#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e set -u set -o pipefail umask 077 # paranoid umask, we're creating private keys # Get the directory in which this script is stored SCRIPTDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" # Default config values CA="https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory" LICENSE="https://letsencrypt.org/documents/LE-SA-v1.0.1-July-27-2015.pdf" HOOK= RENEW_DAYS="14" KEYSIZE="4096" WELLKNOWN="${SCRIPTDIR}/.acme-challenges" PRIVATE_KEY_RENEW="no" BASEDIR="${SCRIPTDIR}" OPENSSL_CNF="$(openssl version -d | cut -d'"' -f2)/openssl.cnf" ROOTCERT="lets-encrypt-x1-cross-signed.pem" CONTACT_EMAIL= init_system() { # Check for config in various locations if [[ -z "${CONFIG:-}" ]]; then for check_config in "${SCRIPTDIR}" "${HOME}/.letsencrypt.sh" "/usr/local/etc/letsencrypt.sh" "/etc/letsencrypt.sh" "${PWD}"; do if [[ -e "${check_config}/config.sh" ]]; then BASEDIR="${check_config}" CONFIG="${check_config}/config.sh" break fi done fi if [[ -z "${CONFIG:-}" ]]; then echo "WARNING: No config file found, using default config!" sleep 2 elif [[ -e "${CONFIG}" ]]; then echo "Using config file ${CONFIG}" BASEDIR="$(dirname "${CONFIG}")" # shellcheck disable=SC1090 . "${CONFIG}" else echo "ERROR: Specified config file doesn't exist." exit 1 fi # Remove slash from end of BASEDIR. Mostly for cleaner outputs, doesn't change functionality. BASEDIR="${BASEDIR%%/}" # Lockfile handling (prevents concurrent access) LOCKFILE="${BASEDIR}/lock" set -o noclobber if ! { date > "${LOCKFILE}"; } 2>/dev/null; then echo " + ERROR: Lock file '${LOCKFILE}' present, aborting." >&2 LOCKFILE= # so remove_lock doesn't remove it exit 1 fi set +o noclobber remove_lock() { if [[ -n "${LOCKFILE}" ]]; then rm -f "${LOCKFILE}" fi } trap 'remove_lock' EXIT # Export some environment variables to be used in hook script export WELLKNOWN export BASEDIR export CONFIG # Get CA URLs CA_DIRECTORY="$(_request get "${CA}")" CA_NEW_CERT="$(printf "%s" "${CA_DIRECTORY}" | get_json_string_value new-cert)" && CA_NEW_AUTHZ="$(printf "%s" "${CA_DIRECTORY}" | get_json_string_value new-authz)" && CA_NEW_REG="$(printf "%s" "${CA_DIRECTORY}" | get_json_string_value new-reg)" && CA_REVOKE_CERT="$(printf "%s" "${CA_DIRECTORY}" | get_json_string_value revoke-cert)" || (echo "Error retrieving ACME/CA-URLs, check if your configured CA points to the directory entrypoint."; exit 1) # Check if private account key exists, if it doesn't exist yet generate a new one (rsa key) register="0" if [[ -z "${USEPRIVATEKEY:-}" ]]; then USEPRIVATEKEY="${BASEDIR}/private_key.pem" if [[ ! -e "${USEPRIVATEKEY}" ]]; then echo "+ Generating account key..." _openssl genrsa -out "${USEPRIVATEKEY}" "${KEYSIZE}" register="1" fi elif [[ ! -e "${USEPRIVATEKEY}" ]]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to find specified private key." exit 1 else echo "Using private key ${USEPRIVATEKEY} instead of account key" fi # Get public components from private key and calculate thumbprint pubExponent64="$(printf "%06x" "$(openssl rsa -in "${USEPRIVATEKEY}" -noout -text | grep publicExponent | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f2)" | hex2bin | urlbase64)" pubMod64="$(printf '%s' "$(openssl rsa -in "${USEPRIVATEKEY}" -noout -modulus | cut -d'=' -f2)" | hex2bin | urlbase64)" thumbprint="$(printf '%s' "$(printf '%s' '{"e":"'"${pubExponent64}"'","kty":"RSA","n":"'"${pubMod64}"'"}' | shasum -a 256 | awk '{print $1}')" | hex2bin | urlbase64)" # If we generated a new private key in the step above we have to register it with the acme-server if [[ "${register}" = "1" ]]; then echo "+ Registering account key with letsencrypt..." if [ -z "${CA_NEW_REG}" ]; then echo " + ERROR: Certificate authority doesn't allow