/* * viking -- GPS Data and Topo Analyzer, Explorer, and Manager * * Copyright (C) 2003-2005, Evan Battaglia * Copyright (C) 2012, Guilhem Bonnefille * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "viking.h" #include "gpx.h" #include "babel.h" #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef WINDOWS #define realpath(X,Y) _fullpath(Y,X,MAX_PATH) #endif #include #include #include #define TEST_BOOLEAN(str) (! ((str)[0] == '\0' || (str)[0] == '0' || (str)[0] == 'n' || (str)[0] == 'N' || (str)[0] == 'f' || (str)[0] == 'F') ) #define VIK_MAGIC "#VIK" #define GPX_MAGIC "under; g_free ( *stack ); *stack = tmp; } static void push(Stack **stack) { Stack *tmp = g_malloc ( sizeof ( Stack ) ); tmp->under = *stack; *stack = tmp; } static gboolean check_magic ( FILE *f, const gchar *magic_number ) { gchar magic[VIK_MAGIC_LEN]; gboolean rv = FALSE; gint8 i; if ( fread(magic, 1, sizeof(magic), f) == sizeof(magic) && strncmp(magic, magic_number, sizeof(magic)) == 0 ) rv = TRUE; for ( i = sizeof(magic)-1; i >= 0; i-- ) /* the ol' pushback */ ungetc(magic[i],f); return rv; } static gboolean str_starts_with ( const gchar *haystack, const gchar *needle, guint16 len_needle, gboolean must_be_longer ) { if ( strlen(haystack) > len_needle - (!must_be_longer) && strncasecmp ( haystack, needle, len_needle ) == 0 ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } void file_write_layer_param ( FILE *f, const gchar *name, VikLayerParamType type, VikLayerParamData data ) { /* string lists are handled differently. We get a GList (that shouldn't * be freed) back for get_param and if it is null we shouldn't write * anything at all (otherwise we'd read in a list with an empty string, * not an empty string list. */ if ( type == VIK_LAYER_PARAM_STRING_LIST ) { if ( data.sl ) { GList *iter = (GList *)data.sl; while ( iter ) { fprintf ( f, "%s=", name ); fprintf ( f, "%s\n", (gchar *)(iter->data) ); iter = iter->next; } } } else { fprintf ( f, "%s=", name ); switch ( type ) { case VIK_LAYER_PARAM_DOUBLE: { // char buf[15]; /* locale independent */ // fprintf ( f, "%s\n", (char *) g_dtostr (data.d, buf, sizeof (buf)) ); break; fprintf ( f, "%f\n", data.d ); break; } case VIK_LAYER_PARAM_UINT: fprintf ( f, "%d\n", data.u ); break; case VIK_LAYER_PARAM_INT: fprintf ( f, "%d\n", data.i ); break; case VIK_LAYER_PARAM_BOOLEAN: fprintf ( f, "%c\n", data.b ? 't' : 'f' ); break; case VIK_LAYER_PARAM_STRING: fprintf ( f, "%s\n", data.s ); break; case VIK_LAYER_PARAM_COLOR: fprintf ( f, "#%.2x%.2x%.2x\n", (int)(data.c.red/256),(int)(data.c.green/256),(int)(data.c.blue/256)); break; default: break; } } } static void write_layer_params_and_data ( VikLayer *l, FILE *f ) { VikLayerParam *params = vik_layer_get_interface(l->type)->params; VikLayerFuncGetParam get_param = vik_layer_get_interface(l->type)->get_param; fprintf ( f, "name=%s\n", l->name ? l->name : "" ); if ( !l->visible ) fprintf ( f, "visible=f\n" ); if ( params && get_param ) { VikLayerParamData data; guint16 i, params_count = vik_layer_get_interface(l->type)->params_count; for ( i = 0; i < params_count; i++ ) { data = get_param(l, i, TRUE); file_write_layer_param(f, params[i].name, params[i].type, data); } } if ( vik_layer_get_interface(l->type)->write_file_data ) { fprintf ( f, "\n\n~LayerData\n" ); vik_layer_get_interface(l->type)->write_file_data ( l, f ); fprintf ( f, "~EndLayerData\n" ); } /* foreach param: write param, and get_value, etc. then run layer data, and that's it. */ } static void file_write ( VikAggregateLayer *top, FILE *f, gpointer vp ) { Stack *stack = NULL; VikLayer *current_layer; struct LatLon ll; VikViewportDrawMode mode; gchar *modestring = NULL; push(&stack); stack->data = (gpointer) vik_aggregate_layer_get_children(VIK_AGGREGATE_LAYER(top)); stack->under = NULL; /* crazhy CRAZHY */ vik_coord_to_latlon ( vik_viewport_get_center ( VIK_VIEWPORT(vp) ), &ll ); mode = vik_viewport_get_drawmode ( VIK_VIEWPORT(vp) ); switch ( mode ) { case VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_UTM: modestring = "utm"; break; case VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_EXPEDIA: modestring = "expedia"; break; case VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_MERCATOR: modestring = "mercator"; break; case VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_LATLON: modestring = "latlon"; break; default: g_critical("Houston, we've had a problem. mode=%d", mode); } fprintf ( f, "#VIKING GPS Data file " VIKING_URL "\n" ); fprintf ( f, "FILE_VERSION=%d\n", VIKING_FILE_VERSION ); fprintf ( f, "\nxmpp=%f\nympp=%f\nlat=%f\nlon=%f\nmode=%s\ncolor=%s\nhighlightcolor=%s\ndrawscale=%s\ndrawcentermark=%s\ndrawhighlight=%s\n", vik_viewport_get_xmpp ( VIK_VIEWPORT(vp) ), vik_viewport_get_ympp ( VIK_VIEWPORT(vp) ), ll.lat, ll.lon, modestring, vik_viewport_get_background_color(VIK_VIEWPORT(vp)), vik_viewport_get_highlight_color(VIK_VIEWPORT(vp)), vik_viewport_get_draw_scale(VIK_VIEWPORT(vp)) ? "t" : "f", vik_viewport_get_draw_centermark(VIK_VIEWPORT(vp)) ? "t" : "f", vik_viewport_get_draw_highlight(VIK_VIEWPORT(vp)) ? "t" : "f" ); if ( ! VIK_LAYER(top)->visible ) fprintf ( f, "visible=f\n" ); while (stack && stack->data) { current_layer = VIK_LAYER(((GList *)stack->data)->data); fprintf ( f, "\n~Layer %s\n", vik_layer_get_interface(current_layer->type)->fixed_layer_name ); write_layer_params_and_data ( current_layer, f ); if ( current_layer->type == VIK_LAYER_AGGREGATE && !vik_aggregate_layer_is_empty(VIK_AGGREGATE_LAYER(current_layer)) ) { push(&stack); stack->data = (gpointer) vik_aggregate_layer_get_children(VIK_AGGREGATE_LAYER(current_layer)); } else if ( current_layer->type == VIK_LAYER_GPS && !vik_gps_layer_is_empty(VIK_GPS_LAYER(current_layer)) ) { push(&stack); stack->data = (gpointer) vik_gps_layer_get_children(VIK_GPS_LAYER(current_layer)); } else { stack->data = (gpointer) ((GList *)stack->data)->next; fprintf ( f, "~EndLayer\n\n" ); while ( stack && (!stack->data) ) { pop(&stack); if ( stack ) { stack->data = (gpointer) ((GList *)stack->data)->next; fprintf ( f, "~EndLayer\n\n" ); } } } } /* get vikaggregatelayer's children (?) foreach write ALL params, then layer data (IF function exists) then endlayer impl: stack of layers (LIST) we are working on when layer->next == NULL ... we move on. */ } static void string_list_delete ( gpointer key, gpointer l, gpointer user_data ) { /* 20071021 bugfix */ GList *iter = (GList *) l; while ( iter ) { g_free ( iter->data ); iter = iter->next; } g_list_free ( (GList *) l ); } static void string_list_set_param (gint i, GList *list, gpointer *layer_and_vp) { VikLayerParamData x; x.sl = list; vik_layer_set_param ( VIK_LAYER(layer_and_vp[0]), i, x, layer_and_vp[1], TRUE ); } /** * Read in a Viking file and return how successful the parsing was * ATM this will always work, in that even if there are parsing problems * then there will be no new values to override the defaults * * TODO flow up line number(s) / error messages of problems encountered... * */ static gboolean file_read ( VikAggregateLayer *top, FILE *f, VikViewport *vp ) { Stack *stack; struct LatLon ll = { 0.0, 0.0 }; gchar buffer[4096]; gchar *line; guint16 len; long line_num = 0; VikLayerParam *params = NULL; /* for current layer, so we don't have to keep on looking up interface */ guint8 params_count = 0; GHashTable *string_lists = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash,g_direct_equal); gboolean successful_read = TRUE; push(&stack); stack->under = NULL; stack->data = (gpointer) top; while ( fgets ( buffer, 4096, f ) ) { line_num++; line = buffer; while ( *line == ' ' || *line =='\t' ) line++; if ( line[0] == '#' ) continue; len = strlen(line); if ( len > 0 && line[len-1] == '\n' ) line[--len] = '\0'; if ( len > 0 && line[len-1] == '\r' ) line[--len] = '\0'; if ( len == 0 ) continue; if ( line[0] == '~' ) { line++; len--; if ( *line == '\0' ) continue; else if ( str_starts_with ( line, "Layer ", 6, TRUE ) ) { int parent_type = VIK_LAYER(stack->data)->type; if ( ( ! stack->data ) || ((parent_type != VIK_LAYER_AGGREGATE) && (parent_type != VIK_LAYER_GPS)) ) { successful_read = FALSE; g_warning ( "Line %ld: Layer command inside non-Aggregate Layer (type %d)", line_num, parent_type ); push(&stack); /* inside INVALID layer */ stack->data = NULL; continue; } else { VikLayerTypeEnum type = vik_layer_type_from_string ( line+6 ); push(&stack); if ( type == VIK_LAYER_NUM_TYPES ) { successful_read = FALSE; g_warning ( "Line %ld: Unknown type %s", line_num, line+6 ); stack->data = NULL; } else if (parent_type == VIK_LAYER_GPS) { stack->data = (gpointer) vik_gps_layer_get_a_child(VIK_GPS_LAYER(stack->under->data)); params = vik_layer_get_interface(type)->params; params_count = vik_layer_get_interface(type)->params_count; } else { stack->data = (gpointer) vik_layer_create ( type, vp, NULL, FALSE ); params = vik_layer_get_interface(type)->params; params_count = vik_layer_get_interface(type)->params_count; } } } else if ( str_starts_with ( line, "EndLayer", 8, FALSE ) ) { if ( stack->under == NULL ) { successful_read = FALSE; g_warning ( "Line %ld: Mismatched ~EndLayer command", line_num ); } else { /* add any string lists we've accumulated */ gpointer layer_and_vp[2]; layer_and_vp[0] = stack->data; layer_and_vp[1] = vp; g_hash_table_foreach ( string_lists, (GHFunc) string_list_set_param, layer_and_vp ); g_hash_table_remove_all ( string_lists ); if ( stack->data && stack->under->data ) { if (VIK_LAYER(stack->under->data)->type == VIK_LAYER_AGGREGATE) { vik_aggregate_layer_add_layer ( VIK_AGGREGATE_LAYER(stack->under->data), VIK_LAYER(stack->data) ); vik_layer_post_read ( VIK_LAYER(stack->data), vp, TRUE ); } else if (VIK_LAYER(stack->under->data)->type == VIK_LAYER_GPS) { /* TODO: anything else needs to be done here ? */ } else { successful_read = FALSE; g_warning ( "Line %ld: EndLayer command inside non-Aggregate Layer (type %d)", line_num, VIK_LAYER(stack->data)->type ); } } pop(&stack); } } else if ( str_starts_with ( line, "LayerData", 