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[andy/viking.git] / NEWS
1Viking 1.6 (2015-03-29)
2New features since 1.5.1
3* Mapnik Rendering Layer (not available in Windows build ATM) - with preprocessor CartoCSS option.
4** Build system dependency on C++. Source dependency on libmapnik-dev.
5* Export files via GPSBabel
6* Extended GPSBabel filtering support - Enables limited/simple OSM Overpass API support.
7* Support reading of MBTiles files.
8* Support reading of OSM Metatiles.
9* Configurable Toolbar
10* Configurable Menu keys
11* Various time related features:
12** Edit trackpoint and waypoint times.
13** Sort layers by time.
14** Preference option 'World' to display time values based on the position (i.e. in the local timezone) of the track or waypoint.
15** Show time axis values on time graphs
16** Quick search of tracks by date
17** Open external programs Rednotebook or Stellarium at the specific time (and place) of a point.
18* Improved route finder UI usage
19* GeoJSON support via external programs 'togpx' and 'togeojson'
20* New default Map Cache layout to be more compatible with standard OSM/TMS structure.
21** Also python tool available to migrate cache layouts
22* Support GPX Metadata values common to GPX1.0 and GPX1.1
23* Extended map type configuration options (zoom levels + area extents limits)
24* Build compatibility with GPSD 3.12
25* Allow starting Viking with command line parameters to set position, zoom and map type.
26** --latitude <degrees>
27** --longitude <degrees>
28** --zoom <ZoomLevelOSM>
29** --map <MapID>
30** eg: $> viking --latitude 51.4 --longitude -1.3 --zoom 12 --map 13
31* Improved Windows install information and options
32* Export Track, Route and Waypoint Lists as text.
33* Many internal improvements, fixes, more translations and various other small improvements.
35Fixes since 1.5.1
36* SF Bugs#104: Fix GStatBuf not available on Glib < 2.26
37* SF Bugs#105: Fix Display of Lines (Clipping) at High Zoom Levels.
38* SF Bugs#106: Fix incorrect location on opening .vik file saved in different locale.
39* SF Bugs#109: Ctrl+Keypad+/- to Zoom In/Out respectively.
40* SF Bugs#112: Enable using libgexiv2 for writing geotag image data to void XMP data loss.
41** Thus default source dependency on libgexiv2-dev
42** Not available in Windows build ATM
43* SF Bugs#113: Fix waypoints can be accidentally moved on (re)selection by the select tool
44* SF Bugs#114: Fix Shortcut keys get reset next start
45* SF Bugs#115: Fix application hanging on degrees input ending in a comma.
46* SF Bugs#118: Fix route point selection via the Edit Trackpoint tool.
47* Debian #761966: Remove an incorrect accelerator in the German translation.
48* Debian #746815: Fix loading image thumbnails when some Unicode chars in the pathname
50Viking 1.5 (2013-10-13)
51New features since 1.4.2
52* Startup preferences for ease of use.
53* Multi layer/track statistics.
54* Multi layer/track or waypoint detailed lists.
55* Control sorting of layers and quick show/hide all options.
56* Configurable layer defaults.
57* Optimizations when loading and drawing large numbers of tracks.
58* Allow higher zoom levels up to 1/32 (OSM z22 equivalent but maps only requested up to z19).
59* Retain internal options across sessions.
60* Selectable online router service provider (now including OSRM)
61* 'Via' points online route refining.
62* Download a file directly from an URL.
63* Datasource acquiring files from URLs related to the current view.
64* Support timestamps (read only) in waypoints.
65* Support naming trackpoints.
66* Request downloading a region of maps over multiple zoom levels.
67* Support Compressed My OSM Traces files (requires libbz2 and libmagic).
68* Support opening files drag and drop on to the viewport.
69* Support relative paths in Viking files.
70* Add support for OSM Humanitarian (HOT) Style Map.
71* Advanced preferences.
72* Optional track labelling on the viewport.
73* Translations for the Basque language.
74* Improved Help Manual.
75* Many internal improvements.
77Fixes since 1.4.2
78* Fix crashing if attempting to Extend a Route via the Route Finder when the route has no points.
80Viking (2013-07-26)
81Bug Fix Release
82* Fix menu use of named own Icons since the icons were renamed some time ago.
83* [QA] Fix memory leak in drawing new tracks/routes.
84* [QA] Fix memory leak on deleting TrackWaypoint layers.
85* [QA] Fix large memory leak on viewing Track Properties.
86* [QA] Fix incorrect iterator usage.
87* [QA] Fix memory leaks on reading in Viking files.
88* [QA] Fix memory leak in treeview tooltips and selection.
89* [QA] Fix large memory leak when removing DEM layers.
90* Fix some interpolated values of a trackpoint on insertion between points.
91* Fix handling failed downloads with the My OSM Traces method.
92* SF Bugs#101: Fix Acquire from Google Directions.
93* Fix name search using Google.
94* SF Bugs#100: Fix Crash on viewing Track Properties with extreme gradients.
95* SF Bugs#97: Fix missing redownload settings of some maps in the example config
96* SF Bugs#99: Increase limit for Map IDs
97* Automated check for the latest version. ATM only on Windows systems.
98* Enable getting Viking Version as a number from a string to enable comparisons.
99* SF#3613971: Remove Geofabrik's OpenStreetMap WMS, as it is not for public use.
100* Don't silently fail on attempting to split to a track.
101* Fix background thread statusbar update instability.
102* Fix location of gdk_threads_enter() to be before first window creation.
103* Allow Bing Map source URL to be set via the configuration XML file.
104* SF#3610708: Fix Failing to Load DEM files on Big Endian Systems.
105* Fix incorrect setting to lowest zoom value when clicking away from the statusbar zoom menu.
106* [QA] Improve create zoom menu to use G_N_ELEMENTS to know array bounds.
