/* * viking -- GPS Data and Topo Analyzer, Explorer, and Manager * * Copyright (C) 2003-2005, Evan Battaglia * Copyright (c) 2012, Rob Norris * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_MATH_H #include #endif #include "coords.h" #include "vikcoord.h" #include "viktrack.h" #include "globals.h" #include "dems.h" VikTrack *vik_track_new() { VikTrack *tr = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( VikTrack ) ); tr->ref_count = 1; return tr; } void vik_track_set_comment_no_copy(VikTrack *tr, gchar *comment) { if ( tr->comment ) g_free ( tr->comment ); tr->comment = comment; } void vik_track_set_name(VikTrack *tr, const gchar *name) { if ( tr->name ) g_free ( tr->name ); tr->name = g_strdup(name); } void vik_track_set_comment(VikTrack *tr, const gchar *comment) { if ( tr->comment ) g_free ( tr->comment ); if ( comment && comment[0] != '\0' ) tr->comment = g_strdup(comment); else tr->comment = NULL; } void vik_track_set_description(VikTrack *tr, const gchar *description) { if ( tr->description ) g_free ( tr->description ); if ( description && description[0] != '\0' ) tr->description = g_strdup(description); else tr->description = NULL; } void vik_track_ref(VikTrack *tr) { tr->ref_count++; } void vik_track_set_property_dialog(VikTrack *tr, GtkWidget *dialog) { /* Warning: does not check for existing dialog */ tr->property_dialog = dialog; } void vik_track_clear_property_dialog(VikTrack *tr) { tr->property_dialog = NULL; } void vik_track_free(VikTrack *tr) { if ( tr->ref_count-- > 1 ) return; if ( tr->name ) g_free ( tr->name ); if ( tr->comment ) g_free ( tr->comment ); if ( tr->description ) g_free ( tr->description ); g_list_foreach ( tr->trackpoints, (GFunc) g_free, NULL ); g_list_free( tr->trackpoints ); if (tr->property_dialog) if ( GTK_IS_WIDGET(tr->property_dialog) ) gtk_widget_destroy ( GTK_WIDGET(tr->property_dialog) ); g_free ( tr ); } /** * vik_track_copy: * @tr: The Track to copy * @copy_points: Whether to copy the track points or not * * Normally for copying the track it's best to copy all the trackpoints * However for some operations such as splitting tracks the trackpoints will be managed separately, so no need to copy them. * * Returns: the copied VikTrack */ VikTrack *vik_track_copy ( const VikTrack *tr, gboolean copy_points ) { VikTrack *new_tr = vik_track_new(); VikTrackpoint *new_tp; GList *tp_iter = tr->trackpoints; new_tr->visible = tr->visible; new_tr->is_route = tr->is_route; new_tr->has_color = tr->has_color; new_tr->color = tr->color; new_tr->bbox = tr->bbox; new_tr->trackpoints = NULL; if ( copy_points ) { while ( tp_iter ) { new_tp = g_malloc ( sizeof ( VikTrackpoint ) ); *new_tp = *((VikTrackpoint *)(tp_iter->data)); new_tr->trackpoints = g_list_append ( new_tr->trackpoints, new_tp ); tp_iter = tp_iter->next; } } vik_track_set_name(new_tr,tr->name); vik_track_set_comment(new_tr,tr->comment); vik_track_set_description(new_tr,tr->description); return new_tr; } VikTrackpoint *vik_trackpoint_new() { VikTrackpoint *tp = g_malloc0(sizeof(VikTrackpoint)); tp->speed = NAN; tp->course = NAN; tp->altitude = VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE; tp->hdop = VIK_DEFAULT_DOP; tp->vdop = VIK_DEFAULT_DOP; tp->pdop = VIK_DEFAULT_DOP; return tp; } void vik_trackpoint_free(VikTrackpoint *tp) { g_free(tp); } VikTrackpoint *vik_trackpoint_copy(VikTrackpoint *tp) { VikTrackpoint *rv = vik_trackpoint_new(); *rv = *tp; return rv; } /** * track_recalculate_bounds_last_tp: * @trk: The track to consider the recalculation on * * A faster bounds check, since it only considers the last track point */ static void track_recalculate_bounds_last_tp ( VikTrack *trk ) { GList *tpl = g_list_last ( trk->trackpoints ); if ( tpl ) { struct LatLon ll; // See if this trackpoint increases the track bounds and update if so vik_coord_to_latlon ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(tpl->data)->coord), &ll ); if ( ll.lat > trk->bbox.north ) trk->bbox.north = ll.lat; if ( ll.lon < trk->bbox.west ) trk->bbox.west = ll.lon; if ( ll.lat < trk->bbox.south ) trk->bbox.south = ll.lat; if ( ll.lon > trk->bbox.east ) trk->bbox.east = ll.lon; } } /** * vik_track_add_trackpoint: * @tr: The track to which the trackpoint will be added * @tp: The trackpoint to add * @recalculate: Whether to perform any associated properties recalculations * Generally one should avoid recalculation via this method if adding lots of points * (But ensure calculate_bounds() is called after adding all points!!) * * The trackpoint is added to the end of the existing trackpoint list */ void vik_track_add_trackpoint ( VikTrack *tr, VikTrackpoint *tp, gboolean recalculate ) { tr->trackpoints = g_list_append ( tr->trackpoints, tp ); if ( recalculate ) track_recalculate_bounds_last_tp ( tr ); } gdouble vik_track_get_length(const VikTrack *tr) { gdouble len = 0.0; if ( tr->trackpoints ) { GList *iter = tr->trackpoints->next; while (iter) { if ( ! VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->newsegment ) len += vik_coord_diff ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->coord), &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->coord) ); iter = iter->next; } } return len; } gdouble vik_track_get_length_including_gaps(const VikTrack *tr) { gdouble len = 0.0; if ( tr->trackpoints ) { GList *iter = tr->trackpoints->next; while (iter) { len += vik_coord_diff ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->coord), &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->coord) ); iter = iter->next; } } return len; } gulong vik_track_get_tp_count(const VikTrack *tr) { return g_list_length(tr->trackpoints); } gulong vik_track_get_dup_point_count ( const VikTrack *tr ) { gulong num = 0; GList *iter = tr->trackpoints; while ( iter ) { if ( iter->next && vik_coord_equals ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->coord), &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->next->data)->coord) ) ) num++; iter = iter->next; } return num; } /* * Deletes adjacent points that have the same position * Returns the number of points that were deleted */ gulong vik_track_remove_dup_points ( VikTrack *tr ) { gulong num = 0; GList *iter = tr->trackpoints; while ( iter ) { if ( iter->next && vik_coord_equals ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->coord), &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->next->data)->coord) ) ) { num++; // Maintain track segments if ( VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->next->data)->newsegment && (iter->next)->next ) VIK_TRACKPOINT(((iter->next)->next)->data)->newsegment = TRUE; vik_trackpoint_free ( iter->next->data ); tr->trackpoints = g_list_delete_link ( tr->trackpoints, iter->next ); } else iter = iter->next; } // NB isn't really be necessary as removing duplicate points shouldn't alter the bounds! vik_track_calculate_bounds ( tr ); return num; } /* * Get a count of trackpoints with the same defined timestamp * Note is using timestamps with a resolution with 1 second */ gulong vik_track_get_same_time_point_count ( const VikTrack *tr ) { gulong num = 0; GList *iter = tr->trackpoints; while ( iter ) { if ( iter->next && ( VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->has_timestamp && VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->next->data)->has_timestamp ) && ( VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->timestamp == VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->next->data)->timestamp) ) num++; iter = iter->next; } return num; } /* * Deletes adjacent points that have the same defined timestamp * Returns the number of points that were deleted */ gulong vik_track_remove_same_time_points ( VikTrack *tr ) { gulong num = 0; GList *iter = tr->trackpoints; while ( iter ) { if ( iter->next && ( VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->has_timestamp && VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->next->data)->has_timestamp ) && ( VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->timestamp == VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->next->data)->timestamp) ) { num++; // Maintain track segments if ( VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->next->data)->newsegment && (iter->next)->next ) VIK_TRACKPOINT(((iter->next)->next)->data)->newsegment = TRUE; vik_trackpoint_free ( iter->next->data ); tr->trackpoints = g_list_delete_link ( tr->trackpoints, iter->next ); } else iter = iter->next; } vik_track_calculate_bounds ( tr ); return num; } /* * Deletes all 'extra' trackpoint information * such as time stamps, speed, course etc... */ void vik_track_to_routepoints ( VikTrack *tr ) { GList *iter = tr->trackpoints; while ( iter ) { // c.f. with vik_trackpoint_new() VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->has_timestamp = FALSE; VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->timestamp = 0; VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->speed = NAN; VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->course = NAN; VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->hdop = VIK_DEFAULT_DOP; VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->vdop = VIK_DEFAULT_DOP; VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->pdop = VIK_DEFAULT_DOP; VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->nsats = 0; VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->fix_mode = VIK_GPS_MODE_NOT_SEEN; iter = iter->next; } } guint vik_track_get_segment_count(const VikTrack *tr) { guint num = 1; GList *iter = tr->trackpoints; if ( !iter ) return 0; while ( (iter = iter->next) ) { if ( VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->newsegment ) num++; } return num; } VikTrack **vik_track_split_into_segments(VikTrack *t, guint *ret_len) { VikTrack **rv; VikTrack *tr; guint i; guint segs = vik_track_get_segment_count(t); GList *iter; if ( segs < 2 ) { *ret_len = 0; return NULL; } rv = g_malloc ( segs * sizeof(VikTrack *) ); tr = vik_track_copy ( t, TRUE ); rv[0] = tr; iter = tr->trackpoints; i = 1; while ( (iter = iter->next) ) { if ( VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->newsegment ) { iter->prev->next = NULL; iter->prev = NULL; rv[i] = vik_track_copy ( tr, FALSE ); rv[i]->trackpoints = iter; vik_track_calculate_bounds ( rv[i] ); i++; } } *ret_len = segs; return rv; } /* * Simply remove any subsequent segment markers in a track to form one continuous track * Return the number of segments merged */ guint vik_track_merge_segments(VikTrack *tr) { guint num = 0; GList *iter = tr->trackpoints; if ( !iter ) return num; // Always skip the first point as this should be the first segment iter = iter->next; while ( (iter = iter->next) ) { if ( VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->newsegment ) { VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->newsegment = FALSE; num++; } } return num; } void vik_track_reverse ( VikTrack *tr ) { if ( ! tr->trackpoints ) return; tr->trackpoints = g_list_reverse(tr->trackpoints); /* fix 'newsegment' */ GList *iter = g_list_last ( tr->trackpoints ); while ( iter ) { if ( ! iter->next ) /* last segment, was first, cancel newsegment. */ VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->newsegment = FALSE; if ( ! iter->prev ) /* first segment by convention has newsegment flag. */ VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->newsegment = TRUE; else if ( VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->newsegment && iter->next ) { VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->next->data)->newsegment = TRUE; VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->newsegment = FALSE; } iter = iter->prev; } } gdouble vik_track_get_average_speed(const VikTrack *tr) { gdouble len = 0.0; guint32 time = 0; if ( tr->trackpoints ) { GList *iter = tr->trackpoints->next; while (iter) { if ( VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->has_timestamp && VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->has_timestamp && (! VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->newsegment) ) { len += vik_coord_diff ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->coord), &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->coord) ); time += ABS(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->timestamp - VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->timestamp); } iter = iter->next; } } return (time == 0) ? 0 : ABS(len/time); } /** * Based on a simple average speed, but with a twist - to give a moving average. * . GPSs often report a moving average in their statistics output * . bicycle speedos often don't factor in time when stopped - hence reporting a moving average for speed * * Often GPS track will record every second but not when stationary * This method doesn't use samples that differ over the specified time limit - effectively skipping that time chunk from the total time * * Suggest to use 60 seconds as the stop length (as the default used in the TrackWaypoint draw stops factor) */ gdouble vik_track_get_average_speed_moving (const VikTrack *tr, int stop_length_seconds) { gdouble len = 0.0; guint32 time = 0; if ( tr->trackpoints ) { GList *iter = tr->trackpoints->next; while (iter) { if ( VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->has_timestamp && VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->has_timestamp && (! VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->newsegment) ) { if ( ( VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->timestamp - VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->timestamp ) < stop_length_seconds ) { len += vik_coord_diff ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->coord), &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->coord) ); time += ABS(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->timestamp - VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->timestamp); } } iter = iter->next; } } return (time == 0) ? 0 : ABS(len/time); } gdouble vik_track_get_max_speed(const VikTrack *tr) { gdouble maxspeed = 0.0, speed = 0.0; if ( tr->trackpoints ) { GList *iter = tr->trackpoints->next; while (iter) { if ( VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->has_timestamp && VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->has_timestamp && (! VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->newsegment) ) { speed = vik_coord_diff ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->coord), &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->coord) ) / ABS(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->timestamp - VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->timestamp); if ( speed > maxspeed ) maxspeed = speed; } iter = iter->next; } } return maxspeed; } void vik_track_convert ( VikTrack *tr, VikCoordMode dest_mode ) { GList *iter = tr->trackpoints; while (iter) { vik_coord_convert ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->coord), dest_mode ); iter = iter->next; } } /* I understood this when I wrote it ... maybe ... Basically it eats up the * proper amounts of length on the track and averages elevation over that. */ gdouble *vik_track_make_elevation_map ( const VikTrack *tr, guint16 num_chunks ) { gdouble *pts; gdouble total_length, chunk_length, current_dist, current_area_under_curve, current_seg_length, dist_along_seg = 0.0; gdouble altitude1, altitude2; guint16 current_chunk; gboolean ignore_it = FALSE; GList *iter = tr->trackpoints; if (!iter || !iter->next) /* zero- or one-point track */ return NULL; { /* test if there's anything worth calculating */ gboolean okay = FALSE; while ( iter ) { // Sometimes a GPS device (or indeed any random file) can have stupid numbers for elevations // Since when is 9.9999e+24 a valid elevation!! // This can happen when a track (with no elevations) is uploaded to a GPS device and then redownloaded (e.g. using a Garmin Legend EtrexHCx) // Some protection against trying to work with crazily massive numbers (otherwise get SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception) if ( VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->altitude != VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE && VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->altitude < 1E9 ) { okay = TRUE; break; } iter = iter->next; } if ( ! okay ) return NULL; } iter = tr->trackpoints; g_assert ( num_chunks < 16000 ); pts = g_malloc ( sizeof(gdouble) * num_chunks ); total_length = vik_track_get_length_including_gaps ( tr ); chunk_length = total_length / num_chunks; /* Zero chunk_length (eg, track of 2 tp with the same loc) will cause crash */ if (chunk_length <= 0) { g_free(pts); return NULL; } current_dist = 0.0; current_area_under_curve = 0; current_chunk = 0; current_seg_length = 0; current_seg_length = vik_coord_diff ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->coord), &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->next->data)->coord) ); altitude1 = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->altitude; altitude2 = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->next->data)->altitude; dist_along_seg = 0; while ( current_chunk < num_chunks ) { /* go along current seg */ if ( current_seg_length && (current_seg_length - dist_along_seg) > chunk_length ) { dist_along_seg += chunk_length; /* / * pt2 * * /x altitude = alt_at_pt_1 + alt_at_pt_2 / 2 = altitude1 + slope * dist_value_of_pt_inbetween_pt1_and_pt2 * /xx avg altitude = area under curve / chunk len *pt1 *xxx avg altitude = altitude1 + (altitude2-altitude1)/(current_seg_length)*(dist_along_seg + (chunk_len/2)) * / xxx * / xxx **/ if ( ignore_it ) // Seemly can't determine average for this section - so use last known good value (much better than just sticking in zero) pts[current_chunk] = altitude1; else pts[current_chunk] = altitude1 + (altitude2-altitude1)*((dist_along_seg - (chunk_length/2))/current_seg_length); current_chunk++; } else { /* finish current seg */ if ( current_seg_length ) { gdouble altitude_at_dist_along_seg = altitude1 + (altitude2-altitude1)/(current_seg_length)*dist_along_seg; current_dist = current_seg_length - dist_along_seg; current_area_under_curve = current_dist*(altitude_at_dist_along_seg + altitude2)*0.5; } else { current_dist = current_area_under_curve = 0; } /* should only happen if first current_seg_length == 0 */ /* get intervening segs */ iter = iter->next; while ( iter && iter->next ) { current_seg_length = vik_coord_diff ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->coord), &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->next->data)->coord) ); altitude1 = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->altitude; altitude2 = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->next->data)->altitude; ignore_it = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->next->data)->newsegment; if ( chunk_length - current_dist >= current_seg_length ) { current_dist += current_seg_length; current_area_under_curve += current_seg_length * (altitude1+altitude2) * 0.5; iter = iter->next; } else { break; } } /* final seg */ dist_along_seg = chunk_length - current_dist; if ( ignore_it || ( iter && !iter->next ) ) { pts[current_chunk] = current_area_under_curve / current_dist; if (!iter->next) { int i; for (i = current_chunk + 1; i < num_chunks; i++) pts[i] = pts[current_chunk]; break; } } else { current_area_under_curve += dist_along_seg * (altitude1 + (altitude2 - altitude1)*dist_along_seg/current_seg_length); pts[current_chunk] = current_area_under_curve / chunk_length; } current_dist = 0; current_chunk++; } } return pts; } void vik_track_get_total_elevation_gain(const VikTrack *tr, gdouble *up, gdouble *down) { gdouble diff; *up = *down = 0; if ( tr->trackpoints && VIK_TRACKPOINT(tr->trackpoints->data)->altitude != VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE ) { GList *iter = tr->trackpoints->next; while (iter) { diff = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->altitude - VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->altitude; if ( diff > 0 ) *up += diff; else *down -= diff; iter = iter->next; } } else *up = *down = VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE; } gdouble *vik_track_make_gradient_map ( const VikTrack *tr, guint16 num_chunks ) { gdouble *pts; gdouble *altitudes; gdouble total_length, chunk_length, current_gradient; gdouble altitude1, altitude2; guint16 current_chunk; g_assert ( num_chunks < 16000 ); total_length = vik_track_get_length_including_gaps ( tr ); chunk_length = total_length / num_chunks; /* Zero chunk_length (eg, track of 2 tp with the same loc) will cause crash */ if (chunk_length <= 0) { return NULL; } altitudes = vik_track_make_elevation_map (tr, num_chunks); if (altitudes == NULL) { return NULL; } current_gradient = 0.0; pts = g_malloc ( sizeof(gdouble) * num_chunks ); for (current_chunk = 0; current_chunk < (num_chunks - 1); current_chunk++) { altitude1 = altitudes[current_chunk]; altitude2 = altitudes[current_chunk + 1]; current_gradient = 100.0 * (altitude2 - altitude1) / chunk_length; pts[current_chunk] = current_gradient; } pts[current_chunk] = current_gradient; g_free ( altitudes ); return pts; } /* by Alex Foobarian */ gdouble *vik_track_make_speed_map ( const VikTrack *tr, guint16 num_chunks ) { gdouble *v, *s, *t; gdouble duration, chunk_dur; time_t t1, t2; int i, pt_count, numpts, index; GList *iter; if ( ! tr->trackpoints ) return NULL; g_assert ( num_chunks < 16000 ); t1 = VIK_TRACKPOINT(tr->trackpoints->data)->timestamp; t2 = VIK_TRACKPOINT(g_list_last(tr->trackpoints)->data)->timestamp; duration = t2 - t1; if ( !t1 || !t2 || !duration ) return NULL; if (duration < 0) { g_warning("negative duration: unsorted trackpoint timestamps?"); return NULL; } pt_count = vik_track_get_tp_count(tr); v = g_malloc ( sizeof(gdouble) * num_chunks ); chunk_dur = duration / num_chunks; s = g_malloc(sizeof(double) * pt_count); t = g_malloc(sizeof(double) * pt_count); iter = tr->trackpoints->next; numpts = 0; s[0] = 0; t[0] = VIK_TRACKPOINT(tr->trackpoints->data)->timestamp; numpts++; while (iter) { s[numpts] = s[numpts-1] + vik_coord_diff ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->coord), &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->coord) ); t[numpts] = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->timestamp; numpts++; iter = iter->next; } /* In the following computation, we iterate through periods of time of duration chunk_dur. * The first period begins at the beginning of the track. The last period ends at the end of the track. */ index = 0; /* index of the current trackpoint. */ for (i = 0; i < num_chunks; i++) { /* we are now covering the interval from t[0] + i*chunk_dur to t[0] + (i+1)*chunk_dur. * find the first trackpoint outside the current interval, averaging the speeds between intermediate trackpoints. */ if (t[0] + i*chunk_dur >= t[index]) { gdouble acc_t = 0, acc_s = 0; while (t[0] + i*chunk_dur >= t[index]) { acc_s += (s[index+1]-s[index]); acc_t += (t[index+1]-t[index]); index++; } v[i] = acc_s/acc_t; } else if (i) { v[i] = v[i-1]; } else { v[i] = 0; } } g_free(s); g_free(t); return v; } /** * Make a distance/time map, heavily based on the vik_track_make_speed_map method */ gdouble *vik_track_make_distance_map ( const VikTrack *tr, guint16 num_chunks ) { gdouble *v, *s, *t; gdouble duration, chunk_dur; time_t t1, t2; int i, pt_count, numpts, index; GList *iter; if ( ! tr->trackpoints ) return NULL; t1 = VIK_TRACKPOINT(tr->trackpoints->data)->timestamp; t2 = VIK_TRACKPOINT(g_list_last(tr->trackpoints)->data)->timestamp; duration = t2 - t1; if ( !t1 || !t2 || !duration ) return NULL; if (duration < 0) { g_warning("negative duration: unsorted trackpoint timestamps?"); return NULL; } pt_count = vik_track_get_tp_count(tr); v = g_malloc ( sizeof(gdouble) * num_chunks ); chunk_dur = duration / num_chunks; s = g_malloc(sizeof(double) * pt_count); t = g_malloc(sizeof(double) * pt_count); iter = tr->trackpoints->next; numpts = 0; s[0] = 0; t[0] = VIK_TRACKPOINT(tr->trackpoints->data)->timestamp; numpts++; while (iter) { s[numpts] = s[numpts-1] + vik_coord_diff ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->coord), &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->coord) ); t[numpts] = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->timestamp; numpts++; iter = iter->next; } /* In the following computation, we iterate through periods of time of duration chunk_dur. * The first period begins at the beginning of the track. The last period ends at the end of the track. */ index = 0; /* index of the current trackpoint. */ for (i = 0; i < num_chunks; i++) { /* we are now covering the interval from t[0] + i*chunk_dur to t[0] + (i+1)*chunk_dur. * find the first trackpoint outside the current interval, averaging the distance between intermediate trackpoints. */ if (t[0] + i*chunk_dur >= t[index]) { gdouble acc_s = 0; // No need for acc_t while (t[0] + i*chunk_dur >= t[index]) { acc_s += (s[index+1]-s[index]); index++; } // The only bit that's really different from the speed map - just keep an accululative record distance v[i] = i ? v[i-1]+acc_s : acc_s; } else if (i) { v[i] = v[i-1]; } else { v[i] = 0; } } g_free(s); g_free(t); return v; } /** * This uses the 'time' based method to make the graph, (which is a simpler compared to the elevation/distance) * This results in a slightly blocky graph when it does not have many trackpoints: <60 * NB Somehow the elevation/distance applies some kind of smoothing algorithm, * but I don't think any one understands it any more (I certainly don't ATM) */ gdouble *vik_track_make_elevation_time_map ( const VikTrack *tr, guint16 num_chunks ) { time_t t1, t2; gdouble duration, chunk_dur; GList *iter = tr->trackpoints; if (!iter || !iter->next) /* zero- or one-point track */ return NULL; /* test if there's anything worth calculating */ gboolean okay = FALSE; while ( iter ) { if ( VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->altitude != VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE ) { okay = TRUE; break; } iter = iter->next; } if ( ! okay ) return NULL; t1 = VIK_TRACKPOINT(tr->trackpoints->data)->timestamp; t2 = VIK_TRACKPOINT(g_list_last(tr->trackpoints)->data)->timestamp; duration = t2 - t1; if ( !t1 || !t2 || !duration ) return NULL; if (duration < 0) { g_warning("negative duration: unsorted trackpoint timestamps?"); return NULL; } gint pt_count = vik_track_get_tp_count(tr); // Reset iterator back to the beginning iter = tr->trackpoints; gdouble *pts = g_malloc ( sizeof(gdouble) * num_chunks ); // The return altitude values gdouble *s = g_malloc(sizeof(double) * pt_count); // calculation altitudes gdouble *t = g_malloc(sizeof(double) * pt_count); // calculation times chunk_dur = duration / num_chunks; s[0] = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->altitude; t[0] = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->timestamp; iter = tr->trackpoints->next; gint numpts = 1; while (iter) { s[numpts] = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->altitude; t[numpts] = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->timestamp; numpts++; iter = iter->next; } /* In the following computation, we iterate through periods of time of duration chunk_dur. * The first period begins at the beginning of the track. The last period ends at the end