Data sources: google, gpsbabel * gpsbabel plugin -- wired up to get directions from google maps. * address plugin. * direct GPS support (?) GPS navigation (speed, etc, etc) * advanced downloader? 0.1.3 * stops whole list: length, max movement, icons. can make more. right click -> stops... * symbols * draw by altitude, altitude side thingy. 0.1.4 * selections (?) * NASA crazhy maps * scale 0.1.6 * new UI & documentation * internationalization 0.2.0 * TIGER data, vector maps 0.3.0 * altitude stuff, goodies * major UI changes, direct manipulation * sit down for a day or two and design the bestest bestest UI * threads, etc * docs, lots of docs 1.0 * more sophisticated vector data, almost GIS stuff. garmin maps, whatever * party -------------------------------- 0.0.9 / 0.1.0 SELECTIONS (?) * square & track-based * select everything in, everything out * download maps in WAYPOINTS * pango for text; text background with settable colors & options * move & edit waypoints!!! auto-select for that * maybe an option to turn on auto-select: off, on, only for same layer (default) MAPS * some of the above optimizations MERGE TRW * auto-rename dupes * delete dupes by name * delete dupes by location; name & location TRACKS * track editing -- everything on that idea sheet on my desk. * insert into track * show list of pics in one location * maybe track-by-elevation MISC * alphabetize waypoints & tracks * d&d layers (not worth it?) FIXES * crazhy-crazhy auto-switch UTM? * figure out save image in background stuff, sigh... * "widget properties set value param data" -> check if has properties params -> in layer_prop_fact: hold value's check if changed. -> return TRUE only if value affects look -> beautify dynamic properties boxes (checkboxes please?) -> groups -> maybe get rid of post_read (use set_param to update gc's -- but maybe not...) * TODOs & FIXMEs * due <= 2004-6-12 (1 yr after 0.0.3) DONE: * do alpha _right_ (to see what I mean, try drawing a transparent PNG) ----------------------- POSSIBLE MAP OPTIMIZATIONS: save conglomerates of shrunken images [to disk]? static cache.c shared between everything -- SHARE MAP CACHES BETWEEN LAYERS AND WINDOWS!!! background loading thread load zoomed out images into conglomerates -or- Sort images by some sort of checksum (maybe sum of all digits) into 10 groups makes finding cached image 10 times faster if we somehow know we're not going to have enough room to store all maps for 1 redraw in cache, don't cache at all. better cache management -- maybe every map in memory? --> cache should fit more small maps than big ones!!! maybe number for cache_size, keep track of it manuall, calculate from shrinkfactor? <-- good idea pixmap (not pixbuf) cache? vikmaplayer.c:520, don't run g_slist_length who-knows-howmany times (only noticable when shrinking cache) stat images to make sure the size isn't zero (vs. trying to load them). then show errors for bad ones (?) don't lookup IP each time (?) ------------------------------ Then, focus on Lat/Lon and mapquest maps. (????) Then, focus on Lat/Lon and mapquest maps. 0.0.9 "260 million maps... I can't hear you at all" release: finalize pthread/map download UI. export to image fix bug viking running -> use this thread ( good luckers !!! ) merge trw layers 0.1.0 "where we're going, we don't need roads" release (concept idea): Select a waypoint, delete to delete it, real tools, a toolbar, etc. Drag and drop layers alphabetatize waypoints & tracks "area selections" -- select tool -> select waypoints in/outside area, download maps in area, etc. etc. -/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ 0.1.0: the "fixes, patches, improvements, and goodies" release "Where we're going, we don't need roads..." * move a_dialog_new_track to viktrwlayer.c. Clean up VikTrwLayer, separating into several more-managable functions. * get rids of pass_along, layer_and_vlp junk, just use update signal and track_iters (maybe make waypoint_iters) (?) * TODO longones * general cleanups, what you have time for (vik_trackpoint_free etc, draw_track, etc.) * do we really have to have all those global funcs in vik_trw_layer ? right click->new track here, new