108Viking (2013-04-08)
109Bug Fix Release + updated translations
110* Import Launchpad translation updates [Mainly for large Czech update]
111* Fix using .vik files with 'unusual' track or waypoint names
112* Fix waypoint selection when the waypoint has an image but the images are not being displayed.
113* Fix showing map timestamps on Windows on the map tile info dialog.
114* SF#3608411: Part 2 - Avoid creating command window on Viking start-up.
115* SF#3608411: Part 1 - Avoid warning about unbuffer on Windows Systems.
116* SF#3608264: Improve Statusbar Location Info Maybe Truncated
117* Prevent inputting empty names for layers and sublayers via the layers panel.
118* SF#3608311: Fix crash caused by renaming blank sublayer names
119* Be less strigent in loading Geotagged images without optional GPS tags
120* Fix use of scaled tile image when tile image not present.
121* Enable updating the treeview to allow setting a blank waypoint symbol.
122* Improve the Waypoint tooltip to display the description if there is no comment.
123* Fix datasource acquiring waypoints from geotag images.
124* Updated geo-* scripts to version released on 2013/02/18
125* Fix compilation with --enable-geocaches option.
126* help/Makefile.am: explicitly list figures.
128Viking (2013-02-16)
129Windows Only Release.
130* Windows: Add .vik file extension association option in the installer
132Viking 1.4 (2013-02-11)
133New features since 1.3.2
134* Support for GPX Route type including transfer to/from GPS Devices.
135** Replaced 'Add Track' tool with 'Create Route' tool. (NB There still is the Create Track tool)
136* Support for GPX 'Description' for tracks, waypoints and routes.
137* Add ability to Acquire My OSM Traces and ability to choose any subset of the available traces.
138* GPS Upload from a track.
139* Enable giving a track a specific colour (drawn in default draw by track mode).
140* Enable drawing all tracks in a specific colour (no longer is Black the only option).
141* Allow option of drawing a direction arrow when drawing a track.
142* Allow configuration of trackpoint size and direction arrow size.
143* Display Waypoint Icons in the layers panel treeview.
144* Restored Route Finding via Google Services. [Was disabled in 1.3.2 due to change in formats supported]
145* Only display sublayer container when there are sublayers.
146* Display map tile source and cached file information in a dialog for a position.
147* Quick zoom level change from the statusbar by clicking on the zoom level to select another level.
148* In the Zoom Tool mode: can select an area to zoom in on (via holding shift key + drag mouse).
149* Mouse Zooming in/out maintains the position focus on the mouse pointer location.
150** (Use the keys Ctrl+Shift and mouse zoom to maintain the centered map location).
151* Improvements in Acquiring Wikipedia Points (allow more points, sortable columns, URL and feature type).
152* Allow opening a URL on a waypoint which has a URL for a comment or description.
153* Re-organized TrackWaypoint Layer menus to group functionality together better with New, View, Combine, Split, Delete, Acquire and Upload submenus.
154* Gradient Graph view on the Track Properties.
155* Allow same named TrackWaypoint sublayer items. i.e. can now have 2 (or more) waypoints with the same name.
156* Add support of a Map type for a local On Disk OSM Tile Format.
157* Revised Draw Track by Speed mode with a simple traffic light colouring scheme to represent slow/average/fast speeds.
158* Enable deletion of track points with the same timestamp.
159* Ability to merge segments of a track.
160* Allow generation of large pixel sized images.
161* Rework image generation to ask for file name first and then only allow supported map zoom levels.
162* Allow control of waypoint text size on the viewport display.
163* Allow control of GPX file saving track order (either Alphabetical or By Time via global preference).
164* Keyboard shortcuts to create layers and enable some tools.
165* Show the bearing and the step distance of the next point when creating a track or route.
166* Improved feedback in reading erroneous files.
167* Improved Help Manual.
168* More translation texts including a Finnish version.
169* Scripts to support the creation of the Windows Executable Installer.
170* Add a python tool to convert the Viking tile cache into a MapBox MBTiles format file.
171* Many internal improvements.
173Fixes since 1.3.2
174* Don't accidently overwrite GPX and KML files in the Viking file type.
175* Use the default desktop font for waypoint viewport display text.
176* Ensure when opening multiple .vik files they are each loaded into a new window.
177* Show UTM location in statusbar when in UTM mode.
178* Fix: crash when dealing with non-compressed DEM files
180Viking 1.3.2 (2012-09-23)
181Bug Fix Release including:
182* Removed Route Finder Tool as Google Direction service interface has disabled the method Viking interfaced with it.
183* Fix for Debian#685817: Statusbar Update From Thread Instability
184* Fix SF#3564795: Crashing when attempting to create waypoints from EXIF images without enough GPS information.
185* Fix drawing of next potential trackpoint on Windows Systems.
186* Fix GPSBabel Dynamic Device List generation on Windows Systems.
187* Fix crashing when displayed map copyright(s) is longer than the internal buffer.
188* Fix crashing when deleting a GPS layer which has started a realtime tracking.
189* Fix printing of DEBUG message since glib 2.32
191Viking 1.3.1 (2012-06-26)
192Bug Fix for Windows Systems Release:
193* Fix crash in Show Picture functionality on Window's Systems.
195Viking 1.3 (2012-04-22)
196New features since 1.2.2
197* Be consistent in that track and waypoint list dialogs are always sorted alphabetically.
198* Add OSM Transport map as a built in map option.
199* Add supported MIME types to the desktop file specification.
200* Add example script that can be used to upload a track as a route to a predefined GPS device.
201* Display the average moving speed for a track in the track properties.
202* Add ability to open a TrackWaypoint layer with another external program (default merkaartor).
203* Add ability to open a TrackWaypoint layer with an external program (default JOSM).
204* Use map default: OSM MapQuest tileserver.
205* Add and use a preference for the associated image viewer program.
206* Add and use KML File Export units option.
207* Add ability to geotag images interpolating times against tracks.
208* Acquire Geotag Images via TRW Layer
209* Ensure vtl created in acquire operation runs post read stage.
