#!/usr/bin/env bash # Fail early set -eu -o pipefail # Check if running in CI environment if [[ ! "${CI:-false}" == "true" ]]; then echo "ERROR: Not running in CI environment!" exit 1 fi _TEST() { echo echo "${1} " } _SUBTEST() { echo -n " + ${1} " } _PASS() { echo -e "[\u001B[32mPASS\u001B[0m]" } _FAIL() { echo -e "[\u001B[31mFAIL\u001B[0m]" echo echo "Problem: ${@}" echo echo "STDOUT:" cat tmplog echo echo "STDERR:" cat errorlog exit 1 } _CHECK_FILE() { _SUBTEST "Checking if file '${1}' exists..." if [[ -e "${1}" ]]; then _PASS else _FAIL "Missing file: ${1}" fi } _CHECK_LOG() { _SUBTEST "Checking if log contains '${1}'..." if grep -- "${1}" tmplog > /dev/null; then _PASS else _FAIL "Missing in log: ${1}" fi } _CHECK_NOT_LOG() { _SUBTEST "Checking if log doesn't contain '${1}'..." if grep -- "${1}" tmplog > /dev/null; then _FAIL "Found in log: ${1}" else _PASS fi } _CHECK_ERRORLOG() { _SUBTEST "Checking if errorlog is empty..." if [[ -z "$(cat errorlog)" ]]; then _PASS else _FAIL "Non-empty errorlog" fi } # If not found (should be cached in travis) download ngrok if [[ ! -e "ngrok/ngrok" ]]; then ( mkdir -p ngrok cd ngrok wget https://dl.ngrok.com/ngrok_2.0.19_linux_amd64.zip -O ngrok.zip unzip ngrok.zip ngrok chmod +x ngrok ) fi # Run ngrok and grab temporary url from logfile ngrok/ngrok http 8080 --log stdout --log-format logfmt --log-level debug > tmp.log & ngrok/ngrok http 8080 --log stdout --log-format logfmt --log-level debug > tmp2.log & ngrok/ngrok http 8080 --log stdout --log-format logfmt --log-level debug > tmp3.log & sleep 2 TMP_URL="$(grep -Eo "Hostname:[a-z0-9]+.ngrok.io" tmp.log | head -1 | cut -d':' -f2)" TMP2_URL="$(grep -Eo "Hostname:[a-z0-9]+.ngrok.io" tmp2.log | head -1 | cut -d':' -f2)" TMP3_URL="$(grep -Eo "Hostname:[a-z0-9]+.ngrok.io" tmp3.log | head -1 | cut -d':' -f2)" if [[ -z "${TMP_URL}" ]] || [[ -z "${TMP2_URL}" ]] || [[ -z "${TMP3_URL}" ]]; then echo "Couldn't get an url from ngrok, not a letsencrypt.sh bug, tests can't continue." exit 1 fi # Run python webserver in .acme-challenges directory to serve challenge responses mkdir -p .acme-challenges/.well-known/acme-challenge ( cd .acme-challenges python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ) & # Generate config and create empty domains.txt echo 'CA="https://testca.kurz.pw/directory"' > config echo 'LICENSE="https://testca.kurz.pw/terms/v1"' >> config echo 'WELLKNOWN=".acme-challenges/.well-known/acme-challenge"' >> config echo 'RENEW_DAYS="14"' >> config touch domains.txt # Check if help command is working _TEST "Checking if help command is working..." ./letsencrypt.sh --help > tmplog 2> errorlog || _FAIL "Script execution failed" _CHECK_LOG "Default command: help" _CHECK_LOG "--help (-h)" _CHECK_LOG "--domain (-d) domain.tld" _CHECK_ERRORLOG # Run in cron mode with empty domains.txt (should only generate private key and exit) _TEST "First run in cron mode, checking if private key is generated and registered" ./letsencrypt.sh --cron > tmplog 2> errorlog || _FAIL "Script execution failed" _CHECK_LOG "Registering account key" _CHECK_FILE accounts/*/account_key.pem _CHECK_ERRORLOG # Temporarily move config out of the way and try signing certificate by using temporary config location _TEST "Try signing using temporary config location and with domain as command line parameter" mv config tmp_config ./letsencrypt.sh --cron --domain "${TMP_URL}" --domain "${TMP2_URL}" -f tmp_config > tmplog 2> errorlog || _FAIL "Script execution failed" _CHECK_NOT_LOG "Checking domain name(s) of existing cert" _CHECK_LOG "Generating private key" _CHECK_LOG "Requesting challenge for ${TMP_URL}" _CHECK_LOG "Requesting challenge for ${TMP2_URL}" _CHECK_LOG "Challenge is valid!" _CHECK_LOG "Creating fullchain.pem" _CHECK_LOG "Done!" _CHECK_ERRORLOG mv tmp_config config # Add third domain to command-lime, should force renewal. _TEST "Run in cron mode again, this time adding third domain, should force renewal." ./letsencrypt.sh --cron --domain "${TMP_URL}" --domain "${TMP2_URL}" --domain "${TMP3_URL}" > tmplog 2> errorlog || _FAIL "Script execution failed" _CHECK_LOG "Domain name(s) are not matching!" _CHECK_LOG "Forcing renew." _CHECK_LOG "Generating private key" _CHECK_LOG "Requesting challenge for ${TMP_URL}" _CHECK_LOG "Requesting challenge for ${TMP2_URL}" _CHECK_LOG "Requesting challenge for ${TMP3_URL}" _CHECK_LOG "Challenge is valid!" _CHECK_LOG "Creating fullchain.pem" _CHECK_LOG "Done!" _CHECK_ERRORLOG # Prepare domains.txt # Modify TMP3_URL to be uppercase to check for upper-lower-case mismatch bugs echo "${TMP_URL} ${TMP2_URL} $(tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' <<<"${TMP3_URL}")" >> domains.txt # Run in cron mode again (should find a non-expiring certificate and do nothing) _TEST "Run in cron mode again, this time with domain in domains.txt, should find non-expiring certificate" ./letsencrypt.sh --cron > tmplog 2> errorlog || _FAIL "Script execution failed" _CHECK_LOG "Checking domain name(s) of existing cert... unchanged." _CHECK_LOG "Skipping renew" _CHECK_ERRORLOG # Disable private key renew echo 'PRIVATE_KEY_RENEW="no"' >> config # Run in cron mode one last time, with domain in domains.txt and force-resign (should find certificate, resign anyway, and not generate private key) _TEST "Run in cron mode one last time, with domain in domains.txt and force-resign" ./letsencrypt.sh --cron --force > tmplog 2> errorlog || _FAIL "Script execution failed" _CHECK_LOG "Checking domain name(s) of existing cert... unchanged." _CHECK_LOG "Ignoring because renew was forced!" _CHECK_NOT_LOG "Generating private key" _CHECK_LOG "Requesting challenge for ${TMP_URL}" _CHECK_LOG "Requesting challenge for ${TMP2_URL}" _CHECK_LOG "Requesting challenge for ${TMP3_URL}" _CHECK_LOG "Challenge is valid!" _CHECK_LOG "Creating fullchain.pem" _CHECK_LOG "Done!" _CHECK_ERRORLOG # Check if signcsr command is working _TEST "Running signcsr command" ./letsencrypt.sh --signcsr certs/${TMP_URL}/cert.csr > tmplog 2> errorlog || _FAIL "Script execution failed" _CHECK_LOG "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" _CHECK_LOG "END CERTIFICATE" _CHECK_NOT_LOG "ERROR" # Check if renewal works _TEST "Run in cron mode again, to check if renewal works" echo 'RENEW_DAYS="300"' >> config ./letsencrypt.sh --cron > tmplog 2> errorlog || _FAIL "Script execution failed" _CHECK_LOG "Checking domain name(s) of existing cert... unchanged." _CHECK_LOG "Renewing!" _CHECK_ERRORLOG # Check if certificate is valid in various ways _TEST "Verifying certificate..." _SUBTEST "Verifying certificate on its own..." openssl x509 -in "certs/${TMP_URL}/cert.pem" -noout -text > tmplog 2> errorlog && _PASS || _FAIL _CHECK_LOG "CN=${TMP_URL}" _CHECK_LOG "${TMP2_URL}" _SUBTEST "Verifying file with full chain..." openssl x509 -in "certs/${TMP_URL}/fullchain.pem" -noout -text > /dev/null 2>> errorlog && _PASS || _FAIL _SUBTEST "Verifying certificate against CA certificate..." (openssl verify -verbose -CAfile "certs/${TMP_URL}/fullchain.pem" -purpose sslserver "certs/${TMP_URL}/fullchain.pem" 2>&1 || true) | (grep -v ': OK$' || true) >> errorlog 2>> errorlog && _PASS || _FAIL _CHECK_ERRORLOG # Revoke certificate using certificate key _TEST "Revoking certificate..." ./letsencrypt.sh --revoke "certs/${TMP_URL}/cert.pem" --privkey "certs/${TMP_URL}/privkey.pem" > tmplog 2> errorlog || _FAIL "Script execution failed" REAL_CERT="$(readlink -n "certs/${TMP_URL}/cert.pem")" _CHECK_LOG "Revoking certs/${TMP_URL}/${REAL_CERT}" _CHECK_LOG "Done." _CHECK_FILE "certs/${TMP_URL}/${REAL_CERT}-revoked" _CHECK_ERRORLOG # Test cleanup command _TEST "Cleaning up certificates" ./letsencrypt.sh --cleanup > tmplog 2> errorlog || _FAIL "Script execution failed" _CHECK_LOG "Moving unused file to archive directory: ${TMP_URL}/cert-" _CHECK_LOG "Moving unused file to archive directory: ${TMP_URL}/chain-" _CHECK_LOG "Moving unused file to archive directory: ${TMP_URL}/fullchain-" _CHECK_ERRORLOG # All done exit 0