registrations." exit 1 fi # if an email for the contact has been provided then adding it to the registration request if [[ -n "${CONTACT_EMAIL}" ]]; then signed_request "${CA_NEW_REG}" '{"resource": "new-reg", "contact":["mailto:'"${CONTACT_EMAIL}"'"], "agreement": "'"$LICENSE"'"}' > /dev/null else signed_request "${CA_NEW_REG}" '{"resource": "new-reg", "agreement": "'"$LICENSE"'"}' > /dev/null fi fi if [[ -e "${BASEDIR}/domains.txt" ]]; then DOMAINS_TXT="${BASEDIR}/domains.txt" elif [[ -e "${SCRIPTDIR}/domains.txt" ]]; then DOMAINS_TXT="${SCRIPTDIR}/domains.txt" else echo "You have to create a domains.txt file listing the domains you want certificates for. Have a look at domains.txt.example." exit 1 fi if [[ ! -e "${WELLKNOWN}" ]]; then mkdir -p "${WELLKNOWN}" fi } anti_newline() { tr -d '\n\r' } urlbase64() { # urlbase64: base64 encoded string with '+' replaced with '-' and '/' replaced with '_' openssl base64 -e | anti_newline | sed 's/=*$//g' | tr '+/' '-_' } hex2bin() { # Store hex string from stdin tmphex="$(cat)" # Remove spaces hex='' for ((i=0; i<${#tmphex}; i+=1)); do test "${tmphex:$i:1}" == " " || hex="${hex}${tmphex:$i:1}" done # Add leading zero test $((${#hex} & 1)) == 0 || hex="0${hex}" # Convert to escaped string escapedhex='' for ((i=0; i<${#hex}; i+=2)); do escapedhex=$escapedhex\\x${hex:$i:2} done # Convert to binary data printf -- "${escapedhex}" } get_json_string_value() { grep -Eo '"'"${1}"'":\s*"[^"]*"' | cut -d'"' -f4 } get_json_array() { grep -Eo '"'"${1}"'":[^\[]*\[[^]]*]' } _request() { tempcont="$(mktemp)" if [[ "${1}" = "head" ]]; then statuscode="$(curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -o "${tempcont}" "${2}" -I)" elif [[ "${1}" = "get" ]]; then statuscode="$(curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -o "${tempcont}" "${2}")" elif [[ "${1}" = "post" ]]; then statuscode="$(curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -o "${tempcont}" "${2}" -d "${3}")" fi if [[ ! "${statuscode:0:1}" = "2" ]]; then echo " + ERROR: An error occurred while sending ${1}-request to ${2} (Status ${statuscode})" >&2 echo >&2 echo "Details:" >&2 echo "$(<"${tempcont}"))" >&2 rm -f "${tempcont}" # Wait for hook script to clean the challenge if used if [[ -n "${HOOK}" ]] && [[ -n "${challenge_token:+set}" ]]; then ${HOOK} "clean_challenge" '' "${challenge_token}" "${keyauth}" fi exit 1 fi cat "${tempcont}" rm -f "${tempcont}" } # OpenSSL writes to stderr/stdout even when there are no errors. So just # display the output if the exit code was != 0 to simplify debugging. _openssl() { set +e out="$(openssl $@ 2>&1)" res=$? set -e if [[ $res -ne 0 ]]; then echo " + ERROR: failed to run $* (Exitcode: $res)" >&2 echo >&2 echo "Details:" >&2 echo "$out" >&2 exit $res fi } signed_request() { # Encode payload as urlbase64 payload64="$(printf '%s' "${2}" | urlbase64)" # Retrieve nonce from acme-server nonce="$(_request head "${CA}" | grep Replay-Nonce: | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}' | anti_newline)" # Build header with just our public key and algorithm information header='{"alg": "RS256", "jwk": {"e": "'"${pubExponent64}"'", "kty": "RSA", "n": "'"${pubMod64}"'"}}' # Build another header which also contains the previously received nonce and encode it as urlbase64 protected='{"alg": "RS256", "jwk": {"e": "'"${pubExponent64}"'", "kty": "RSA", "n": "'"${pubMod64}"'"}, "nonce": "'"${nonce}"'"}' protected64="$(printf '%s' "${protected}" | urlbase64)" # Sign header with nonce and our payload with our private key and encode signature as urlbase64 signed64="$(printf '%s' "${protected64}.