210* EXIF read implementation for geotagged images (libexif).
211* Add new process stage for acquire methods.
212* Enable reversing a track from the track menu.
213* Display compact message on the statusbar for the selected trackpoint or waypoint. (SF#3314888)
214* Enable multiple selection and deletion.
215* Scale waypoint icons to give large or small icons as necessary.
216* Add Yahoo! Maps webtool link.
217* Extend webtools with a bounds version for the URL which takes four string parameters.
218* Add webtool for Bing maps.
219* Add Acquire OSM option into the Track/Waypoint layer operations.
220* Add used geo-* scripts as they are public domain.
221* Continue geocaching.com support via third party tools.
222* Show elevation gain/loss on track creation 'tooltip' (as per SF#2838561 request), when such data is available.
223* Automatically attempt to set elevation data from the DEM layer whilst a track is being created.
224* When creating a track, display the total distance of track (via a tooltip like text) on the main display.
225* Allow to import any file known by gpsbabel
226* Add support for any device known by gpsbabel
227* Add experimental support for GPSD_API_MAJOR_VERSION 5.
228* Add ability to acquire GPS traces stored on OSM
229* Enable copying layer/sublayer names as plain text, so that it can be pasted into external text handling applications.
230* Enable getting of the statusbar from the window.
231* On creating a new waypoint always attempt to auto set the altitude if DEM data is available.
232* Enable the escape key to remove/reset the ruler tool.
234Fixes since 1.2.2
235* Remove Tiles@home support as the service has stopped.
236* cleanup: Remove unused and out of date 'viking-remote' script and related files.
237* cleanup: Remove *very* old documentation and don't bother distributing any of it which is all old.
238* Fix Track Properties graph blob marker drawn at wrong elevation when elevation graphs have different min/max heights.
239* Fix Track Properties graph DEM points drawn at wrong elevation when lowest elevation is not zero.
240* Use an intermediary program which will invoke the system's default for opening images.
241* Fix opening of external web sites via center method when the zoom level is less than 1 mpp.
242* Fix crashing on opening a file via recent menu after a .vik file is opened.
243* Fix too easy to accidently move a waypoint with an image with the select tool - must use shift key.
244* Fix can not immediately select another layer if currently selected layer's visibility changes.
245* Fix compilation with curl 7.21.7 (SF#3376584)
246* Improve libgps test with the consistently available function: gps_close
247* Fix <GTK 2.24 combo box usage.
248* Fix crashing on opening multiple files after a .vik file is opened.
249* Solution for SF#2766266 - Give user feedback about OSM uploads (success/failure).
250* Fix: send VLP's update signal when adding a layer
251* Fix: Don't abort program when attempting webtool center with different x & y factors.
252* Fix Join Tracks functionality.
253* Fix SF#3408170: Selected Track Thickness is Always 1px
254* Fix tracks not shown over map when map layer is dragged to the end of the treeview list.
255* Refuse to load unsupported file types.
256* Restore broken GPS power off command.
257* Fix: SF#3042692 - Tiles May Get Deleted During Offline Usage.
258* Fix some tracks elevation profile may display no altitude, despite all altitudes available in the track.
259* Fix SF#3387590: Top Layer cannot be renamed
260* Enable merging tracks without timestamps to other tracks that do not have timestamps. (SF#2886231)
261* Prevent track merge by time requests when there are no other suitable tracks.
262* Improve track name when split from Track Properties window.
263* Replace 'Magic Scissors' by a more accurate name - 'Route Finder'.
265Viking 1.2.2 (2011-11-03)
266Fixes since 1.2.1
267* Increase default tile age check to 7 days.
268* Fix compilation with curl 7.21.7 (SF#3376584)
270Viking 1.2.1 (2011-06-16)
271Fixes since 1.2
272* Support proper MAC OS file locations.
273* Fix incorrect track property line marker positioning when the track has gaps.
274* Fix track property point marker drawing error - sometimes draws dot marker too low.
276Viking 1.2 (2011-05-24)
277New features since 1.1
278* Remove unecessary treeview item selection.
279* Add zoom level 0.5 to map layer
280* [DOC] Add links to access Viking's source code
281* Rename file to prevent any case-insensitive issues.
282* Add getting the users confirmation when deleting (emptying) data from the GPS layer.
283* Enable keypad delete to remove layers in the layers panel.
284* Enable deleting multiple tracks or waypoints within a layer by selecting them from a list.
285* Add getting the users confirmation when deleting an individual track or waypoint.
286* Add the ability to delete all waypoints or tracks in the layer.
287* Add getting the users confirmation when deleting a layer.
288* Start a new 'Tracks' treeview menu, similar to the 'new' Waypoints treeview menu.
289* Add operations on waypoints into the 'new' Waypoints treeview menu.
290* Add new graph type Speed/Distance in the track properties window.
291* Add new graph type Elevation/Time in the track properties window.
292* Add new graph type Distance/Time in the track properties window.
293* Improve Track Properties speed/time drawing to display in nice human friendly whole number scaled units.
294* Improve Track Properties elevation drawing to display in nice human friendly whole number scaled units.
295* On the Track Properties Window draw an always updating indicator of where the readings are taken from.
296* Enable controls of drawing DEM data and GPS speeds on the Track Properties Window.
297* Add keyboard accelerators for the Track Properties Window.
298* Add ability to resize the Track Properties window.
299* On the Track Properties Window, also show the elevation or speed for the current track position as indicated by the mouse pointer.
300* Add support for kml files.
301* Add ... where necessary to track & waypoint menu entries.
302* Enable Open Waypoint Image via right click menu entry.
303* Use ability to select a waypoint given the thumbnail image size.
304* Add ability to open the trackpoint edit dialog via the viewport right click menu when a trackpoint is selected.
305* Add ability to move selected trackpoint or waypoint by the mouse within the select tool.
306* Add a new select tool at the window level to enable/disbale item selection of the a track or a waypoint.