waypoint here. general TRWEdit tool with popup on vikviewport, it can be done. general edit->delete to delete whatever is selected. ugly stuff ahead. show human-readable timestamp toolbar/toolbox, tool opts win (for tpwin) like in gimp (?) Maybe fix "private" ref_count in clipboard.c (?) clean up viktrwlayer.c, call track_realize() when adding track with add_track(), del dup. code, esp. in track_draw move/edit by click for wp? toolbar/toolbox, tool opts win (for tpwin) like in gimp (?) only draw if in UTM zone !!! Track color-by-elevation ( go all over an area, make tracks thicker/zoom out to create DEM color map ?! ) maps zoomed out Thing to download lotsa maps (script or builtin -- ?) Merge layers (what a say we have 2 layers, one with wp's, one with tracks) merge: auto rename (everything begins with "layer name: ") right click agg -> merge trw children -> super trw or multiple slect/copy & paste picture layer, thumbnails and all... move to gpsbabel default altitude, reflect it everywhere, include viking-remote gpspoint.c -- use new easy gpsbabel code, abc, 123. hard things to think about that need to be done sometime (mainly hard/impossible): 1) map downloader process / map download queue 2) if viking already running, use that process. cut and paste will work much better. EVERYTHING ABOVE THIS LINE SHOULD BE IN 0.1.0! 0.2.0 WILL FOCUS ON LAT/LON AND STREET MAPS ----- 0.2.0 * Plot as lat/lon For mapquest & georef maps: vikviewport "mode" to draw in (utm or straightened lat/lon), check before drawing, convert for TP, etc. * full georef support, release minnesota/manganese * mapquest maps * smart drawing -- determine if line segment passes thru area, fancy math... * map downloading manager, smarter ways -- e.g. "download maps within polygon" * maybe a gpsbabel plug-in * topos zoomed out if it didn't make it into 0.1.0 * maybe better wp drawing * wp's alphabetically (good luckers) or at least when loading * wp editing * direct gps support 0.3.0 (still here?) * new viking -> not new process * wp icons * routes * improve direct manipulation * bugfixes * smart labeling so we can see 2 wp's (nearly) in the same place * UTM zones (?) 1.0 * DEM maps * mapsource files * anything else possible, plausible and desirable. * lots and lots of docs * UI cleanups Uses: * planning * viewing -- showing places/tracks on topo or street maps or scanned maps * map download & printing -- your own, TOPO-thomas guides or city thomas guies * adding coord lines to scanning maps -- print 'em out or see where they are * editing tracks * managing & organizing data * creating maps and gps maps SCALING: * maybe downn scaling of higher-quality topos to accommodate odd zoom resolutions. this would also be useful for downloading _only_ high quality topos, or zooming out and seeing what topos we are missing, or downloading LOTS more topos at once (w/ download all on screen) again, we will have to see how good GTK scaling is. * maybe scaling of weird-scale (georeferenced) maps Other * georeferenced raster layer: Optional: - fix off-by-one-pixel bug (probably corner stuff) (?) - utm zones (?) - tool (maybe BUTTON 4,5 thing), and maybe a better zoom tool. but for release it's OK. ROTATION/MESSED UP MAPS: * Track/Waypoint Plotting as Lat/Lon (or artificial rotation, maybe preferred) for those kind of maps and/or rotation of maps (not as good) * maybe option "draw as lat long -- UTM center +- 1000 or something to find degrees/pixel (or use some other formula a la odu) * or just rotation in screen_to_utm and utm_to_screen * "anchoring down" one part of a georeferenced map for rotation and scaling. * fix coord layer, it is SO horribly broken for high zoom levels. * Investigate "chunk already freed" * investigate if layer type doesnt have icon wont start bug * Cleanups and fixes until 0.0.5-final: * at least two of these things * Merge TRW Layers * copy and paste items * MapBlast These Cleanups: -> These Cleanups maybe "max size" thing for each param --> maybe address within layer (struct offset) so wwe can just do away with set_param (in most cases). put stuff in realize or after_read cleanup interface <---- IMPORTANT -> cleanups