of the track. */ gint index = 0; /* index of the current trackpoint. */ gint i; for (i = 0; i < num_chunks; i++) { /* we are now covering the interval from t[0] + i*chunk_dur to t[0] + (i+1)*chunk_dur. * find the first trackpoint outside the current interval, averaging the heights between intermediate trackpoints. */ if (t[0] + i*chunk_dur >= t[index]) { gdouble acc_s = s[index]; // initialise to first point while (t[0] + i*chunk_dur >= t[index]) { acc_s += (s[index+1]-s[index]); index++; } pts[i] = acc_s; } else if (i) { pts[i] = pts[i-1]; } else { pts[i] = 0; } } g_free(s); g_free(t); return pts; } /** * Make a speed/distance map */ gdouble *vik_track_make_speed_dist_map ( const VikTrack *tr, guint16 num_chunks ) { gdouble *v, *s, *t; time_t t1, t2; gint i, pt_count, numpts, index; GList *iter; gdouble duration, total_length, chunk_length; if ( ! tr->trackpoints ) return NULL; t1 = VIK_TRACKPOINT(tr->trackpoints->data)->timestamp; t2 = VIK_TRACKPOINT(g_list_last(tr->trackpoints)->data)->timestamp; duration = t2 - t1; if ( !t1 || !t2 || !duration ) return NULL; if (duration < 0) { g_warning("negative duration: unsorted trackpoint timestamps?"); return NULL; } total_length = vik_track_get_length_including_gaps ( tr ); chunk_length = total_length / num_chunks; pt_count = vik_track_get_tp_count(tr); if (chunk_length <= 0) { return NULL; } v = g_malloc ( sizeof(gdouble) * num_chunks ); s = g_malloc ( sizeof(double) * pt_count ); t = g_malloc ( sizeof(double) * pt_count ); // No special handling of segments ATM... iter = tr->trackpoints->next; numpts = 0; s[0] = 0; t[0] = VIK_TRACKPOINT(tr->trackpoints->data)->timestamp; numpts++; while (iter) { s[numpts] = s[numpts-1] + vik_coord_diff ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->coord), &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->coord) ); t[numpts] = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->timestamp; numpts++; iter = iter->next; } // Iterate through a portion of the track to get an average speed for that part // This will essentially interpolate between segments, which I think is right given the usage of 'get_length_including_gaps' index = 0; /* index of the current trackpoint. */ for (i = 0; i < num_chunks; i++) { // Similar to the make_speed_map, but instead of using a time chunk, use a distance chunk if (s[0] + i*chunk_length >= s[index]) { gdouble acc_t = 0, acc_s = 0; while (s[0] + i*chunk_length >= s[index]) { acc_s += (s[index+1]-s[index]); acc_t += (t[index+1]-t[index]); index++; } v[i] = acc_s/acc_t; } else if (i) { v[i] = v[i-1]; } else { v[i] = 0; } } g_free(s); g_free(t); return v; } /* by Alex Foobarian */ VikTrackpoint *vik_track_get_closest_tp_by_percentage_dist ( VikTrack *tr, gdouble reldist, gdouble *meters_from_start ) { gdouble dist = vik_track_get_length_including_gaps(tr) * reldist; gdouble current_dist = 0.0; gdouble current_inc = 0.0; if ( tr->trackpoints ) { GList *iter = tr->trackpoints->next; GList *last_iter = NULL; gdouble last_dist = 0.0; while (iter) { current_inc = vik_coord_diff ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->coord), &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->coord) ); last_dist = current_dist; current_dist += current_inc; if ( current_dist >= dist ) break; last_iter = iter; iter = iter->next; } if (!iter) { /* passing the end the track */ if (last_iter) { if (meters_from_start) *meters_from_start = last_dist; return(VIK_TRACKPOINT(last_iter->data)); } else return NULL; } /* we've gone past the dist already, was prev trackpoint closer? */ /* should do a vik_coord_average_weighted() thingy. */ if ( iter->prev && abs(current_dist-current_inc-dist) < abs(current_dist-dist) ) { if (meters_from_start) *meters_from_start = last_dist; iter = iter->prev; } else if (meters_from_start) *meters_from_start = current_dist; return VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data); } return NULL; } VikTrackpoint *vik_track_get_closest_tp_by_percentage_time ( VikTrack *tr, gdouble reltime, time_t *seconds_from_start ) { time_t t_pos, t_start, t_end, t_total; t_start = VIK_TRACKPOINT(tr->trackpoints->data)->timestamp; t_end = VIK_TRACKPOINT(g_list_last(tr->trackpoints)->data)->timestamp; t_total = t_end - t_start; t_pos = t_start + t_total * reltime; if ( !tr->trackpoints ) return NULL; GList *iter = tr->trackpoints; while (iter) { if (VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->timestamp == t_pos) break; if (VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->timestamp > t_pos) { if (iter->prev == NULL) /* first trackpoint */ break; time_t t_before = t_pos - VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->timestamp; time_t t_after = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->timestamp - t_pos; if (t_before <= t_after) iter = iter->prev; break; } else if ((iter->next == NULL) && (t_pos < (VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->timestamp + 3))) /* last trackpoint: accommodate for round-off */ break; iter = iter->next; } if (!iter) return NULL; if (seconds_from_start) *seconds_from_start = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->timestamp - VIK_TRACKPOINT(tr->trackpoints->data)->timestamp; return VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data); } VikTrackpoint* vik_track_get_tp_by_max_speed ( const VikTrack *tr ) { gdouble maxspeed = 0.0, speed = 0.0; if ( !tr->trackpoints ) return NULL; GList *iter = tr->trackpoints; VikTrackpoint *max_speed_tp = NULL; while (iter) { if (iter->prev) { if ( VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->has_timestamp && VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->has_timestamp && (! VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->newsegment) ) { speed = vik_coord_diff ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->coord), &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->coord) ) / ABS(VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->timestamp - VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->prev->data)->timestamp); if ( speed > maxspeed ) { maxspeed = speed; max_speed_tp = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data); } } } iter = iter->next; } if (!max_speed_tp) return NULL; return max_speed_tp; } VikTrackpoint* vik_track_get_tp_by_max_alt ( const VikTrack *tr ) { gdouble maxalt = -5000.0; if ( !tr->trackpoints ) return NULL; GList *iter = tr->trackpoints; VikTrackpoint *max_alt_tp = NULL; while (iter) { if ( VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->altitude > maxalt ) { maxalt = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->altitude; max_alt_tp = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data); } iter = iter->next; } if (!max_alt_tp) return NULL; return max_alt_tp; } VikTrackpoint* vik_track_get_tp_by_min_alt ( const VikTrack *tr ) { gdouble minalt = 25000.0; if ( !tr->trackpoints ) return NULL; GList *iter = tr->trackpoints; VikTrackpoint *min_alt_tp = NULL; while (iter) { if ( VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->altitude < minalt ) { minalt = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->altitude; min_alt_tp = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data); } iter = iter->next; } if (!min_alt_tp) return NULL; return min_alt_tp; } gboolean vik_track_get_minmax_alt ( const VikTrack *tr, gdouble *min_alt, gdouble *max_alt ) { *min_alt = 25000; *max_alt = -5000; if ( tr && tr->trackpoints && tr->trackpoints->data && (VIK_TRACKPOINT(tr->trackpoints->data)->altitude != VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE) ) { GList *iter = tr->trackpoints->next; gdouble tmp_alt; while (iter) { tmp_alt = VIK_TRACKPOINT(iter->data)->altitude; if ( tmp_alt > *max_alt ) *max_alt = tmp_alt; if ( tmp_alt < *min_alt ) *min_alt = tmp_alt; iter = iter->next; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void vik_track_marshall ( VikTrack *tr, guint8 **data, guint *datalen) { GList *tps; GByteArray *b = g_byte_array_new(); guint len; guint intp, ntp; g_byte_array_append(b, (guint8 *)tr, sizeof(*tr)); /* we'll fill out number of trackpoints later */ intp = b->len; g_byte_array_append(b, (guint8 *)&len, sizeof(len)); tps = tr->trackpoints; ntp = 0; while (tps) { g_byte_array_append(b, (guint8 *)tps->data, sizeof(VikTrackpoint)); tps = tps->next; ntp++; } *(guint *)(b->data + intp) = ntp; // This allocates space for variant sized strings // and copies that amount of data from the track to byte array #define vtm_append(s) \ len = (s) ? strlen(s)+1 : 0; \ g_byte_array_append(b, (guint8 *)&len, sizeof(len)); \ if (s) g_byte_array_append(b, (guint8 *)s, len); vtm_append(tr->name); vtm_append(tr->comment); vtm_append(tr->description); *data = b->data; *datalen = b->len; g_byte_array_free(b, FALSE); } /* * Take a byte array and convert it into a Track */ VikTrack *vik_track_unmarshall (guint8 *data, guint datalen) { guint len; VikTrack *new_tr = vik_track_new(); VikTrackpoint *new_tp; guint ntp; gint i; /* basic properties: */ new_tr->visible = ((VikTrack *)data)->visible; new_tr->is_route = ((VikTrack *)data)->is_route; new_tr->has_color = ((VikTrack *)data)->has_color; new_tr->color = ((VikTrack *)data)->color; new_tr->bbox = ((VikTrack *)data)->bbox; data += sizeof(*new_tr); ntp = *(guint *)data; data += sizeof(ntp); for (i=0; itrackpoints = g_list_append(new_tr->trackpoints, new_tp); } #define vtu_get(s) \ len = *(guint *)data; \ data += sizeof(len); \ if (len) { \ (s) = g_strdup((gchar *)data); \ } else { \ (s) = NULL; \ } \ data += len; vtu_get(new_tr->name); vtu_get(new_tr->comment); vtu_get(new_tr->description); return new_tr; } /** * (Re)Calculate the bounds of the given track, * updating the track's bounds data. * This should be called whenever a track's trackpoints are changed */ void vik_track_calculate_bounds ( VikTrack *trk ) { GList *tp_iter; tp_iter = trk->trackpoints; struct LatLon topleft, bottomright, ll; // Set bounds to first point if ( tp_iter ) { vik_coord_to_latlon ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(tp_iter->data)->coord), &topleft ); vik_coord_to_latlon ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(tp_iter->data)->coord), &bottomright ); } while ( tp_iter ) { // See if this trackpoint increases the track bounds. vik_coord_to_latlon ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(tp_iter->data)->coord), &ll ); if ( ll.lat > topleft.lat) topleft.lat = ll.lat; if ( ll.lon < topleft.lon) topleft.lon = ll.lon; if ( ll.lat < bottomright.lat) bottomright.lat = ll.lat; if ( ll.lon > bottomright.lon) bottomright.lon = ll.lon; tp_iter = tp_iter->next; } g_debug ( "Bounds of track: '%s' is: %f,%f to: %f,%f", trk->name, topleft.lat, topleft.lon, bottomright.lat, bottomright.lon ); trk->bbox.north = topleft.lat; trk->bbox.east = bottomright.lon; trk->bbox.south = bottomright.lat; trk->bbox.west = topleft.lon; } /** * vik_track_apply_dem_data: * @skip_existing: When TRUE, don't change the elevation if the trackpoint already has a value * * Set elevation data for a track using any available DEM information */ gulong vik_track_apply_dem_data ( VikTrack *tr, gboolean skip_existing ) { gulong num = 0; GList *tp_iter; gint16 elev; tp_iter = tr->trackpoints; while ( tp_iter ) { // Don't apply if the point already has a value and the overwrite is off if ( !