307* Enable to unselect treeview item
308* Add Select Request layer interface and use within the track/waypoint layer to select an item.
309* Add internal track right click menu variable.
310* Tidy up track/waypoint sublayer callbacks to only use the layers panel if it available.
311* Add viewport to sublayer add menu items callback.
312* Make the highlight colour configurable and use as appropriate for the selected track/waypoint drawing.
313* Add track and waypoint highlight for the selected layer or individual item.
314* Add the storage and retrieval of any kind of track or waypoint selected item (either an individual item, list (i.e. a sublayer) or layer) at the window level.
315* Add viewport property to control the display of the track / waypoint item highlight.
316* Add backup support for launching URLs with Mac OS based browsers.
317* Add backup support for launching URLs with Google Chrome based browsers.
318* Add support for Bing maps
319* Add support for dynamic copyright
320* Add map's logo support
321* Add support for reference documentation
322* Generate a trackwaypoint layer update on the finish creatiing of the thumbnails so the images are shown.
323* Enable the tree view panel to be more usefully resized smaller than the text names.
324* Windows: Open help pdf file when when clicked on Help->help
325* [DOC] Split By Number of Points
326* Add Track->Split by Number of Points (as per SF#2847587 request).
327* Add a new dialog to return positive number.
328* SF#2844872: Suggest name for the new track when splitting the track via the trackpoint edit dialog.
330Fixes since 1.1
331* Better safety checking to prevent crash due to null variable reference in use of the current trackpoint.
332* Fix: Reduce GObject cast
333* Fix etag handling
334* Fix: generate doc/reference/Makefile when needed
335* Fix Track -> Split by Timestamp such that newly created tracks are ordered correctly.
336* Fix sensitivity of the track properties window split marker to be disabled when the track marker is not drawn.
337* Fix crashing due to incorrect usage of libcurl - SF#3206628.
338* Fix non-void function should return a value.
339* Fix reference documentation generation - some systems need explicit mention of libz.
340* Fix displaying of 'Waypoints' treeview menu.
341* Fix vik_aggregate_layer_get_all_layers_of_type for track/waypoint layer types, since these may also be stored under GPS layers.
342* Improve previous fix: background calling code should control return value
343* Fix: background calling code should control return value
344* Fix: enforce background feature
345* Fix compiler warnings from gcc 4.5.4
346* SF#3178554: Fix Sun Studio build
347* gtk_object_sink has been deprecated since gtk version 2.10, use g_object_ref_sink() instead.
349Viking 1.1 (2011-02-08)
350New features since 1.0
351* [DOC] Add MapQuest Nominating search service in examples
352* Adjust colour of last auto track colour to not clash with default create track colour.
353* Add menu icons for the maps layer menu.
354* Make the selection list in Merge With Other Tracks sorted alphabetically.
355* Add sort list by name function. Will be useful for track and waypoint list ordering.
356* [DOC] Mark ready for 1.1 release. Update help manual version to 0.2.
357* [DOC] Add layer information for Aggregates, Coords and GeoRefs in help.
358* [DOC] Add Maps layer help information.
359* [DOC] Add overall layer information and promote each layer to be a top level section in help.
360* [DOC] Add DEM layer help information.
361* [DOC] Mention waypoint properties in help information.
362* [DOC] Update GPS layer help information.
363* [DOC] Update track operations help information.
364* [DOC] Update waypoint operations help information.
365* [DOC] Update Tools help section
366* [DOC] Update TrackWaypoint layer menu help Information
367* Improve positioning of the menu separator on waypoint menus.
368* Add GeoRef layer tooltip to show the file name in use.
369* Add GPS Layer tooltip to say the protocol (aka device manufacturer) type.
370* TrackWaypoint Layer tooltip featuring summaries for tracks and waypoints.
371* Add maps layer tooltip to show the map name(type).
372* Add DEM layer tooltip to show the number of DEM files in use.
373* Add Track and waypoint sublayer tooltip information.
374* Add treeview use and display of layers tooltip.
375* Add Layer Tooltip callback definition
376* Add sublayer tooltip callback definition.
377* When getting data via the GPS layer automatically set the view to see it, unless the realtime tracking mode is on.
378* On acquiring data from sources (inc. GPS) automatically set the view to see it. Except for GeoCaches; as it's likely you're requesting data for the current area, so no point in trying to change the view.
379* On opening GPX files automatically view all the data.
380* Add 'View All Tracks' option to the panel Layer menu options, which sets the view (center & zoom) to see all the tracks of that layer.
381* Add 'View Waypoints' option to the TrackWaypoint layer menu options, which sets the view (center & zoom) to see all the Waypoints.
382* Add 'View Track' option to the Track sublayer menu options, which sets the view (center & zoom) to see the track.
383* Add 'View Layer' option to the TrackWaypoint Layer menu options, which sets the view (center & zoom) to see the entire layer.
384* Add the ability to 'autozoom' to view an area specified by maximum and minimum lat/longs for a TrackWaypoint layer.
385* Create a new 'Show' submenu entry
386* Improve curl usage as should call cleanup on application exit.
387* Add copyright and license properties for NASA BlueMarble data.
388* Add background thread loading of DEM files.
389* Add Track->Goto Highest and Lowest points features.
390* Add Track->Goto Maximum Speed feature.
391* Rework Track->Goto menu options.
392* Add support for the TMS interface provided by SPOTMaps
393* Add license related properties
394* Add copyright property
395* Improve key binding for Mercator Mode -> ctrl+m
396* Add documentation for generic TMS map source
397* Improve key bindings for ModeLatLon.
398* Add OSM WMS Server
399* Add support for WMS-C
400* Add support for more standard TMS
401* Move-up download methods
402* Add LatLon projection
403* Better safety checking code
404* Add support for Locosys devices via GPSBabel's navilink device protocol.
405* Add support for DeLorme devices via GPSBabel's delbin device protocol.