${payload64}" | openssl dgst -sha256 -sign "${USEPRIVATEKEY}" | urlbase64)" # Send header + extended header + payload + signature to the acme-server data='{"header": '"${header}"', "protected": "'"${protected64}"'", "payload": "'"${payload64}"'", "signature": "'"${signed64}"'"}' _request post "${1}" "${data}" } sign_domain() { domain="${1}" altnames="${*}" echo " + Signing domains..." if [[ -z "${CA_NEW_AUTHZ}" ]] || [[ -z "${CA_NEW_CERT}" ]]; then echo " + ERROR: Certificate authority doesn't allow certificate signing" exit 1 fi timestamp="$(date +%s)" # If there is no existing certificate directory => make it if [[ ! -e "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}" ]]; then echo " + make directory ${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain} ..." mkdir -p "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}" fi privkey="privkey.pem" # generate a new private key if we need or want one if [[ ! -f "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/privkey.pem" ]] || [[ "${PRIVATE_KEY_RENEW}" = "yes" ]]; then echo " + Generating private key..." privkey="privkey-${timestamp}.pem" _openssl genrsa -out "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/privkey-${timestamp}.pem" "${KEYSIZE}" fi # Generate signing request config and the actual signing request SAN="" for altname in $altnames; do SAN+="DNS:${altname}, " done SAN="${SAN%%, }" echo " + Generating signing request..." openssl req -new -sha256 -key "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/${privkey}" -out "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/cert-${timestamp}.csr" -subj "/CN=${domain}/" -reqexts SAN -config <(cat "${OPENSSL_CNF}" <(printf "[SAN]\nsubjectAltName=%s" "${SAN}")) # Request and respond to challenges for altname in $altnames; do # Ask the acme-server for new challenge token and extract them from the resulting json block echo " + Requesting challenge for ${altname}..." response="$(signed_request "${CA_NEW_AUTHZ}" '{"resource": "new-authz", "identifier": {"type": "dns", "value": "'"${altname}"'"}}')" challenges="$(printf '%s\n' "${response}" | get_json_array challenges)" repl=$'\n''{' # fix syntax highlighting in Vim challenge="$(printf "%s" "${challenges//\{/${repl}}" | grep 'http-01')" challenge_token="$(printf '%s' "${challenge}" | get_json_string_value token | sed 's/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-]/_/g')" challenge_uri="$(printf '%s' "${challenge}" | get_json_string_value uri)" if [[ -z "${challenge_token}" ]] || [[ -z "${challenge_uri}" ]]; then echo " + Error: Can't retrieve challenges (${response})" exit 1 fi # Challenge response consists of the challenge token and the thumbprint of our public certificate keyauth="${challenge_token}.${thumbprint}" # Store challenge response in well-known location and make world-readable (so that a webserver can access it) printf '%s' "${keyauth}" > "${WELLKNOWN}/${challenge_token}" chmod a+r "${WELLKNOWN}/${challenge_token}" # Wait for hook script to deploy the challenge if used if [[ -n "${HOOK}" ]]; then ${HOOK} "deploy_challenge" "${altname}" "${challenge_token}" "${keyauth}" fi # Ask the acme-server to verify our challenge and wait until it becomes valid echo " + Responding to challenge for ${altname}..." result="$(signed_request "${challenge_uri}" '{"resource": "challenge", "keyAuthorization": "'"${keyauth}"'"}')" status="$(printf '%s\n' "${result}" | get_json_string_value status)" # get status until a result is reached => not pending anymore while [[ "${status}" = "pending" ]]; do sleep 1 status="$(_request get "${challenge_uri}" | get_json_string_value status)" done rm -f "${WELLKNOWN}/${challenge_token}" # Wait for hook script to clean the challenge if used if [[ -n "${HOOK}" ]] && [[ -n "${challenge_token}" ]]; then ${HOOK} "clean_challenge" "${altname}" "${challenge_token}" "${keyauth}" fi if [[ "${status}" = "valid" ]]; then echo " + Challenge