# Change Log This file contains a log of major changes in letsencrypt.sh ## [x.x.x] - xxxx-xx-xx ## Changed - Config is now named `config` instead of `config.sh`! - Location of domains.txt is now configurable via DOMAINS_TXT config variable - Location of certs directory is now configurable via CERTDIR config variable - signcsr command now also outputs chain certificate ## Added - Added option to add CSR-flag indicating OCSP stapling to be mandatory ## [0.2.0] - 2016-05-22 ### Changed - PRIVATE_KEY config parameter has been renamed to ACCOUNT_KEY to avoid confusion with certificate keys - deploy_cert hook now also has the certificates timestamp as standalone parameter - Temporary files are now identifiable (template: letsencrypt.sh-XXXXXX) - Private keys are now regenerated by default ### Added - Added documentation to repository ### Fixed - Fixed bug with uppercase names in domains.txt (script now converts everything to lowercase) - mktemp no longer uses the deprecated `-t` parameter. - Compatibility with "pretty" json ## [0.1.0] - 2016-03-25 ### Changed - This is the first numbered version of letsencrypt.sh