406* Add the ability to insert a trackpoint into a track via the Edit Trackpoint dialog.
407* Add internal function to insert a trackpoint after the currently selected trackpoint.
408* Add license notice to new file
409* Enable individual track to GPX export via the Track sublayer menu.
410* Set default action on dialogs.
411* Add a perl script to auto generate basic Viking .vik files for directories containing images.
412* Enable control of the visibility of the menubar [including keyboard shortcut - F4]. Also enable panic key 'Escape' to restore menubar if hidden and no tool uses it.
413* Enable control of the visibility of the toolbar [including keyboard shortcut - F3].
414* Make use of the vikwindow toolbar variable.
415* Enable control of the visibility of the statusbar [including keyboard shortcut - F12].
417Fixes since 1.0
418* Prevent Gtk-CRITICAL assertion when the application is closed with a Track Property window on display.
419* Prevent Gtk-CRITICAL assertion when the application is closed whilst loading DEMs.
420* Fix trackpoint edit altitude sensitivity to be re-enabled after it has been disabled.
421* Fix incorrect cut/copy of sublayers when accessed via the layers panel buttons.
422* Fix the List Dialog so that it does not become taller than the screen when there are lots of entries.
423* Fix some compiler warnings in viktrwlayer.c when configured to build with --disable-alphabetized-trw
424* Fix Resource leak detected by cppcheck 1.46
425* Fix compiler warning in curl_download.c
426* Fix compiler warning in vikmapslayer.c
427* Fix compiler warning in vikwindow.c - use correct const typing.
428* Fix compiler warnings - correct Widget / Window type.
429* Fix memory leak when generating image file
430* Fix: Improve XML reading error reporting
431* Fix compiler warnings in osm.c
432* Fix compiler warning in vikmapslayer.c
433* Fix Waypoint & Track visibility issues.
434* Fix SF#3104028: Default Color Background is incorrectly saved as black into a new .vik file.
436Viking 1.0 (2010-11-14)
437New features since 0.9.96
438* Add minimal translator-credits in About dialog
439* Add documenters to About dialog
441Fixes since 0.9.96
442* Improve copyright holders
443* Prevent crashes when downloading Expedia Maps.
444* Fix extend track using magic scissors.
445* Fix autodownloading while panning
446* Fix Debian #599048: Segmentation fault when using gpsbabel
447* Fix dem_gradient_colors allocation.
448* Fix compiler warnings in preferences.c
450Viking 0.9.96 (2010-10-11)
451New features since 0.9.95
452* Use ETag to detect fresh tiles on servers
453* Add new menu entry in GPS Layer to delete the realtime information.
454* Ensure GPS realtime information deleted when GPS Layer -->Empty All is called.
455* Prevent zoom factor string displaying unnecessary .0s when it's a whole number.
456* Improve Track Properties speed profile display for low speed difference (e.g. walking) tracks.
457* Use speed units in display of Track/Waypoint layer draw by velocity config values, but maintain units as metres per second when read from/saved to files.
458* Add keyboard accelerators for as many as possible View Menu entries.
459* Simplify zoom status when xmpp and ympp are equal
460* Use height units in the altitude readout for the cursor position on the status bar.
461* Use height units in display of DEM min / max elevation values, but maintain units as metres when read from/saved to files.
463Fixes since 0.9.95
464* Fix many memory leaks
465* DEM layer properties tidy up.
466* Prevent getting stuck in a near infinite loop when using Coord layer, UTM mode and zoomed out to see the whole world.
467* Prevent lock up in attempt to download maps along a track in UTM mode.
468* Launchpad Bug #445374: Prevent crash when downloading maps along a track, with Terraserver maps when in Mercator mode.
469* Add explicit linking against libz and libm
470* Fix SF#3009431: Prevent Crash in Real Time Tracking GPS Mode & Autodownload Maps.
471* Fix display of rounded speed units scale markers in the speed profile.
472* Fix cycle map URL
473* Fix compiler warnings
474* Fix Track Draw by Velocity mode, so that individual track points are coloured (as was the intention).
475* Fix bug where older file was removed when network not present
476* Fix: warning 'draw-mode' message does not display
477* Fix incorrect limitation on source map id
479Viking 0.9.95 (2010-09-07)
480New features since 0.9.94
481* Add some function short cut key definitions to control showing of the center mark and scale viewport features.
482* [DOC] Replace Google with OSM capability in man pages.
483* When manually creating a track, automatically give it a default name.
484* [DOC] Add contributors from the Wiki(s) history.
485* Better dialog name when searching for a waypoint.
486* Change max cache time to 1 week.
488Fixes since 0.9.94
489* Prevent "Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated" messages.
490* Invalid number of arguments in call to a_http_download_get_u
491* Prevent crash when cut of a GPS track/waypoint layer is attempted via the layers buttons.
492* Prevent DEM layer colour indexing going negative and can crash on gradient view.
493* Fix DEM layer to show default sea level.
494* Fix track background thickness being able to set back to zero.
495* Fix internal tile locking
496* Fix top layer not drawn after made invisible and then back to being visible.
497* Fix impaired (drawcentermark setting bodged) vik file if saved with the top layer visibility turned off.
498* Fix syntax errors in help manual
499* Fix map drag and drop to show the correct whole map
500* Fix "Go to UTM" dialog title.
501* Fix first opening of a file which has spaces (or other interesting characters) via the recent files menu.
502* Fix unnamed_tracks / unnamed_waypoints misuse.
504Viking 0.9.94 (2010-06-10)
505New features since 0.9.93
506* Add knots as a speed unit option.
507* Detect USB Garmin eTrex HCx Legend devices (and maybe others).
508* Auto use of /dev/ttyUSB type device if available on Unix systems.
509* Add ability to turn off Garmin GPS after transfer.
510* Add a 'home' default location preference.
511* Add ability to changes preferences outside of the preferences.c file.
512* NLS Maps API: Historic map of Great Britain
513* Change GUI related command line parameter for Waypoint symbol size into run time preference.