is valid!" else echo " + Challenge is invalid! (returned: ${status})" exit 1 fi done # Finally request certificate from the acme-server and store it in cert-${timestamp}.pem and link from cert.pem echo " + Requesting certificate..." csr64="$(openssl req -in "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/cert-${timestamp}.csr" -outform DER | urlbase64)" crt64="$(signed_request "${CA_NEW_CERT}" '{"resource": "new-cert", "csr": "'"${csr64}"'"}' | openssl base64 -e)" crt_path="${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/cert-${timestamp}.pem" printf -- '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n%s\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n' "${crt64}" > "${crt_path}" # try to load the certificate to detect corruption echo " + Checking certificate..." >&2 _openssl x509 -text < "${crt_path}" # Create fullchain.pem if [[ -e "${BASEDIR}/certs/${ROOTCERT}" ]] || [[ -e "${SCRIPTDIR}/certs/${ROOTCERT}" ]]; then echo " + Creating fullchain.pem..." cat "${crt_path}" > "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/fullchain-${timestamp}.pem" if [[ -e "${BASEDIR}/certs/${ROOTCERT}" ]]; then cat "${BASEDIR}/certs/${ROOTCERT}" >> "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/fullchain-${timestamp}.pem" else cat "${SCRIPTDIR}/certs/${ROOTCERT}" >> "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/fullchain-${timestamp}.pem" fi ln -sf "fullchain-${timestamp}.pem" "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/fullchain.pem" fi # Update remaining symlinks if [ ! "${privkey}" = "privkey.pem" ]; then ln -sf "privkey-${timestamp}.pem" "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/privkey.pem" fi ln -sf "cert-${timestamp}.csr" "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/cert.csr" ln -sf "cert-${timestamp}.pem" "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/cert.pem" # Wait for hook script to clean the challenge and to deploy cert if used if [[ -n "${HOOK}" ]]; then ${HOOK} "deploy_cert" "${domain}" "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/privkey.pem" "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/cert.pem" "${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/fullchain.pem" fi unset challenge_token echo " + Done!" } # Usage: --cron (-c) # Description: Sign/renew non-existant/changed(TODO)/expiring certificates. command_cron() { # Generate certificates for all domains found in domains.txt. Check if existing certificate are about to expire <"${DOMAINS_TXT}" sed 's/^\s*//g;s/\s*$//g' | grep -v '^#' | grep -v '^$' | while read -r line; do domain="$(printf '%s\n' "${line}" | cut -d' ' -f1)" cert="${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/cert.pem" echo "Processing ${domain}" if [[ -e "${cert}" ]]; then echo " + Found existing cert..." valid="$(openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in "${cert}" | cut -d= -f2- )" echo -n " + Valid till ${valid} " if openssl x509 -checkend $((RENEW_DAYS * 86400)) -noout -in "${cert}"; then echo "(Longer than ${RENEW_DAYS} days). Skipping!" continue fi echo "(Less than ${RENEW_DAYS} days). Renewing!" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 sign_domain $line done } # Usage: --sign (-s) domain.tld # Description: Force-sign specific certificate from domains.txt, even if not yet expiring or changed. command_sign() { # Generate certificates for all domains found in domains.txt. Check if existing certificate are about to expire <"${DOMAINS_TXT}" sed 's/^\s*//g;s/\s*$//g' | grep -E "^${1}($|\s)" | head -1 | while read -r line; do domain="$(printf '%s\n' "${line}" | cut -d' ' -f1)" cert="${BASEDIR}/certs/${domain}/cert.pem" echo "Processing ${domain}" if [[ -e "${cert}" ]]; then echo " + Found existing