(skip_existing && VIK_TRACKPOINT(tp_iter->data)->altitude != VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE) ) { /* TODO: of the 4 possible choices we have for choosing an elevation * (trackpoint in between samples), choose the one with the least elevation change * as the last */ elev = a_dems_get_elev_by_coord ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(tp_iter->data)->coord), VIK_DEM_INTERPOL_BEST ); if ( elev != VIK_DEM_INVALID_ELEVATION ) { VIK_TRACKPOINT(tp_iter->data)->altitude = elev; num++; } } tp_iter = tp_iter->next; } return num; } /** * vik_track_apply_dem_data_last_trackpoint: * Apply DEM data (if available) - to only the last trackpoint */ void vik_track_apply_dem_data_last_trackpoint ( VikTrack *tr ) { gint16 elev; if ( tr->trackpoints ) { /* As in vik_track_apply_dem_data above - use 'best' interpolation method */ elev = a_dems_get_elev_by_coord ( &(VIK_TRACKPOINT(g_list_last(tr->trackpoints)->data)->coord), VIK_DEM_INTERPOL_BEST ); if ( elev != VIK_DEM_INVALID_ELEVATION ) VIK_TRACKPOINT(g_list_last(tr->trackpoints)->data)->altitude = elev; } } /** * smoothie: * * Apply elevation smoothing over range of trackpoints between the list start and end points */ static void smoothie ( GList *tp1, GList *tp2, gdouble elev1, gdouble elev2, guint points ) { // If was really clever could try and weigh interpolation according to the distance between trackpoints somehow // Instead a simple average interpolation for the number of points given. gdouble change = (elev2 - elev1)/(points+1); gint count = 1; GList *tp_iter = tp1; while ( tp_iter != tp2 && tp_iter ) { VikTrackpoint *tp = VIK_TRACKPOINT(tp_iter->data); tp->altitude = elev1 + (change*count); count++; tp_iter = tp_iter->next; } } /** * vik_track_smooth_missing_elevation_data: * @flat: Specify how the missing elevations will be set. * When TRUE it uses a simple flat method, using the last known elevation * When FALSE is uses an interpolation method to the next known elevation * * For each point with a missing elevation, set it to use the last known available elevation value. * Primarily of use for smallish DEM holes where it is missing elevation data. * Eg see Austria: around N47.3 & E13.8 * * Returns: The number of points that were adjusted */ gulong vik_track_smooth_missing_elevation_data ( VikTrack *tr, gboolean flat ) { gulong num = 0; GList *tp_iter; gdouble elev = VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE; VikTrackpoint *tp_missing = NULL; GList *iter_first = NULL; guint points = 0; tp_iter = tr->trackpoints; while ( tp_iter ) { VikTrackpoint *tp = VIK_TRACKPOINT(tp_iter->data); if ( VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE == tp->altitude ) { if ( flat ) { // Simply assign to last known value if ( elev != VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE ) { tp->altitude = elev; num++; } } else { if ( !tp_missing ) { // Remember the first trackpoint (and the list pointer to it) of a section of no altitudes tp_missing = tp; iter_first = tp_iter; points = 1; } else { // More missing altitudes points++; } } } else { // Altitude available (maybe again!) // If this marks the end of a section of altitude-less points // then apply smoothing for that section of points if ( points > 0 && elev != VIK_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE ) if ( !flat ) { smoothie ( iter_first, tp_iter, elev, tp->altitude, points ); num = num + points; } // reset points = 0; tp_missing = NULL; // Store for reuse as the last known good value elev = tp->altitude; } tp_iter = tp_iter->next; } return num; } /** * vik_track_steal_and_append_trackpoints: * * appends t2 to t1, leaving t2 with no trackpoints */ void vik_track_steal_and_append_trackpoints ( VikTrack *t1, VikTrack *t2 ) { if ( t1->trackpoints ) { t1->trackpoints = g_list_concat ( t1->trackpoints, t2->trackpoints ); } else t1->trackpoints = t2->trackpoints; t2->trackpoints = NULL; // Trackpoints updated - so update the bounds vik_track_calculate_bounds ( t1 ); } /** * vik_track_cut_back_to_double_point: * * starting at the end, looks backwards for the last "double point", a duplicate trackpoint. * If there is no double point, deletes all the trackpoints. * * Returns: the new end of the track (or the start if there are no double points) */ VikCoord *vik_track_cut_back_to_double_point ( VikTrack *tr ) { GList *iter = tr->trackpoints; VikCoord *rv; if ( !iter ) return NULL; while ( iter->next ) iter = iter->next; while ( iter->prev ) { if ( vik_coord_equals((VikCoord *)iter->data, (VikCoord *)iter->prev->data) ) { GList *prev = iter->prev; rv = g_malloc(sizeof(VikCoord)); *rv = *((VikCoord *) iter->data); /* truncate trackpoint list */ iter->prev = NULL; /* pretend it's the end */ g_list_foreach ( iter, (GFunc) g_free, NULL ); g_list_free( iter ); prev->next = NULL; return rv; } iter = iter->prev; } /* no double point found! */ rv = g_malloc(sizeof(VikCoord)); *rv = *((VikCoord *) tr->trackpoints->data); g_list_foreach ( tr->trackpoints, (GFunc) g_free, NULL ); g_list_free( tr->trackpoints ); tr->trackpoints = NULL; return rv; }