514* Support All Zoom Levels in Zoom Menu
515* [DOC] Import User Manual from wiki
516* Add menu item for help contents
518Fixes since 0.9.93
519* Add Viking's contributors as copyright holders
520* Remove unecessary '\' from the View Menu
521* Better Preferences Dialog Title
522* More Menu Improvements
523* Replace autogen.sh
524* On GPS data acquire, only create a layer if it contains something.
525* Fix POTFILES with new source file
526* Fix OMF category
527* Fix Filter->Simplify All Tracks default.
528* [DOC] Fix Gnome's menu entry category for viking
529* [DOC] Fix erroneous warning
530* Fix compiler warning.
531* Fix #2977752: win-gtk: osm tiles don't show up
532* Fix Track -> View Google Directions URL
533* Fix function's return value
534* Fix compilation warnings
535* Fix #2988574: Can't save files opened via recent file menu
536* Fix #2991657: Terraserver downloads fail
537* Fix geocaching
539Viking 0.9.93 (2010-04-11)
540New features since 0.9.92
541* Allow overriding map source
542* Make GPS layer cut/copy available from popup menu.
543* [DOC] Document new files in viking's manpage
544* Increase possible smaller zoom
545* Add negative scales so that we can have bigger zoom on maps
546* Allow images from bigger and smaller zoom to be selected if current zoom has no image
548Fixes since 0.9.92
549* Fix: set a default filename while exporting
550* [DOC] Fix: Viking's sources are hosted by Git now
551* Further variable type corrections.
552* Fix GPS layer copy.
553* Fix Track/Waypoint Layer Paste on 64bit systems.
554* [DOC] Fix FILES section of manpage.
555* Fix: First Track not Black in Draw All Tracks Black Mode.
557Viking 0.9.92 (2010-03-15)
558New features since 0.9.91
559* Memorize previously selected go-to service.
560* Better scale when zoomed close in and in miles distance mode.
561* Add and use preference for height units.
562* Add and use preference for speed units.
563* Add and use preference for distance units.
564* Use a preference to set the tiles age.
565* New preference for default maplayer cache.
566* Improve DEM-Layer.
567* Remove OpenAerial support.
568* Translation updates.
570Fixes since 0.9.91
571* Fix: Correctly rotate thumbnail images
572* Fix #2958601: Support for non ascii characters in "Go-to" search
573* Fix error handling in go-to feature
575Viking 0.9.91 (2010-02-06)
576New features since 0.9.9
577* Interpolation for maps: use less precise images when wanted image is not present
578* GObjectify maps
579** Add compatibility facilities
580* GObjectify go-to/search feature
581** Add Name finder search engine
582** Add Nominatim search engine
583** Add Geonames search engine
584** Add generic XML search code
585* Add configuration file for map sources, goto and external tool
586 (See examples in distribution)
587* Add option to download only maps that are more recent on server
588** Try to download newer tiles when autodownload is set and server supports such check
589** Tiles must be older than a specified age before checking server
590* Add support for recently used files
591* Add DEM Gradient
592* Add DOAP file
594Fixes since 0.9.9
595* Fix: add GIO dependency and header for GFile
596* Fix #2946287: open a recent file
597* fix some confusing indentation and bracing
598* Fix #2881916: rename a track with c&p
599* Fix #2766373: Use a string as device path
600* Fix "Moving Map Method" cannot be disabled
601* Fix #2880741: replace gps_open with gps_open_r
602* Fix #2921899: uses conditional macro to support two versions of libgps
603* Fix warnings
604* Fix URL formatting issue
605* Fix error messages
606* Fix #2801874: keep second part of a splitted track visible
607* Fix #2838556: emit warning when gpsbabel is not found in PATH
608* Fix bashism in test script.
609* Merge branch 'fix-osm-api-0.6'
610* Fix magic scissors
611* Get rid deprecated GtkTooltips API.
612* Add configure option to track deprecated feature
613* Use motion hints to make map motion more responsive in slow environment.
614* Viking compatible with libgps >= 2.90
615* finish OSM 0.6 API support
616* Optimise bandwidth usage
617* keeping OSM password safe
619Viking 0.9.9 (2009-09-09)
620New features since 0.9.8
621* Filter out irrelevant key-modifiers.
622* Upgrade OSM-traces support to 0.6 API
623* Manage hdop,vdop,pdop,nsat
624* Remove unused (and buggy) feature
625* Document previous merge
626* Improvement of map cache
627* Add a viking parameter for mapcache memory size
628* Add menu option to flush mapcache, and reduce viking memory footprint
629* Use thread-pool to manage download
630* Show path used for map directory in options even when using default one
631* Include full libcurl version in user agent
633Fixes since 0.9.8
634* Don't crash when jobs are cancelled via the background jobs dialog.
635* Fix #2163652: GPX file with byte order mark not parsed
636* Fix #2766609: Don't use gpsd_units()
637* Fix #2812856: Change SRTM URL
638* Fix #2818818: unset langage preset while opening external Google
639* Fix copyright in --version output
640* Fix SRTM Server change
641* Fix memory leaks found with cppcheck
642* Fix warning in call to MD5Update() in function md5_hash()
643* Fix previous patch
644* vdop, hdop, pdop, nsats and fix_mode values were not shown
645* Fix #570956: change saved_width to 1
646* Fix build problem
647* Fix bug #2481237: Maps directory file chooser should look for directory
649Viking 0.9.8 (2009-01-31)
650New features since 0.9.7
651* Add GeoNames support (both for search and for POI import from Geonames+Wikipedia)
652* Remove Google's map tiles.
653* Add external tools framework.
654* Add OpenStreetMap and Google web tools.
655* Clicking on "visible" tick no longer makes the layer selected.
656* GPX export: sort track by time.
657* Merging tracks by name.
658* Tittle waypoint properties dialog as "Waypoint Properties".
659* Add larger size waypoint symbols (icons).