cert... ignoring." fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 sign_domain $line done || (echo "No entry for ${1} found in ${DOMAINS_TXT}."; exit 1) } # Usage: --revoke (-r) path/to/cert.pem # Description: Revoke specified certificate command_revoke() { cert="${1}" echo "Revoking ${cert}" if [ -z "${CA_REVOKE_CERT}" ]; then echo " + ERROR: Certificate authority doesn't allow certificate revocation." exit 1 fi cert64="$(openssl x509 -in "${cert}" -inform PEM -outform DER | urlbase64)" response="$(signed_request "${CA_REVOKE_CERT}" '{"resource": "revoke-cert", "certificate": "'"${cert64}"'"}')" # if there is a problem with our revoke request _request (via signed_request) will report this and "exit 1" out # so if we are here, it is safe to assume the request was successful echo " + SUCCESS" echo " + renaming certificate to ${cert}-revoked" mv -f "${cert}" "${cert}-revoked" } # Usage: --help (-h) # Description: Show help text command_help() { echo "Usage: ${0} [-h] [command [argument]] [parameter [argument]] [parameter [argument]] ..." echo echo "Default command: cron" echo ( echo "Commands:" grep -e '# Usage:' -e '# Description:' -e '^command_.*()\s*{' "${0}" | while read -r usage; read -r description; read -r command; do if [[ ! "${usage}" =~ Usage ]]; then echo "Error generating help text." exit 1 elif [[ ! "${description}" =~ Description ]]; then echo "Error generating help text." exit 1 elif [[ ! "${command}" =~ ^command_ ]]; then echo "Error generating help text." exit 1 fi printf " %s\t%s\n" "${usage##"# Usage: "}" "${description##"# Description: "}" done echo "---" echo "Parameters:" grep -E -e '^\s*# PARAM_Usage:' -e '^\s*# PARAM_Description:' "${0}" | while read -r usage; read -r description; do if [[ ! "${usage}" =~ Usage ]]; then echo "Error generating help text." exit 1 elif [[ ! "${description}" =~ Description ]]; then echo "Error generating help text." exit 1 fi printf " %s\t%s\n" "${usage##"# PARAM_Usage: "}" "${description##"# PARAM_Description: "}" done ) | column -t -s $'\t' | sed 's/^---$//g' } args="" # change long args to short args # inspired by http://kirk.webfinish.com/?p=45 for arg; do case "${arg}" in --help) args="${args}-h ";; --cron) args="${args}-c ";; --sign) args="${args}-s ";; --revoke) args="${args}-r ";; --privkey) args="${args}-p ";; --config) args="${args}-f ";; --*) echo "Unknown parameter detected: ${arg}" echo command_help exit 1 ;; # pass through anything else *) args="${args}\"${arg}\" ";; esac done # Reset the positional parameters to the short options eval set -- $args COMMAND="" set_command() { if [[ ! -z "${COMMAND}" ]]; then echo "Only one command can be executed at a time." echo "See help (-h) for more information." exit 1 fi COMMAND="${1}" } check_parameters() { if [[ -z "${@}" ]]; then echo "The specified command requires additional parameters. See help:" echo command_help exit 1 fi } while getopts ":hcr:s:f:p:" option; do case "${option}" in h) command_help exit 0 ;; c) set_command cron ;; r) set_command revoke check_parameters "${OPTARG:-}" revoke_me="${OPTARG}" ;; s) set_command sign check_parameters "${OPTARG:-}" sign_me="${OPTARG}" ;; f) # PARAM_Usage: --config (-f) path/to/config.sh # PARAM_Description: Use specified config file check_parameters "${OPTARG:-}" CONFIG="${OPTARG}" ;; p) # PARAM_Usage: --privkey (-p) path/to/key.pem # PARAM_Description: Use specified private key instead of account key (useful for revocation) check_parameters "${OPTARG:-}" USEPRIVATEKEY="${OPTARG}" ;; *) echo "Unknown parameter detected: -${OPTARG}" echo command_help exit 1 ;; esac done if [[ -z "${COMMAND}" ]]; then COMMAND="cron" fi init_system case "${COMMAND}" in cron) command_cron ;; sign) command_sign ${sign_me} ;; revoke) command_revoke ${revoke_me} ;; esac