below -> sometime: has_altitude or NO_ALTITUDE -> 999999 -> 0.0.6 C*L*E*A*N*U*P*S dialog.c -> misc.c, viktrwlayer.c export a layer from the file menu, some how. Export Layer -> choose layer. or Export Selected Layer (disabled as need be --- *MAYBE* RGN type and other type in something of its own, not name. that way, we can use the same file for waypoints to gps and for maps. solutions to this problem: File->Properties: Position: Save current position Save this position: UTM/LATLON ZOOM Save no position ------- ------- ------- ------- (fixes + cleanups + scaling + rotation + ruler widgets (?) + topos & orthos in one (?) + copy&past items + merge layers) = 0.0.6 then 0.0.7, 0.0.8, 0.0.9 focus things before "major" release: direct manipulation (major feature/use) use current viking (maybe) to second "major" release: libgpspoint2 and/or gpsd (show current pos) map ui (rough edge) analyzing stuff better, exact analyzing. to 1.0 UTM ZONE!!! > Although almost all of these are on your todo list I thought I would add my thoughts. > > 1. Being able to choose the map units. The metric system still baffles > some of us. > 2. Modular set up for map sources. The urls tend to change/disapear > when companies get bought up by micro$oft (mapblast). The ability to > import/export georefrenced maps. > 3. Manipulations of track data...distance, altitude etc. > 4. Export/printing of maps. > 5. Eyecandy. Colors and symbols for tracks, waypoints and routes. Shade > topo maps with DEM data. file format + hig compliance + bug fixes + MAYBE track undo = 0.0.4 FF2 + ruler widget + topos&orthos in one +comment field + bugfixes = 0.0.5 if viking already running, use that process. + copy and paste layers + merge layers + copy and paste items + bugfixes = 0.0.6 Direct manipulation, WYSIWYG moving + track connecting + etc = 0.0.7 track segment selection, deletion, track point deletion (create two segments or skip point) + waypoint symbols + bugfixes = 0.0.8 toolbar + layer properties boxes changes, etc. + misc = 0.0.9 routes + misc + code cleanups = 0.0.10 map download ui + code cleanups + bugfixes = 0.0.11 other goodies, fixes, break release = 0.0.12 misc, etc. fixes, cleanups = 0.0.14 autotools, I18n + etc. = 0.0.15 fixes = 0.1.0 (NOT IMPORTANT. FF2 will come.) functions write_utm, read_utm to save space sizeof(Waypoint) != sizeof(components)! try to save disk space len of layer for each layer so older versions can skip over new layers Make it so if layertype >= vik_layer_num_types, skip layer. (in aggregatelayer.c) Use magic numbers, and lengths to better prevent version messing ups (len of layer data, if extra, rest skip, if not enough, ignore, etc.) 9in layer file themselves) --- Viking 0.1.0 "It's been a long road..." > 0.1.0: anylyzing speed and time, libgpspoint, misc goodies > 0.2.0: garmap layers, utm zones, etc. 0.0.4 "Lame Duck Tape" -------------------- 0.0.6 "Where we're going, we don't need roads..." -------------------- --Definitely: UNDO DELETE LAYER!!! Or ask, maybe? For now, ask: later, maybe an undo "stack of commands" where things at the bottom of the stack are done only as new things push them down? more "Forgive the user" kind of stuff. FIXES: Acceptable chars in dialog.c & gpspoint.c file check if it's a directory for load & save. Route support! Toolbar Do something similar with tools. layer_tools func in interface, then a tools structure, array, or add2menu func. humm Track Colors -- PROBABLY. viktrwlayer_dialog.c -- we MUST do this one. No, even better Idea. framework where properties are stored as RESOURCES for each type of layer. Each type of layer defines it's own resources and the viking layer dialog builder picks it up and draws the dialog. Comments? Format? Fields? Type: check, double/spin (including range, and all other params), string, double/entry, int/entry And then subdivisions (tabs) of that. Track drawing, track colors, waypoints. or Drawing, Colors, ... fix layers_menu_add_layers I've made a mess of the add menu stuff. The add submeny is bad. maybe a itemfactory thing in layer interface (for now, it's OK... but...) at the very least a serializedicon thing in interface so I don't