660* Waypoint names are now displayed at the top of waypoint symbol.
661* Waypoint symbols: Use Garmin waypoint.
662* New server for OSM cycle map.
664Fixes since 0.9.7
665* Fix loading of world map file.
666* Fix 2249398: Fix some memory leaks.
667* Fix bugs that caused magic scissors not working.
668* Fix compatibility problem for windows.
669* Fix implicit declaration of maps_layer_default_dir().
670* Fix missing status return in spawn_command_line_async().
671* Fix curl error buffer usage.
672* GPS realtime tracking: Keep retrying when fail to connect.
673* Windows port: avoid "\\" in URL.
675Viking 0.9.7 (2008-10-12)
676New features since 0.9.6
677* Add new moving map method for realtime tracking.
678* Rename icon: viking_icon.png -> viking.png
679* src/viking.desktop.in: add GenericName and revise Categories
680* Change "Zoom To" short cut to avoid conflict with "Zoom Tool".
681* Update translations
682* Google search adapting changes from Google.
683* add osm cycle layer support
684* add a menu entry to extend an existing track using magic scissors
685* Patch #2009666: OpenAerialMap
686* Add preferences to select how degrees are displayed
687* Color picker button for the Coordlayer properties dialog
688* Cut/Copy/Paste empty selection is not critical
689* Layers panel UI improvements
690* Homogeneous icons management.
691* Add preferences to store OSM login/password
692* Add a password entry widget
693* Ensure that confirmation dialog is over file selector
695Fixes since 0.9.6
696* Fix 2161310: Fix some more compiler warnings
697* Fix 2134452: Properties of some tracks show as NaN
698* QA: cleanning old stuff
699* Fix segfault in realtime tracking.
700* Fix missing files in po/POTFILES.in
701* viking.spec.in, src/icons/Makefile.am: Fix icon target dir
702* fix parallel build (make -j8) on multi-processor machines.
703* Fix #1947260: correct a corrupted escape
704* Fixed crashes when creating new layers.
705* Fix #1952523: mode_button assertion loading old datafile
706* Fix: update layer after applying properties
707* Fixed google map download problem.
708* Replace specific About dialog by GtkAboutDialog
709* Replace some g_warning by g_debug
711Viking 0.9.6 (2008-07-31)
712Fixes since 0.9.5
714* Fix Google maps' URL
715* Fix gcget command line to accomodate negative coords
716* Fix unecessary viking.desktop
718Viking 0.9.5 (2008-07-21)
719New features since 0.9.4
721* Add panning tool as default.
722* Replace GtkFileSelection by GtkFileChooser.
723* No longer converts waypoint names to uppercase. Waypoint names are now case insensitive.
724* Windows port updated.
725* Track properties: Keep markers of the graphs in sync with each other.
726* Track properties: split track at marker.
727* New translations: el, it, ja, lt, nb, nl, pl, zh_CN, zh_TW
728* Added viking.desktop
729* Added --debug and --verbose command line options.
730* Updated man pages.
732Fixes since 0.9.4
734* Fix #1839948: Maximize/Restore changes current cursor.
735* Bug #1915121: add an utility to reproduce (test/gpx2gpx).
736* Fix #1915121: use GLib functions to handle ISO8601 dates.
737* Fix pipe leaks.
738* Remove dependency to wget.
739* Fix google version number.
740* Track graph marker now works again.
741* Fix #1947456: Compiler warning fixes
744Viking 0.9.4 (2008-02-25)
745New features since 0.9.3
747* Make elev graph show better graph for low altitude tracks.
748* Printing support
749* Draw circle for downloading geocaches.
750* Improve track graphs. Some tracks looked too flat.
751* Internationalization (I18N)
752* Localization (L10N): Czech, Danish, German, Spanish, French, Brazilian Portuguese, Swedish
753* Use a list of possible browsers.
754* New map source: BlueMarble tiles (http://mike.teczno.com/notes/blue-marble-tiles.html)
755* New map source: Google Terrain
756* Use the "next unused" (not really) waypoint number as default.
757* Sort waypoints in GPX output.
758* Preferences support in ~/.viking/viking.prefs
759* Update source for OSM/Osmarender tiles
760* Full screen mode.
761* Tuned the v-t diagram drawing
763Fixes since 0.9.3
765* Many fixes around compilation warnings
766* Fix a bug that caused crashes when displaying elev graph for some track.
767* Fix bug that caused Old Google maps not being disabled by default.
768* Fix a bug that can potentially cause segfault.
769* Fix compilation under HURD (missing MAXPATHLEN macro)
770* Fix: ensure config.h is included conditionnaly
771* Fix a crash bug in mapcache
772* Fix a crash bug in merge-by-time
774Viking 0.9.3 (2007-10-21)
775New features since 0.9.2
777* Half-drawn redraw for faster refreshing display of viewport (Maps, tracks, waypoints...)
778* Allow multiple selections when adding DEM files.
779* (Semi) auto downloading and importing for SRTM 90m DEM file (worldwide).
780* Indicating areas which have DEM file download but not imported.
781* "Minimum elevation" is now configurable for DEM layer. It can be used together with the existing "Max Elev" to make DEM display more distinguish colors for a particular area of interest.
782* Interpolating DEM data.
783* Add realtime tracking to GPS layer with track recording.
784* Trackpoints acquired in realtime mode store extra information of speed, course, fix mode and number of satellites.
785* Track properties dialog no longer blocks user interaction on main window. Using multiple track dialogs (simultaneously for different tracks) is now allowed.
786* Make use of DEM elevation data and GPS speed data for track graphs (Properties Dialog).
787* Track Properties: now displays track distance/time instead of "Selected Time".
788* Marker for selected position on track graphs.
789* Various enhancement to improve usability of track dialog.
790* Mouse cursor is now changed accordingly to tool currently in used.
791* Magic Scissors (Automatically drawing track between points) can now be undone using right click, and extended via Ctrl-click.