9, FALSE ) ) { if ( stack->data && vik_layer_get_interface(VIK_LAYER(stack->data)->type)->read_file_data ) { /* must read until hits ~EndLayerData */ if ( ! vik_layer_get_interface(VIK_LAYER(stack->data)->type)->read_file_data ( VIK_LAYER(stack->data), f ) ) successful_read = FALSE; } else { /* simply skip layer data over */ while ( fgets ( buffer, 4096, f ) ) { line_num++; line = buffer; len = strlen(line); if ( len > 0 && line[len-1] == '\n' ) line[--len] = '\0'; if ( len > 0 && line[len-1] == '\r' ) line[--len] = '\0'; if ( strcasecmp ( line, "~EndLayerData" ) == 0 ) break; } continue; } } else { successful_read = FALSE; g_warning ( "Line %ld: Unknown tilde command", line_num ); } } else { gint32 eq_pos = -1; guint16 i; if ( ! stack->data ) continue; for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) if ( line[i] == '=' ) eq_pos = i; if ( stack->under == NULL && eq_pos == 12 && strncasecmp ( line, "FILE_VERSION", eq_pos ) == 0) { gint version = strtol(line+13, NULL, 10); g_debug ( "%s: reading file version %d", __FUNCTION__, version ); if ( version > VIKING_FILE_VERSION ) successful_read = FALSE; // However we'll still carry and attempt to read whatever we can } else if ( stack->under == NULL && eq_pos == 4 && strncasecmp ( line, "xmpp", eq_pos ) == 0) /* "hard coded" params: global & for all layer-types */ vik_viewport_set_xmpp ( VIK_VIEWPORT(vp), strtod ( line+5, NULL ) ); else if ( stack->under == NULL && eq_pos == 4 && strncasecmp ( line, "ympp", eq_pos ) == 0) vik_viewport_set_ympp ( VIK_VIEWPORT(vp), strtod ( line+5, NULL ) ); else if ( stack->under == NULL && eq_pos == 3 && strncasecmp ( line, "lat", eq_pos ) == 0 ) ll.lat = strtod ( line+4, NULL ); else if ( stack->under == NULL && eq_pos == 3 && strncasecmp ( line, "lon", eq_pos ) == 0 ) ll.lon = strtod ( line+4, NULL ); else if ( stack->under == NULL && eq_pos == 4 && strncasecmp ( line, "mode", eq_pos ) == 0 && strcasecmp ( line+5, "utm" ) == 0) vik_viewport_set_drawmode ( VIK_VIEWPORT(vp), VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_UTM); else if ( stack->under == NULL && eq_pos == 4 && strncasecmp ( line, "mode", eq_pos ) == 0 && strcasecmp ( line+5, "expedia" ) == 0) vik_viewport_set_drawmode ( VIK_VIEWPORT(vp), VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_EXPEDIA ); else if ( stack->under == NULL && eq_pos == 4 && strncasecmp ( line, "mode", eq_pos ) == 0 && strcasecmp ( line+5, "google" ) == 0) { successful_read = FALSE; g_warning ( _("Draw mode '%s' no more supported"), "google" ); } else if ( stack->under == NULL && eq_pos == 4 && strncasecmp ( line, "mode", eq_pos ) == 0 && strcasecmp ( line+5, "kh" ) == 0) { successful_read = FALSE; g_warning ( _("Draw mode '%s' no more supported"), "kh" ); } else if ( stack->under == NULL && eq_pos == 4 && strncasecmp ( line, "mode", eq_pos ) == 0 && strcasecmp ( line+5, "mercator" ) == 0) vik_viewport_set_drawmode ( VIK_VIEWPORT(vp), VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_MERCATOR ); else if ( stack->under == NULL && eq_pos == 4 && strncasecmp ( line, "mode", eq_pos ) == 0 && strcasecmp ( line+5, "latlon" ) == 0) vik_viewport_set_drawmode ( VIK_VIEWPORT(vp), VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_LATLON ); else if ( stack->under == NULL && eq_pos == 5 && strncasecmp ( line, "color", eq_pos ) == 0 ) vik_viewport_set_background_color ( VIK_VIEWPORT(vp), line+6 ); else if ( stack->under == NULL && eq_pos == 14 && strncasecmp ( line, "highlightcolor", eq_pos ) == 0 ) vik_viewport_set_highlight_color ( VIK_VIEWPORT(vp), line+15 ); else if ( stack->under == NULL && eq_pos == 9 && strncasecmp ( line, "drawscale", eq_pos ) == 0 ) vik_viewport_set_draw_scale ( VIK_VIEWPORT(vp), TEST_BOOLEAN(line+10) ); else if ( stack->under == NULL && eq_pos == 14 && strncasecmp ( line, "drawcentermark", eq_pos ) == 0 ) vik_viewport_set_draw_centermark ( VIK_VIEWPORT(vp), TEST_BOOLEAN(line+15) ); else if ( stack->under == NULL && eq_pos == 13 && strncasecmp ( line, "drawhighlight", eq_pos ) == 0 ) vik_viewport_set_draw_highlight ( VIK_VIEWPORT(vp), TEST_BOOLEAN(line+14) ); else if ( stack->under && eq_pos == 4 && strncasecmp ( line, "name", eq_pos ) == 0 ) vik_layer_rename ( VIK_LAYER(stack->data), line+5 ); else if ( eq_pos == 7 && strncasecmp ( line, "visible", eq_pos ) == 0 ) VIK_LAYER(stack->data)->visible = TEST_BOOLEAN(line+8); else if ( eq_pos != -1 && stack->under ) { gboolean found_match = FALSE; /* go thru layer params. if len == eq_pos && starts_with jazz, set it. */ /* also got to check for name and visible. */ if ( ! params ) { successful_read = FALSE; g_warning ( "Line %ld: No options for this kind of layer", line_num ); continue; } for ( i = 0; i < params_count; i++ ) if ( strlen(params[i].name) == eq_pos && strncasecmp ( line, params[i].name, eq_pos ) == 0 ) { VikLayerParamData x; line += eq_pos+1; if ( params[i].type == VIK_LAYER_PARAM_STRING_LIST ) { GList *l = g_list_append ( g_hash_table_lookup ( string_lists, GINT_TO_POINTER ((gint) i) ), g_strdup(line) ); g_hash_table_replace ( string_lists, GINT_TO_POINTER ((gint)i), l ); /* add the value to a list, possibly making a new list. * this will be passed to the layer when we read an ~EndLayer */ } else { switch ( params[i].type ) { case VIK_LAYER_PARAM_DOUBLE: x.d = strtod(line, NULL); break; case VIK_LAYER_PARAM_UINT: x.u = strtoul(line, NULL, 10); break; case VIK_LAYER_PARAM_INT: x.i = strtol(line, NULL, 10); break; case VIK_LAYER_PARAM_BOOLEAN: x.b = TEST_BOOLEAN(line); break; case VIK_LAYER_PARAM_COLOR: memset(&(x.c), 0, sizeof(x.c)); /* default: black */ gdk_color_parse ( line, &(x.c) ); break; /* STRING or STRING_LIST -- if STRING_LIST, just set param to add a STRING */ default: x.s = line; } vik_layer_set_param ( VIK_LAYER(stack->data), i, x, vp, TRUE ); } found_match = TRUE; break; } if ( ! found_match ) { // ATM don't flow up this issue because at least one internal parameter has changed from version 1.3 // and don't what to worry users about raising such issues // TODO Maybe hold old values here - compare the line value against them and if a match // generate a different style of message in the GUI... // successful_read = FALSE; g_warning ( "Line %ld: Unknown parameter. Line:\n%s", line_num, line ); } } else { successful_read = FALSE; g_warning ( "Line %ld: Invalid parameter or parameter outside of layer.", line_num ); } } /* could be: [Layer Type=Bla] [EndLayer] [LayerData] name=this #comment */ } while ( stack ) { if ( stack->under && stack->under->data && stack->data ) { vik_aggregate_layer_add_layer ( VIK_AGGREGATE_LAYER(stack->under->data), VIK_LAYER(stack->data) ); vik_layer_post_read ( VIK_LAYER(stack->data), vp, TRUE ); } pop(&stack); } if ( ll.lat != 0.0 || ll.lon != 0.0 ) vik_viewport_set_center_latlon ( VIK_VIEWPORT(vp), &ll ); if ( ( ! VIK_LAYER(top)->visible ) && VIK_LAYER(top)->realized ) vik_treeview_item_set_visible ( VIK_LAYER(top)->vt, &(VIK_LAYER(top)->iter), FALSE ); /* delete anything we've forgotten about -- should only happen when file ends before an EndLayer */ g_hash_table_foreach ( string_lists, string_list_delete, NULL ); g_hash_table_destroy ( string_lists ); return successful_read; } /* read thru file if "[Layer Type=" push(&stack) new default layer of type (str_to_type) (check interface->name) if "[EndLayer]" VikLayer *vl = stack->data; pop(&stack); vik_aggregate_layer_add_layer(stack->data, vl); if "[LayerData]" vik_layer_data ( VIK_LAYER_DATA(stack->data), f, vp ); */ /* ---------------------------------------------------- */ static FILE *xfopen ( const char *fn, const char *mode ) { if ( strcmp(fn,"-") == 0 ) return stdin; else return g_fopen(fn, "r"); } static void xfclose ( FILE *f ) { if ( f != stdin && f != stdout ) { fclose ( f ); f = NULL; } } /* * Function to determine if a filename is a 'viking' type file */ gboolean check_file_magic_vik ( const gchar *filename ) { gboolean result = FALSE; FILE *ff = xfopen ( filename, "r" ); if ( ff ) { result = check_magic ( ff, VIK_MAGIC ); xfclose ( ff ); } return result; } VikLoadType_t a_file_load ( VikAggregateLayer *top, VikViewport *vp, const gchar *filename_or_uri ) { g_return_val_if_fail ( vp != NULL, LOAD_TYPE_READ_FAILURE ); char *filename = (char *)filename_or_uri; if (strncmp(filename, "file://", 7) == 0) filename = filename + 7; FILE *f = xfopen ( filename, "r" ); if ( ! f ) return LOAD_TYPE_READ_FAILURE; VikLoadType_t load_answer = LOAD_TYPE_OTHER_SUCCESS; // Attempt loading the primary file type first - our internal .vik file: if ( check_magic ( f, VIK_MAGIC ) ) { if ( file_read ( top, f, vp ) ) load_answer = LOAD_TYPE_VIK_SUCCESS; else load_answer = LOAD_TYPE_VIK_FAILURE_NON_FATAL; } else { // For all other file types which consist of tracks, routes and/or waypoints, // must be loaded into a new TrackWaypoint layer (hence it be created) gboolean success = TRUE; // Detect load failures - mainly to remove the layer created as it's not required VikLayer *vtl = vik_layer_create ( VIK_LAYER_TRW, vp, NULL, FALSE ); // In fact both kml & gpx files start the same as they are in xml if ( check_file_ext ( filename, ".kml" ) && check_magic ( f, GPX_MAGIC ) ) { // Implicit Conversion if ( ! ( success = a_babel_convert_from ( VIK_TRW_LAYER(vtl), "-i kml", filename, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ) ) { load_answer = LOAD_TYPE_GPSBABEL_FAILURE; } } // NB use a extension check first, as a GPX file header may have a Byte Order Mark (BOM) in it // - which currently confuses our check_magic function else if ( check_file_ext ( filename, ".gpx" ) || check_magic ( f, GPX_MAGIC ) ) { if ( ! ( success = a_gpx_read_file ( VIK_TRW_LAYER(vtl), f ) ) ) { load_answer = LOAD_TYPE_GPX_FAILURE; } } else { // Try final supported file type if ( ! ( success = a_gpspoint_read_file ( VIK_TRW_LAYER(vtl), f ) ) ) { // Failure here means we don't know how to handle the file load_answer = LOAD_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED_FAILURE; } } // Clean up when we can't handle the file if ( ! success ) { // free up layer g_object_unref ( vtl ); } else { // Complete the setup from the successful load vik_layer_rename ( vtl, a_file_basename ( filename ) ); vik_layer_post_read ( vtl, vp, TRUE ); vik_aggregate_layer_add_layer ( top, vtl ); vik_trw_layer_auto_set_view ( VIK_TRW_LAYER(vtl), vp ); } } xfclose(f); return load_answer; } gboolean a_file_save ( VikAggregateLayer *top, gpointer vp, const gchar *filename ) { FILE *f; if (strncmp(filename, "file://", 7) == 0) filename = filename + 7; f = g_fopen(filename, "w"); if ( ! f ) return FALSE; file_write ( top, f, vp ); fclose(f); f = NULL; return TRUE; } const gchar *a_file_basename ( const gchar *filename ) { const gchar *t = filename + strlen(filename) - 1; while ( --t > filename ) if ( *(t-1) == FILE_SEP ) break; if ( t >= filename ) return t; return filename; } /* example: gboolean is_gpx = check_file_ext ( "a/b/c.gpx", ".gpx" ); */ gboolean check_file_ext ( const gchar *filename, const gchar *fileext ) { g_return_val_if_fail ( filename != NULL, FALSE ); g_return_val_if_fail ( fileext && fileext[0]=='.', FALSE ); const gchar *basename = a_file_basename(filename); if (!basename) return FALSE; const char * dot = strrchr(basename, '.'); if (dot && !strcmp(dot, fileext)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /** * a_file_export: * @vtl: The TrackWaypoint to export data from * @filename: The name of the file to be written * @file_type: Choose one of the supported file types for the export * @trk: If specified then only export this track rather than the whole layer * @write_hidden: Whether to write invisible items * * A general export command to convert from Viking TRW layer data to an external supported format. * The write_hidden option is provided mainly to be able to transfer selected items when uploading to a GPS */ gboolean a_file_export ( VikTrwLayer *vtl, const gchar *filename, VikFileType_t file_type, VikTrack *trk, gboolean write_hidden ) { GpxWritingOptions options = { FALSE, FALSE, write_hidden, FALSE }; FILE *f = g_fopen ( filename, "w" ); if ( f ) { if ( trk ) { switch ( file_type ) { case FILE_TYPE_GPX: // trk defined so can set the option options.is_route = trk->is_route; a_gpx_write_track_file ( trk, f, &options ); break; default: g_critical("Houston, we've had a problem. file_type=%d", file_type); } } else { switch ( file_type ) { case FILE_TYPE_GPSMAPPER: a_gpsmapper_write_file ( vtl, f ); break; case FILE_TYPE_GPX: a_gpx_write_file ( vtl, f, &options ); break; case FILE_TYPE_GPSPOINT: a_gpspoint_write_file ( vtl, f ); break; case FILE_TYPE_KML: fclose ( f ); f = NULL; switch ( a_vik_get_kml_export_units () ) { case VIK_KML_EXPORT_UNITS_STATUTE: return a_babel_convert_to ( vtl, NULL, "-o kml", filename, NULL, NULL ); break; case VIK_KML_EXPORT_UNITS_NAUTICAL: return a_babel_convert_to ( vtl, NULL, "-o kml,units=n", filename, NULL, NULL ); break; default: // VIK_KML_EXPORT_UNITS_METRIC: return a_babel_convert_to ( vtl, NULL, "-o kml,units=m", filename, NULL, NULL ); break; } break; default: g_critical("Houston, we've had a problem. file_type=%d", file_type); } } fclose ( f ); f = NULL; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Just a wrapper around realpath, which itself is platform dependent */ char *file_realpath ( const char *path, char *real ) { return realpath ( path, real ); }