have to serialize it every time... draining resources. -- what if i have one menu with the icons and everything already made, and both vlp and wikwindow adds that? no, then i could't have custom callback data. what if all layer types' itemfactory items were modeled as "Add Layer/TRW Layer" Then I'd have an add layer menu in each? -- think about it. MAYBE: MOVE A WAYPOINT Waypoint Symbols, get started. symbols.c where i have a Name->ID mapping, then an ID->icon mapping. Get Started on Icons. Merge 2 TRW Layer Better CoordLayer. Fix Some Bugs, Clean up Some Code. Bulk Map Downloader (maybe another project) renaming waypoints -- overwriting And There's Your Release. Other Ideas: fix editing / move bug (ideas?) copy & paste individual tracks & waypoints tracks & waypoint ordering (?!) don't forget about track SEGMENTs !!! (shoot for 0.0.5; should be in by 0.0.6) vik_trw_layernew_track like waypoint. or maybe not (need starting point?) I18N -- at least fake ( all strs _() ized) HIG compliance... maybe export all visible trw's (nah, merge) select waypoint; break up a track Coordlayer color chooser Coordlayer: UTM trw_layer centerize: randompoints & average maybe in item_add get visible and name from the layer / track / whatever itself. ALSO, maybe chane set_name to update_name. show tracks and waypoints (dynamic stuff)!! Copying between layers! YEAH do some TODOs --------------------------------------- | 0.0.5 | --------------------------------------- | "Not all those who wander are lost" | --------------------------------------- Track & Waypoint sorting Convert to GLIB Gobjects for layers I18N AutoTools Track Colors select waypoints; select trackpoints; selet track segments; measuring track & segment length; analyzing trackpoint altitude & time by selecting it; color by altitude/ Copy & Paste Layer (see below) legend (length) copying between layers: sublayer_add_menu_items () -> copy -> static pointer for layers panel, or whole process. two ways of doing it: layer2copy & sublayer2copy, or general purpose "cliboard" var. on paste, layer / aggregate layer figures it out. I vote for "layer2copy" and "sublayer2copy". That way, each layer can check if it can paste the sublayer and paste layer will always be there. then you need a duplicate function for each thing you want to copy. shouldn't be too bad. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ 0.0.6 "Where no man has gone before" --------------- Map Download Background Thread LibGpsPoint Settabl eFonts UTM zones Waypoint Symbols Edit Timestamps show different fields on side: altitude, time, etc. sort by these. maybe a layer edit dialog box. ------ 0.1.0 ------ Garmap Layer! Other: -------------- waypoint symbols make your own timestamp CACHE MAP SERVER IP; RETURN ERROR FOR WHY DOESNT WORK MAP DOWNLOAD PROGERESS (!) more g_asserts ... lots more UTM zones, aye... ---------------------------------------- ======================================== ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ fix tracks thing: STILL BUGS ! and clean up function maybe? start noplace, when open file start in middle of there clarification of new / open ( add to or what? maybe add to in layer; merge layer stuff ) status bar: don't overlap stuff i18n!!! coordlayer -- ticks only tick marks or lines for utm lines so you can tell where you are (TickLayer) Intelligent Map Caching: knows which way you're going ... just something to think about. Download all maps routes choosable gcs including background Maybe each track has it's own GC? Just a thought. Tools, explore etc. tools menu. tools window / bar save stuff status bar for track info, etc. +TODO from otu ... glist for routes (pointer directly to string used in ghashtable key? possible?) and tracks. "Viking -- can you handle the power?" "Viking -- where do you want to go today?" "Viking -- where have you been today?" "Viking -- where did you go today?" "Vikingis Conqueris" "The Viking Conquereth" Viking 0.0.1pre15 Viking "the fake GIS" Viking "the wannabee GIS" Viking "CasiGIS" Viking QuasiGIS (tm) GPX support, loc.gz So Many Possibilities... OTU can do Viking can't: * routes * instant GPS location (sorta)