792* Shortcuts for panning: Ctrl-arrow key, and Shift-scroll and Ctrl-scroll.
793* Extend track.
794* Ctrl-shift-scroll to zoom like google, scroll to zoom w/o changing center.
795* Preview adding a trackpoint by drawing a line when moving mouse.
796* Esc key used to stop track edition.
797* Backspace key used to remove last added point.
798* Use $BROWSER environment variable (for viewing geocache pages).
799* Automatically fetching google version numbers.
800* Upgrading to API 0.5 of OSM.
802Fixes since 0.9.2
804* Fix: Make viking's default start location somewhere more likely has maps.
805* Fix: bug that causes crashes when using "Maps Download" tool.
806* Fix: Adding command line option framework (--help & --version).
807* Fix #1789550: mkdtemp usage is conditioned.
808* Fix #1789550: define MAX macro if not defined on ALL systems.
809* Fix: optional geocaching -- include config.h to compile.
810* Fix: DEM Layer copy/paste.
811* Fix: crashes on using wrong tools.
812* Fix: bugs that caused odd display of date/time on track properties dialog.
813* Fix: Correctly calculate position when click on speed-time graph.
814* Fix: Relax dependencies about glib.
815* Fix: Upgrading to API 0.5 of OSM.
816* Fix: plotting of DEM data on elevation graph.
818Viking 0.9.2 (2007-09-04)
819New features since 0.9.1
821* Use $EMAIL to initialise email field for OSM upload.
822* Preset filename when exporting a TrwLayer.
824Fixes since 0.9.1
826* Fix: crash when "applying" a map layer property dialog.
827* Fix: Do not warn about drawmode inconsistency while reading file.
828* Fix: Hide Expedia view mode when expedia is not built in.
830Viking 0.9.1 (2007-09-02)
831New features since 0.9
833* Upload data (TrackWaypoint layer or single track) to OpenStreetMap.
834* Group "Export Layer..." entries in a sub-menu.
835* Added --enable-old-google to configure script. Old google modes are now disabled by default.
836* Default mode for new maps is Google Maps.
837* DEM module can now read hgt.zip files directly (no need to unzip them).
838* DEM module can now process 1 arc sec hgt(.zip) files (mainly for USA regions).
839* Display on status bar altitude at cursor using data from DEM layer(s).
841Fixes since 0.9
843* Add redirect support.
844* Some improves to introduce the drawmode notion.
845* Better checking to detect downloaded text instead of images.
846* New google version number.
847* libcurl is a requirement.
848* Fix bugs that cause crashes on layers copy/paste/delete.
849* Fix bug in Google search that caused viking jump to wrong location when Google can not find the match.
850* Clean up and eliminate compiler warning.
851* Fix bug in creating temporary HOME when HOME is not set.
852* Disable GeoCache Acquire since it no longer works. Can be enabled again using configure --enable-geocaches.
853* Disable expedia map layer by default since it no longer works. Can be enabled again using configure --enable-expedia.
855Viking 0.9 (2007-07-13)
856New Features since 0.1.3
858 * DEM data -- DEMLayer & applying data to tracks & waypoints
859 * Make "Save Image" and "Save Image Directory" dialogs reusable
860 * Add viking icon
861 * Download maps along track
862 * Add User-Agent to http request header
863 * Add cookies support (for google requests)
864 * Add center mark which can be turn on/off in View menu
865 * Make the scale more visible on dark maps
866 * Add magic scissors feature
867 * Add Google Maps search feature
868 * Many new waypoint symbols
869 * Add man pages
870 * Improve performance for map autodownload
871 * Google Directions now remembers previous query (from/to entries)
872 * New menu items to remove all tracks and waypoints in GPS folders
873 * Add "Save and Exit" to File menu
874 * Save function for GPS layer
875 * Map tool: Left click can now refresh display of map tiles
877Fixes since 0.1.3
879 * View Mode displayed wrong setting on startup
880 * crashes on gps download/upload
881 * SEGFAULT on x86_64
882 * segfault on trackpoint properties dialog
883 * intermittent problem of map redraw
884 * Stop autodownload from running forever on map downloading errors
885 * Check for non-displayable data after downloading map
887Viking 0.1.3 (2007-05-17)
888- New "Refresh onscreen tiles" entry menu
889- Default .spec file for building RPM packages
890- Default debian/ subtree for building Debian packages
891- Usage of the libcurl library
892- Three new map sources from OpenStreetMap
893- Better usage of libusb
894- Google source map improved
895- GUI improves
897Viking 0.1.2 (2007-02-13)
898- direct access to GPS device: GPS layer
e39a77aa 899- position inputs accept DDD/DMM/DMS formats (ex: 3.5, 3\B030.0, 3\B030'0.00)
900- time position in Track Poperties
901- tool (menu entries and buttons) are enabled/disabled following context
902- standard 'Edit' menu (with 'Copy', 'Cut', 'Paste' and 'Delete' actions)
903- 'Edit' popup menus for waypoint and track
904- new configure options:
905 * --disable-google
906 * --disable-terraserver
907 * --disable-expedia
908- visual feedback when moving waypoints
909- map sections are displayed while downloading
910- cosmetics changes (window title, viking's URL in files, 'About' dialog...)
911- some improves in source code
912- lot of fixes
cdcaf41c 913
914Viking 0.1.1 (2006-06-11)
915- more map sources such as google
916- drag and drop of layers and way/trackpoints
917- copy/paste between vikings
918- "smart" copy which can parse a lat/lon from web pages like geocaching, emails, etc.
919- graphs of altitude/velocity
920- newer gtk with toolbar icons
921- experimental "acquire" features: from GPS, from Google directions, from Geocaching
922- gpx support
924Viking 0.1.0 (2005-02-27)
925- new map layer which supports Google, Expedia, and Topozone maps in addition to the three types of Terraserver maps,
926- lots of other fixes,
927- visualization options,
928- miscellaneous goodies.